Dreadbox Typhon

I apologize if this is a dumb question but my sound-design skills are non-existing and I’m a bit confused: I’m using an initial patch with all Modulators and Fx set to 0, but I’m still getting some modulation on the sound and I have no idea where it’s coming from. I recorded a short video to exemplify, any tips on what’s happening here?

Maybe filter envelope ?

I stopped using the Typhon for a couple of weeks because I was focusing on samples however once paired with a nice external sequencer the Typhon really comes alive for me. I have to say I don’t like assigning CC values on the Typhon, I find it too awkward, but that’s clearly my issue rather than the hardware. I just like having it on the desk as a solid analogue oscillator source for sequencing and sampling.

No, I double checked and it’s completely turned counter clockwise.

Does it modulate on every Wave or only when the Wave selector is on a Dual VCO? If you’re on a Dual VCO, this is a common Analog behavior. It’s a Phase thing.


Things to check:

  • Are you sending any CC via Midi?
  • Is TUNE 2 set to 0?
  • Does it happen with single oscillator modes? E.g. Saw 2 or Square 1?
  • Typhon’s modulators support multiple targets, perhaps check that all the modulator destination levels are ALL set to 0 (not negative or positive) by moving the DEST slider and check as you scroll the slider.
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It doesn’t happen on single oscillator modes, that’s it! So I guess it’s the 2 different waveforms modulating eachother, right?


Yes, in the FM oscillator mode you have oscillator 2 (triangle) modulating the oscillator 1 (square). The modulation amount is controlled by the TUNE 2 knob.

It happens even with other combinations of waveforms, though!

What you’re hearing in the two-oscillator modes is one oscillator “beating” against the other. It results from them being tuned slightly differently, which produces a difference in phase that varies slightly over time.


Thank you for the explanation, it makes sense now.

It can also sound rather lovely too, if you like that sort of thing.

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Anyone has bag or cases recommendation for the Typhon ?

Maybe a Volca case?

nice and fancy - right, I guess it’s a very similar size.

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A friend of mine just printed me a decksaver with his 3D printer. Told me it cost him less than 50 cts.
It’s rather brute, but fits perfectly.

Find yourself a 3D printer!


Would you share the 3D file(s)?

Maybe with some sanding…

I have one, it’s too small for the Typhon

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