DT and DN screen colour

Forgot to mention if anyone is looking for this kind of material it is called OHP acetate film, there are lots of people selling it on ebay for around £2 per A4 sheet.


This shows it a bit better, I think I’m gonna go with it, I will order some green film also. It gives a nice retro crt look and is very easy on the eye.


Adhesive ?
Interesting. If I buy it I’ll end with MD like red screen everywhere ! :smile:

No adhesive on this one, it just sits on top of screen, no need to take machine apart, just remove top and it slides in and stays there, 5 minute job :thup:

Oh wow!!! Gotta try this out!!! :smiley:

Would this do?


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Yep thats the stuff :thup:

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Reminds me of this now: