DT and DN screen colour

Retinal damage mainly, but I didn’t find out until it was too late.

Disclaimer: The two voices are hard-panned Left and Right, and it only plays AAC format.

I‘d like this little box as little studio recorder! Could you put a record button in?

Too complicated ! This was made for David Guetta, our best french DJ.


Try this thread

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Just tried this with some self adhesive red film, quite like the orange colour it gives.


Looks like the heat now

I dislike red screens. that’s 1 vote against, just in case elektron are reading this.


Holy moly that’s almost too much. Like the film is too thick or the red tint is too dense. If it were thinner/more faint, I would probably go for it!

Although… when I cover up the yellow parts and only look at the red… it’s not that bad… where do I get such a film covering???

My first synth was a microkorg so maybe I like the red on black thing…

I sense impending red vs blue forum wars

hehe :smile:

the contrast between red light and black is never strong enough, strains the eyes.
maybe that’s why they use red light in photography dark rooms, because it’s shite :smile:

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Adjusted the colour a bit to match IRL

Not sure if I will go with this or get some other colours, I really don’t think Elektron will change them but I’d love an OTmkII type screen in my DT and DN :heart_eyes:

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Actually red light is the best for eyes, I did a bit of research on it, I’ll see if I can dig it up.

Adjusted version looks too dark but I’m definitely liking the direction this is going, gonna have to do something similar!

I think it is because for now I have just stuck it over the plastic bezel, if it was directly on the LCD I think it will look much clearer, but warranty issues prevent that for now. I might try to find some very thin mylar type film with better transparency. If I find anything I’ll post back.

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It’s weird, my DN screen is a darker yellow than my DT. They’re not the same shade…

A couple of different films, these are not adhesive backed so look much clearer

Quite like this one, infra red!


Speaking of screens, if you’re looking at the screen and you look to the side do you ever get like a flicker on the screen as you look away, like it’s disintegrating? I had it on the Tempest a few years back, and I could never work out what’s happening. Is it my eyes or is it the screen. Like does the screen cease to exist if it’s not being observed?! :smile:

Possibly the refresh rate, I notice that when I was viewing through camera the screen had fast diagonal scanning, a bit like an old crt.

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