Dreadbox Typhon

Well, a few weeks ago I updated from 3.0.0 to 3.1.1. There were no noise bursts and I was really happy Until just now. After 2 weeks of normal work, Typhon just did that again :frowning:
Has anyone else here encountered that issue?

This is bad! It is not a device you can use for a performance, too risky!! :-1:
How long you can work until the noise burst?

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I only have the odd noise burst on startup. Unless you make a habit of turning it off and on during play I doubt it will have an effect on performance. You can also turn the volume down on startup to make sure the noise doesnā€™t happen. As a guitarist Iā€™m used to having volumes at 0 when plugging things in. :stuck_out_tongue:

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C for the win. Can all the manufacturers just switch over please and be done with it?


Thatā€™s the thing. I canā€™t find a pattern! Itā€™s been alright for the past two weeks, with no sign of that issue. Before the update, I encountered it 3 times in 2 days. So I thought the update fixed it. I was just jamming with my gear and Typhon was playing bass sequenced externally via midi. I didnā€™t work with it too much that evening so I decided to reach for its cutoff knob and the moment I touched it the noise thing happened. There are no precise intervals. Ordered a powerbank and better usb cable, try things out with those.

Nah. The thing you are talking about is different. I have that too but my issue might start midway through patch editing and wont stop until patch reload.

Oh wow, that sounds crazy. I donā€™t have that issue at all, powering with an Anker 10000 and a random USB lead. I have noticed there are subtle differences between leads with regards to noise etc - have you tried a different USB cable?

Donā€™t you have a midi loop going on or something?

If you have both midi input and output connected, maybe try to disconnect the output and see if it still happens?

How long does it take Typhon to use the whole power bank of yours btw?

No, only input in typhon.

Hours! Honestly, it takes forever to burn through a single pip of power.

A power bank is not a satisfying solution imho.
Edit : For a live maybeā€¦


Does your USB cable have a ferrite bead thing on it? Iā€™ve heard it reduces noise problems in other synthsā€¦ Iā€™m also only using a usb-power source to operate the Typhon & only get the burst when I first turn it on.

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It does. I might have some problems with grounding here but iā€™m not sure. And even if that is the case all my other gear works perfectly fine, doesnā€™t matter if it is usb powered or dc.
The burts when it turns on has a distinct pitch. Noise iā€™m talking about is pure full spectrum white noise from hell lol.

If a power bank isnā€™t a viable solution for you, could you not just plug it into the wall or power strip via a USB adaptor?

Mine is plugged in powerstrip via adaptor and I believe power bank should solve my issue. If it can hold up to 60 hours with 20000 mAh brick (as stated by Dreadbox) It should hold for the whole live show. I guess it also should reduce noise (right?). But still i would prefer plugging into the wall/strip.
So yeah. Iā€™m not sure what to do here :frowning:

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I meant to solve the noise problem. I like to rely on constant power, not a battery fan as a guitarist fed up to use non lasting 9V batteries.

I know power banks are much better now, I used a cheap powerbank on the beach, no problem. It was a pleasure!

At home I use supplied USB cable (LTD edition), and I didnā€™t have noise problems with any USB power supply yet.


First batch USB cable?
Did you try other cables?
I donā€™t know if an USB isolator would work. This one is recommended for Micromonsta 2
using it with computerā€¦

You will waste your time trying to to fix the issue with alternative power supply/cables. Already tested.
Iā€™m sure itā€™s a software problem, maybe linked to the firmware update process. I donā€™t know. I apparently solved the problem by downgrading to an old firmware (2.0.1) and then upgrading again.
On your device the bug appears on a particular patch? The VCA is set to 100?
I think you should contact Dreadbox. I will do the same if the bug reappears on my device.

I donā€™t think that any particular patch is at fault. VCA is 100 I believe. At least on my own patches.
I already contacted them. They said that it might either be a problem with my grounding (because I described that situation when things in the studio give me static discharge) or a problem with Typhon insulation. Not a word about software.