Dreadbox Typhon

Yeah, new presets, some are cool but I especially dig the bank B.

Bank B was added in 2 or 3 firmware (can’t remember which).

Yes, I know but I’ve not found really great new presets in the bank D, at least for now.
BTW does someone ever compared the Typhon with the Toraiz AS1 ? They’re both analog mono synths with presets… I guess the AS1 will sound even fatter than the Typhon, which has probably better effects.

Personally I don’t think one or the other is better - it’s just personal choice. I find Typhon just easier to get results out of - faster. I almost went with the AS1 but decided against it as it reminded me too much of the TB-303 interface at first glance (of which I already have two). YMMV…

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Has anyone experienced midi notes hanging on the typhon when sequencing with the Octatrack?

It’s causing me distress… like when your two best friends don’t get on at all!

I have both. I’m a Dreadbox fan but I much prefer the overall sound of the AS-1 (I really dislike the Typhon FX) but prefer the UI of the Typhon. This is all really subjective though.


Ot doesn’t play nice with some synths

@darenager can probably elaborate as he knows this stuff.

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Yeah OT does not do “note off” message but velocity value zero as note off - which is fine as per midi spec as an alternative to sending specific “note off” message, but unfortunately not all gear manufacturers take account of this or program their firmware correctly.

So really it is not a fault of OT, but other gear which does not comply 100% to the midi standard spec. Even so I have in the past asked feature requests for the OT to send “note off” messages as it is fairly common for some synth companies to not treat velocity zero as a note off.

You could try routing the midi from OT into another device first, then thru into the Typhon, I had a synth which did not respond correctly direct from OT unless I went into Digitone first then thru from Digitone into the synth, that worked ok. It is interesting that the DN sends actual note off (as does most other Elektron gear) but that it also seems to convert velocity zero to “note off” message.


The AS-1 sounds great, especially if I feed it through the reverb of the A4 or DT, but doesn’t lend itself to any live tweaking. I find the UI of the Typhon much more playable - all the controls you really need to perform with are right there. I’m still learning what the Typhon does best but both synths have a good solid tone to them regardless of the FX.


FWIW i just got a Faderfox EC-4 and mapped parameters via NRPN to the AS-1. Filter envelope, noise, osc shapes and levels, fine tuning, etc etc. Makes it a lot more fun and accessible to experiment with live, though did cost 300€ :stuck_out_tongue:

To be fair I got my AS-1 used for about 250€, and think it’s definitely a synth worth the sum of those two purchases in terms of sheer sonic range and sound

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I didn’t used both enough yet.
I may do some tests tonight…
@AdamJay, @LyingDalai, other “OT sequencing Typhon” users ?

It happened to me once with DT beta OS.
None since I reverted back to the last official OS.
No problem noticed with OT.

Make sure you have the last Typhon firmware.
I use only MIDI cables btw. And USB plugged on a solid power outlet, I had troubles with the computer.

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I just messed with OT to sequence the Typhon, sending many notes on 3 tracks (12 per step), and 10 recorded CCs, pitchbend, aftertouch for each step on 1 track.
No hanging note yet…

I’m on 3.1.1 I got with Limited Edition, not sure to update soon, W10 user and would wait for a non beta update.

I’ve not really looked into the midi spec but I don’t understand how that would work. Surely it would mess with note release times/levels, as shouldn’t the velocity affect the level of release stage too?

Also, is that not a really unusual way to do things? Do you know if there was a reason for it?

Saying that, my SH01a did a weird held note earlier today when I first sent some notes from the OT, pressed a few more keys (OT chromatic page) and it stopped though.

Notes ON Velocity 0 used as Notes OFF are in midi specs

The MIDI Specification says:
“A receiver must be capable of recognizing either method of turning off a note, and should treat them identically.”

Writing MIDI software: send Note Off, or zero-velocity Note On?

As far as I understood it allows to reduce midi data.

I also tried that with OT vs Typhon, even sending notes from tracks.

Which OT and Typhon firmware are you using?
Only them with a midi cable?


It should not affect release times as velocity zero is supposed to be interpreted as note off.


Edit: explained in a more easily digestible form on that link, but essentially it is quite standard practice, although not always, hence the occasional quirk.


Nice midi specs sum up!

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Yes, it can negate the need for as many status bytes, so hence can be better for dense data ie better timing, by setting the second byte to velocity zero for any notes which you want to stop.

Edit: I think AFAIK it is mainly monosynths or cv gate interfaces from smaller companies which tend to omit the velocity zero as note off, possibly due to not thinking it necessary or to save a line of code. But it is a PITA.


there you go … if in doubt ask @darenager , who also sells sound and sample packs :wink:
and some bits of hardware…


It was an SH01a, but it was actually midi thru a Typhon. It went away quickly so I didn’t dig into it much. Latest OT firmware and the latest non beta Typhon firmware, no idea on the SH01a though.
I’d only just plugged everything in and started setting things up, so every chance it was user error, or even the patch too.

@darenager the example messages at the bottom of that page actually help it make sense, cheers!