E-rm multiclock

Brilliant. Thank you.

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Thanks for sharing the news and the links.

Iā€™m very disappointed that ERM did not directly email registered customers with this information.

Fortunately it seems that any future OS/DAW changes can be overcome if the current plug-in becomes incompatible.


Question kind of fringe: I was trying to think of a way to send a good audio signal to the ERM Multiclock from my PC without it being output from the soundcard used in my DAW.

Let me explain: Iā€™d like to use the Xone 96 as a soundcard for Ableton Live, but havenā€™t got a spare audio output on it to send the plugin signal to the ERM.

So far, I use an RME soundcard in Live, and get the Xone as audio in the RME, and use an RME output for the ERM. (ERM, RME, cool! :slight_smile: )

I want to use the Xone as a soundcard alternatively. I was thinking, I could use some software able to play the ERM sample, or use the plugin, in the background and sync it to Live via Link, and set the RME as the soundcard for that other software. In theory it sounds nice to me. Now, Iā€™m not aware of lightweight PC software that is Link enabled and able to do that.

I could try a second instance of Live maybeā€¦ Havenā€™t tried it yet.

Long life Multiclock! I love it. And the people making it (had the privilege to meet Max a while back(

How I understand it from looking at the mixer : you could use the Return channel A and set it to receive Audio from USB/9-10 and then use Send 1 or 2 to send it to the E-RM. Sure you would loose one Return and one Send this way.
Using and mixing two soundcards in Live/OS with Aggregate Device is always wonky and not recommended. Especially live and you have an excellent audio interface with the RME that provides super low latencies and great sound quality.
I would rather use audio cables with the RME and use the mixer as a pure analog mixer.

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That may be it. I was wondering, to record multiple individual tracks at once sometimesā€¦

But losing a Send isnā€™t an option for my use.

Thatā€™s why I was thinking of using a separate software, to avoid trying to aggregate soundcards in one softwareā€¦

Sounds risky, but worth a try with two soundcards. Maybe just use a small VST host like this here https://www.tone2.com/nanohost.html

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Ah yes, i didnā€™t think of searching for standalone VST hosts. Thanks!

Edit/ not sure it can run a clock and be synced with Link though.

Is there any cheaper alternative if i just need the non computer related stuff? (4 midi out, timeshift for each, synchronized restart of single outs)
Acme is even more expensive.
This Kickstarter one seems not so good for a hardware setup.

I had a borrowed erm for a while and it was really perfect for syncronizing machines because some of them are always a bit late and the difference is more than i thought, even if 7 ms sounds like nothing.

I thought this looked very interesting.
Itā€™s only a single port though.



I think the multiclock is the cheapest one if you want all the midi outs. I imagine the multiclock will just get more expensive once they are out of stock everywhere, so maybe pull the trigger before then lol. The options with fewer midi outs donā€™t seem nearly as versatile.

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True, i just always think this could be easily programmed on an Arduino. I may be wrong.

Well, I pre-ordered Midronome. Looks promising. I hope this will be a good alternative: Midronome - Technical Specifications (Already discussed somewhere on this forum, I guess).

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I have seen it, but need two of them. Also I think it just has that one encoder and no shift function as far as i know and thats the only thing I really need.
Erm just works.

I did it once on xone 96. Just sending ERM vst plugin from ableton to Channel A on xone 96. Then using headphone output B (set to channel A) to send to multiclock.

Now I just use an External soundcard (motu ultralite) to send my 4 traktor channels to xone ch 1-4 and the pulse from erm vst direct from motu to multiclock. This freed up my A and B channels for elktron boxes as well as my sends returns(like prev suggestion)

Thanks for sharing.

What Iā€™m looking for is using the Xone as the soundcard in Ableton Live (great to send/receive signal from any track, or jam my tunes with 6 USB busses and record the Master back as a result), while sending the ERM pulse.

The idea is to have a Link enabled thing running indeplendently which would send the pulse to my RME soundcard.

The RME is also used for routings of my gear, receives the analog master out of the Xone. It can work in such a hybrid way and itā€™s a blessing.

So far the most promising I found are:

  • Chataigne, receives Link, has synctransport start/stop, but I donā€™t know yet how to build a simple looping sampler inside.
  • Reaktor standalone looked promising but it doesnā€™t implement the sync transport start/stop
  • Sonic Pi but there is no way to easily use and ASIO soundcard and at least with the WDM driver the sample didnā€™t play steadily.

So, a simple thing that can play a sample 24 times per second, has Link with transport sync is all I need. Proves hard but I donā€™t lose hope.

For now I use the RME when I want to sync my gear, and the Xone as a soundcard when I donā€™t and want to use it for the obove reasons. Not too bad :slight_smile:

Only way (i know off)when only using xone as interface is to sacrifice 1 mixer channel for pulse and use second headphone out to cue-send pulse to erm.


The announcement that you linked to doesnā€™t state this as the reason for E-RM closing. In fact, it doesnā€™t give any particular reason. Do you have another source for your statement?


Youā€™re right: they dont clearly state the reason for closing, mine is just speculation. Said that, I cant imagine in business any other motivation than bankrupt when closing a commercial activity. Anyway, if you have any news please update

In case some people missed it. Someone from the defunct company was at Superbooth and presented their new device as well as news that the multiclock will continue to be manufactured under a new brand. There might even be a new firmware.