E-rm multiclock

so i’m thinking of getting a multiclock to clock the following things.

monomachine, blofeld, ob6, bim, biscuit, and rytm.

since the blofeld, ob6, bim, and rytm are controlled by the mnm, i’m wondering if i would be able to clock those things separately if i connected the mnm’s midi output to the multiclock’s input and then had one output of the multiclock going to a thru box to clock/control the bim, biscuit and back into the mnm. then i’d have the 2nd output of the multiclock to the blofeld, 3rd to the ob6, and finally, the 4th output to the rytm.

would this work?

also, would my song mode position of the mnm be communicated to the rytm so that when i move from different rows in song mode via the mnm, that position would be reflected on the rytm (i’m assuming not since song position is not forwarded via the multiclock)?

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I use a midisplitter 1:4 back home and it sends clock and song position data etc to all receiving machines! Does this multiclock device split midi as well? What is it’s name (just curious)?

I use very old beat Roland midi splitter, stable and dirt dirt cheap.

it’s an e-rm multiclock and it splits midi, just not the following

MIDI Time Code, Song Position Pointer, Tune Request, MIDI Clock, MIDI Start, MIDI Stop, MIDI Continue, MIDI Tick, Active Sensing, and Reset.

all of that is replaced by what the multiclock generates.

i’ve realized i can slave the multiclock to the mnm and that’d free up an extra out from the multiclock, but i still wouldn’t have song pointer position from the mnm to rytm unless i wanted them to be on the same clock (which i don’t).

i’m feeling like i’ll have to sacrifice spp from the mnm to the rytm if i want to control each of them with separate clocks.


Not Cheap SND ACME-4


you can send different independent clocks and swing. or shuffle they claim100% jitter free cause the ERM have some micro lattency

im clocking the erm with ableton. runs superb. in the manual is written it can be clocked also by hardware with the need of a high audio output.

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The E-RM Multiclock is worth every Cent. Since i use it, all timing problems are died away.
In my usecase i sync all external gear with Propellerhead Reason (E-RM driven by Reason-Audio-click out). Tight, tight, tight … :slight_smile:

eh, I don’t think the acme would solve the issue of spp not being forwarded, but maybe it deals with that differently.

anyhoo, just heard back from Erfindungsbüro Rest & Maier GbR and…

“Song Position Pointer is currently not forwarded, but I will discuss this with my colleague this afternoon!”

so maybe there’ll be a solution to it?

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curious. never heard of anyone needing anything beyond mid clock and trasnport. what is your use case?

i want the rytm’s song pointer position to be controlled by the mnm’s. so when i’m working in song mode on the mnm, every time i move to a different point in a song, the rytm follows.

and it looks like they may implement it in an upcoming firmware update!

“we are definitely discussing the SPP forwarding next week and might quickly implement it in the firmware. I get back to you ASAP.”

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Hey monoEar when you send audio click from Reason do you have to wait a bar or can that be overcome? (To start immediately)

How is the play/start command given to the multiclock?

no, you don’t have to wait a bar, but you’ll lose the ability to push clocks forward. there’s a workaround tho. look at the e-rm YouTube channel for it.

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still waiting for the firmware update, but they just emailed saying that 50% of the features had been implemented :joy:


Hey all,
I have a question about the Multiclock.

I’ve read the manual, and emailed E-RM, as I’m not clear on whether Midi note data sent from a DAW over USB to the Multiclock can be delayed, independantly for each DIN output.

I understand probably most are using the multiclock to sync hardware sequencers with one another or with a DAW, however in this case in question I would be using the DAW sequencer.

I have been messing around with Sample delay plugins, but it’s just too unstable to be useful live.
Hoping the Multiclock could be used in this application, however according to the manual USB note data cannot be shifted.

If this is the case then can I send Midi note data to the Multiclock via it’s DIN input, and then shift the timing of the note data on each channel?

Thanks in advance for any info / suggestions, and apologies if this question has been asked and solved before.

nope it doesnt 100 per cent jitter free

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hey there, just read your comment on Multiclock use in combination with a daw as a sequencer.
facing the same problem here! have you been able to get the answer on this?

AFAIK you can only shift and shuffle the clock signals coming from the Multiclock. You can’t affect the notes for the USB to MIDI outputs.

I do see TX SPP though

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Actually it looks like you may be able to… I’d have to hook up my computer to be sure. Seems like you can switch the channel from DIN to MIDI to have the channel delay affect the MIDI. It only accepts “positive” which fits the use case. I’ll try to confirm when I have time.

the manual states that the usb midi can/will be merged to the din midi. but sync from usb midi will not be passed. the sync comes from the erm. there is a listing what is passed and what is blocked and comes from the multiclok

Agreed, clock can’t be sent/delayed through USB. Though this menu is making it look like you might be able to delay/swing MIDI notes through USB still.