Dreadbox Typhon

I know what you mean, but it can make a big difference when you just swap another knob on it that is slightly bigger and has better grip

There are a lot of posts earlier in this thread about swapping the encoder cap. Lots of pictures, details, and advice. I know because I ordered one but still havenā€™t put it on! :grimacing:

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Opened up the Typhon now and replaced the encoder to one that I had lying around. It had the wrong footprint, but I managed to get it into place. However, it seems like the resolution of the original encoder is 12 PPR and not 24 PPR which my encoder used. Otherwise, it felt like the encoders that Iā€™m used to, i.e. they sucked much less. :slight_smile: Iā€™m gonna try and find one with the same footprint and resolution and try that later.

Edit: Find at Mouser or similar, I donā€™t think that I have one lying around the house unfortunately. :slight_smile:

Edit #2: Got a response from Yannis at Dreadbox that the encoder was 20 PPR, not 12 PPR as incorrectly surmised.

I wasnā€™t sure if I should get one of these as Iā€™ve had a few Dreadbox synths in the past, and felt that maybe thereā€™d be too much overlap, so I borrowed a friendā€™s. As it turns out, the FX and sequencer are much more powerful and easier to use than I expected, and the effects in particular sound amazing. I wish it had USB over MIDI, but Dreadbox told me that is coming in a later firmware update, which would be great. Iā€™ll probably need to pick one of my own up.

I put together a video with some blathering and then a bunch of sound demos at the end. If you donā€™t want to listen to my dulcet Scottish tones, skip ahead to like 15ish minutes where the chat stops.


Hello everyone! Weā€™ve had the Dreadbox Typhon in a few tracks already but this is the first time you can actually see it in the video :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Weā€™ve used it for the bassline in our ā€œThe Weeknd - Blinding Lightsā€ end jam. Iā€™m really happy how it fits in the mix!


Damn! This is nice. Thanks for putting in the effort to get this running. Will definitely come in handy.


Is there an easy way to exchange Patches between 2 Typhon. Like in sharing a Patch with a friend.

Preset Manager?

Favorite thing about the Typhon : having two Typhons.
nice vid!


There is a new preset manager just in Beta, maybe that will do it. If not, no you have to upload a whole bank if I remember correctly. I have so many Patches that I can share once itā€™s easier to exchange them.

By the way whatā€™s with the new Preset manager? Is it an updated firmware too? Any new feature down the update path?

Very late response, but if it can help someoneā€¦

So today I was on the same situation, firmware 2.x.x installed and wanted to update to 3.x.x.
And Iā€™ve got the same ā€œConnection Rejectedā€ message from both com 3 and com 4 ports (Windows 10). I tried the two last firmwares, V3.0 and V3.1.1, booting with the SQNCR switch, another usb cable, rebooting etcā€¦ I was able to backup my presets but not to update.

Eventually I tried the V3.1.2 BETA and it worked instantly. :v:

Whatā€™s new with this version?

Nothing except the fix to update the firmware.
From the patch notes:

Reworked Typhon updater and Preset Handler to be compatible with :
-Windows 7 and above
-MacOS 10.11 and above

Known issues

  1. If Typhon is not connected via USB to the computer, the Preset Manager
    cannot detect that and goes on a loop.
  2. Bug log message on first startup on Updater

itā€™s the V3.1.1 installed.
There is also a slighlty GUI reworked (with warning pop up to prevent deleting presets)

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The beta preset manager is rewritten using Electron. Itā€™s been hard to support all different environments due to lack of manpower so we leveraged Electronā€™s cross-compatibility to deal with the various issues that people have been reporting. We donā€™t have a new update available yet but we are currently working on the next one.


Nice to see old Mac compatibility.


This and the Medusa tools seems to be hard to maintain, I am wondering why choose to have this type of system compared to a system where a user can simply drop files in a mountable drive, for patches and have a updateFirmware.bin file (or whatever format) when needed to upgrade the firmware? Would that be a lot more complex to manage? Why did you guys went with the system you have now?

And Iā€™m not complaining here, I think youā€™re doing an awesome job, it just feel that often hardware company seems to end up being bogged down by the software management which I would think would be really annoying.


I canā€™t comment on the Medusa tools since those are implemented and maintained by Polyend. Regarding Typhon, backup / restore of presets is needed when updating so that the device doesnā€™t have to remember old preset formats between updates. This is very flexible and allows us to radically change the preset format between large updates. The exported format retains various metadata that helps with binary and forward compatibility and is ~6 times larger than the internal preset format (for the curious itā€™s Protobuf) so there is actually not enough space on the device itself to save these internally. Since we would already need a backup / export functionality we thought that it would be convenient to also add the update functionality too (instead of say dropping a bin file to a virtual thumb drive), this also protects against users mistakingly deleting their presets when updating. As for the preset manager we just wanted to make something that we personally find convenient for preset bookkeeping - we could definitely provide something simpler but where is the fun in that? :slightly_smiling_face: In all seriousness though, we are a small team and itā€™s the first time that Dreadbox actually releases in-house software at this scale, we are looking into streamlining the process for the next big project(s)


Thanks for the detail explanation on this. I think you guys are doing an awesome and and I was in no way complaining about the software used. I donā€™t really mind the tool as I keep an old macbook around only for these (Iā€™m on linux) and was mostly wondering about the choice of going with one solution rather than another one.

Looking forward for these next big projects! Keep up the good work!

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I finally spent some time exploring the internal sequencer and I have to say itā€™s much more useful and fun than I had anticipatedā€¦ the probability along with the modulators allow for some pretty complex patterns, Iā€™m very impressed!
I find it particularly cool for generative type music, I built this whole track around a simple 7 note sequence on the Typhon:


To who was waiting the Limited Edition from synthesizer.gr, it is back on stock.
Of course I was waiting for it and finally did the step in.
Impatient to try the OT+Minitaur+Typhon combo for a classic electro project.