DSI Rev2

What are size differences between peak & rev2 are they similar sized?
I’ve been trying to work this out if they would sit nice side by side

The Rev2 is slightly wider than the Peak.
The Peak is slightly taller than the Rev2.
They sit fine with each other, and I think I will eventually stack them angled vertically, Rev 2 below the Peak.

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You can use the gated sequencer in Key Step mode to scale Mod Slot amounts. This technique can be used to approximate LFO → Fine Tune.

  1. Gated sequencer: Key Step mode
  2. Seq Track: Step 1 = 0, Step 2 = Reset
  3. Mod Matrix Slot: Source = Seq, destination = LFO amount
  4. LFO: destination = Osc Freq

The sequencer will generate a value of 1 every time a key is pressed; this is used as a Mod Slot source to attain finer gradations for modulation amount.


Looks like there’s an OS update.


From the person who did great SE-02 etc. patches. More contemporary.



does anyone know if the OSCs on the Rev2 are analog or digital? There is none of this in the manual. And it says about Thomann that these are digitally controlled.

From Sequential’s site:


  • 2 digitally controlled analog oscillators (DCOs) per voice (plus sub octave on oscillator 1) with selectable sawtooth, triangle, saw/triangle mix, and pulse waves (with pulse-width modulation)

…Thank you!! Does digitally controlled mean that these are digital?

They are analog oscillators but their pitch (i.e., stability) is digitally controlled rather than pure analog, which tends to be less precise than DCOs.


Mine sounded fully Analogue. I had the 16 voice version keyboard.

Both of the rev2 versions have DCO’s, which are fully analog, just digitally controlled.

Not trying to start the old analog/digital debate, but I’d advise you to just rely on your ears. Analog doesn’t sound better by definition, and in most cases hardly anyone would be able to distuingish between the two. If you like the sound of the rev2, just go for it!


The Rev2 can impersonate the lower precision of older synths in two ways. It has a “Slop” control which adds an unstable tuning offset to the DCOs. Alternatively, the sequencer can be set to model instabilities of specific older synths, see here: http://www.voicecomponentmodeling.com/.

I find the slop control less useful than I hoped. At middling levels, the offset creates a nice shimmer, but it’s a bit stiff (or maybe it’s just predictable at a subconscious level). At higher levels, the oscillators clash a lot, which is fun but I’ve not found a musical use for it myself yet. I’ve not tried the voice modelling technique. The demo sounds that go with the technique are great tho’.

To my ears, the Rev2 sounds “modern” and “controlled”. It’s often delightful, groovy, welcoming, tinkly. I’m not a fan of the “techno” presets and can’t quite make it as much like an abandoned concrete bunker as I’d like. It’s not as fizzy, syrupy or alive as an Oberheim, and not as dusty or growly as a Moog (judging by videos), but it’s very versatile.


I see it differently. If, for example, I create a simple percussion from the AR, it immediately asserts itself in the mix, while the DN without processing comes across as weak and harsh and sounds kind of weird on the ears. The pads on the A4, for example, also sound much more powerful and deeper than a fully digital one … For me, I’m quite sure and I just like the analog sound better. So that’s not to say that digital has to be bad, but it’s just not my thing.

If your ears tell you analog is your thing you should definitely go for that!

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You’re comparing two different approaches to synthesis here though… it’s like comparing an acoustic guitar to an electric guitar.
The point @Sleepyhead was making is that you, and 99.9% of people, would find it hard to tell the difference between an analog and a digital (VA-virtual analog) oscillator these days.
FWIW, if you’re happy with the AR/A4, they’re both digitally controlled analog units, like the Rev2.


99.9% of people in the world wouldn’t know what an oscillator is :slight_smile:


Slop and aftertouch is the combo that seems to find its way into a ton of my patches. A nice sloppy response just feels right when I’m diggin in ya know.

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I grabbed this pack earlier today, really good sounds, great work! :+1:

I also got the Deepmind pack but couldn’t send it to the DM with Sysex Librarian on my Mac… the txt doc said it would work but didn’t go into detail. If there’s any links to further instructions it’d be appreciated.

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My homie Peter has a killer sound pack for the REV2.

MAMMOTH PADS - for Prophet Rev2

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