El Capitan support?

my first post on the forum - hello :slight_smile:

apologies if this has been answered - does Overbridge function in El Capitan? it doesn’t seem to work correctly on my system.

current setup:

OS X 11.2
Live 9.5
Elektron A4 OS 1.21C

USB is connected directly to port on my Mac Pro [no hub]

Not in 1.0 - 1.1 should be due pretty soon though, watch your inbox for the announcement.

It’s def not supported. There are some big weird problems that show up with both A4 and Rytm. El Capitan won’t be supported until 1.10 comes out…we’re all waiting patiently for it!

thanks for the info chaps…

hopefully Elektron have got santa working on the update

Would love to see El Cap support as well.
Not currently on it, but it looks like a phenomenal OS. Has been in beta for quite some time, so a bit surprised to see Elektron slow to the game where other developers were quick to react.

agreed on all points here.

I wish there was a development of a universal standard with all synth / DAW company’s and the AES society. So that Apple and Windows implement and working with this protocol.

Elektron is just a small company and the Overbrige project is just to big for them.

To be fair, it took the 10.11.1 update from Apple for AU support for a whole bunch of big developers’ plugs to be restored - NI, etc. Happy with El Cap … tbh I don’t notice that much of a difference from Yosemite, but I do have a pretty high spec mbp, so I guess efficiency gains aren’t so pronounced. Lesson learned for me not to update until I’m sure all my main tools are in the clear.

Surprised it’s taken Elektron so long to release a fix, but I guess that has to be viewed in the context of development cycle for 1.1 - suppose it isn’t really worthwhile to go back to implement a fundamental change to 1.0 when the new version is in need of attention.

Silver lining being that I’ve been forced to learn more about working the boxes themselves in the couple of months rather than treating them pretty much as sound modules, as had always been my intention- plus multitrack audio over usb is still working well. At this stage I’ve started doing rytm only mixes of a couple of tracks, which was something I never expected I’d be doing when I got it.

It does seem that way. When Rytm was announced the big draw for me was the Overbridge implementation.

I ordered Rytm on 5/14/14 (second batch announced). It was a looooooooooooooong wait until a usable Overbridge v1.0 and v1.0.5beta. Over a year maybe? This development is taking a long time. If they focused on one instrument in Overbridge and not three (AR, A4, Keys), I’m positive we’d see some advancement.

As it is, it’s frustrating to see a new audio plug thing released (really?), a USB hub (really?), several videos, announcements of live shows and vinyl - and yet we still wait for an update that lets us make our own things.

Right, because the guys and gals who brand the Cable Kit & Overhub, book the shows, and run the vinyl label are the same ones who update the code.

Seems logical.

We don’t know there is no feedback from Elektron.

Personal opinions are what we see here and nuance is missing also from me.

It’s all about perspective.

Where one person may see public activity on the periphery of the company and how it is assumed to be slowing down development within, another could see that peripheral activity as revenue streams that allow for hiring another developer which will ultimately speed up development.

I’m rolling my eyes so hard right now lol
You’re right of course, but I’m getting grumpy and there’s no way around that. It’s been a while and I kind of feel like Overbridge is treated like a throw-in feature when it could really, really shine.

i just got a new laptop (was using a hackintosh for a long while with 10.6.8) and i’m running 10.11.12 without any issues with OB.

of course, i’ve only used it a bit, but i’ve been able to record all tracks that i activate within’ OB within’ my daw, no problems so far.

At least update the beta link so we have something to use instead of sitting here waiting constantly being teased with vapourware feature promises, and a blank el capitan overbridge screen.


or sign me up for the alpha release team. :wink: i’d be more than happy to help out.

For technology I understand but for artisan talent it’s different! For example look how Ken MacBeth informs everyone about the status of his Element synth project. A lot of respect from everyone about the developing time.
Ok, Elektron is more about technology but we Elektronauts deserve a little more respect about the developing status. We are some kind of ambassadors for Elektron and this is just the internet. In real life we also know a lot of potential future users for Elektron machine’s. And what are we going to say to them? Opinions from somebody you know are more decisive than some review!

I dont usually complain about Elektron stuff, but this amazes me.

El Capitan beta for developers were out in June right? And oficially released 21st of october.
Still we have no beta with El capitan support.
I mean have thay worked on it since the developer beta was released, will it be another 6 months of not working with the next Mac OS?

Why, why, why?

Put it to you this way, I bought an Analog Rytm - second batch they released in May 2014 - because Overbridge was touted as a coming feature. I didn’t realize I’d have to wait almost a year and a half for a beta or v1.0! Of course El Capitan came out, I upgraded and then found out Overbridge wasn’t supported. v1.10 was reported by Elektron as “imminent” on November 27 and supporting OSX 10.11.
I got sick of waiting yesterday and wiped my Macbook Pro to go back to Yosemite specifically to use Overbridge. Apple will blame third party devs, third party devs will blame Apple, and nobody will be happy.

Put it to you this way, I bought an Analog Rytm - second batch they released in May 2014 - because Overbridge was touted as a coming feature. I didn’t realize I’d have to wait almost a year and a half for a beta or v1.0! Of course El Capitan came out, I upgraded and then found out Overbridge wasn’t supported. v1.10 was reported by Elektron as “imminent” on November 27 and supporting OSX 10.11.
I got sick of waiting yesterday and wiped my Macbook Pro to go back to Yosemite specifically to use Overbridge. Apple will blame third party devs, third party devs will blame Apple, and nobody will be happy.[/quote]
I’ve been considering doing the same thing. how did you get back to Yosemite though? I can’t find an installer anywhere and unfortunately i don’t have yosemite in time machine to go back to at the moment.

^^^ sent you a message.

I’d only suggest it if you have some experience with this sort of thing and time on your hands.