Dreadbox Typhon

So ignoring the stellar FX is easy for you, then? :laughing: :wink:


owning the typhon ruined my marriage, relationship with my neighbors, and cost me the use of my metatarsals. donā€™t do it.

just kidding. buy the drugs.


Every track I have made since getting the typhon is starring the typhon.

Usually take me a few months to feel comfortable enough with what I am doing with a synth before I commit it to recording Had it 6 weeks and got it in 3 tracks. Also finishing more tracks with less effort because it just sounds ready to go.

I havenā€™t even run the digitone through its externalinput yetā€¦ thatā€™ll be fun :slight_smile:

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We both know that Iā€™ll not ignore. :joy:

Already contacted the dealer. :skull: :control_knobs:

Then Iā€™ll need a Microfreak to vocode ā€œwe have to isolate, the populationā€ ala Sterilize/Dopplereffekt!


Darn, figured you might have found the secret to ignoring temptation! I need the cheat code on that!

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Ahaha, unfrotunately Iā€™m not ā€œNeoā€ :smiley:

I think that thereā€™s no other synth with that FX section at that price range.
Unmatched clever versatily.

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Micromonsta 2. Overdrive, Chorus, Delay, Reverb.
Typhon and MM2 can be really good companions imho.
MM2 is not analog, but a really good bitimbral VA, 2x6 or 12 voices.


Is it possible to modulate or sequence the fx parameters on the MM2?

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Just modulation for the overdrive amountā€¦ no modulation for reverb, chorus or delay parameters.


Yes, I was checking, same conclusionā€¦


Was in radar, but at that price range, for a poly VA, I would rather spend just a bit more for a used nord rack, essentially for the more controls available at once, at cost of no fx on board, that instead could be provided by the OT via thru and neighbor tracks.
Thatā€™s what Iā€™m currently doing with an old 5 voices AN200 and the OT.

On top, Iā€™ve builded a ShrutiXT recently and a SammichSID some years ago, and I developed a bit of allergy about the 2 rows character lcd displays.
As an Elektron user, Iā€™m ok with menu diving and params shortcuts, but I tend to avoid that kind of displays.
Canā€™t find them comfortable. :man_shrugging:

Hey all. Can anybody confirm if itā€™s possible to use the Typhon MIDI sequencer to control external gear whilst still using the audio input for FX?

Context - Iā€™m thinking about picking up a semi-modular to quench my modular thirst but many of them donā€™t have FX or a sequencer. Iā€™d like to use the Typhon to sequence the semi-modular and then feed the output back into the Typhon so I can benefit from the (absolutely lovely) FX that it has.

Is that feasible? Iā€™m so impressed with the Typhon that itā€™s making me lean towards Dreadbox again and get an Erebus or a Nyx. Or even (gulp) a bunch of their chromatic modules and a cheap case.

Interested in a comparison between Typhon and Moog Sirin from folks whoā€™ve had bothā€¦ @OverUnity @Scrypt @Tchu



To everybody that has replaced the sreen (@sndrsklr @theartistisirrelevant @Birdzeye), do you have more pictures of inside the unit?
Iā€™d like to replace the screen myself and Iā€™d like to know if I can use another screen before actually open the unit.
I wonder if this kind of screen will work.


This is the only picture I have of the inside. I still have the old screen though, I can take a photo and send you if it helps.


Thatā€™s all I needed. Thank you very much :slight_smile:


First track using the Typhon for the main riff (comes in at around 0:40):


Hey. Did anyone encounter annoying VCA noise? It drives me nuts. Itā€™s definitely VCA, when I turn it down in SET menu it goes away and only the overall typhon noise stays there (itā€™s annoying too but VCA one is far more drastic). I use it with power bank btw.

Is it doing the same thing if youā€™re plug in a wall outlet?
