Electra one - programmable midi (CC, SysEx, NRPN) controller

because what else could I do? I was blindly trying to increase it again and a reboot seemed to be my last option? :smiley: Maybe someone can guide me with the exact button presses to set it to 100 again? :smiley:

does electra console say your unit is connected? maybe reflash the firmware.

edit for my last posts: my hardware revision is 2.3

Yeah it’s connected in the Console app

you mean without pressing the reset button for 10 seconds? Yes, I also tried that …

My HW Rev seems to be 2.4?

ok, so just checked the source code…

so , for latest hardware revisions, indeed it stores the brightness level.
though in fairness, it doesn’t use it IF its zero … however, it could be its > 0 but still too low perhaps?!

here are some things you can try… (in order of least destructive :wink: )

  • let it ‘boot’ . then try to engage sleep , (bottom right button hold - then press left button) , this should make it sleep - then press bottom right (I think this is in the manual) to wake it up
    the hope here, sleep also sets the brightness, so hopefully it might not use the stored brightness when it resets ( I need to check source to see if this is the case )
  • boot whilst holding top left button
    this , prevents preset loading
  • boot whilst holding middle left button
    this resets ‘app files’

my fear is these won’t work, since the brightness is store in eeprom and my check of the code indicates, it does not reset the eeprom

I do think a hardware reset should do the trick though.


yes, on the console, do a firmware update, it may brink back to life

this alone fixed it! thx - a lot :slight_smile: !


ok, now go set the brightness… otherwise I suspect on reboot, it might revert to black again :wink:

(fyi, I did check the source code, and indeed the sleep mode, fortunately, ignores the stored brightness on wake up :slight_smile: )

another win for open source code !

@martin.e1, perhaps the brightness slider shouldn’t be allowed to go too dark, and perhaps reboot-cycle , can also check for a minimum brightness - just in case !?

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You nailed it… it was one step away from zero – and this was already pitch black. Shouldn’t be possible!

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on hardware 2.3, brightness slider won’t go completely dark. seems to be a 2.4 revision thing. Would be interesting if Pete could test it again BUT without letting is finger up from the slider so he could bring the slider up and tell us if when the slider is on the left, it’s completely dark.

I’ve left a comment/suggestions on the E1 forum for Martin (alongside this issue) ,
Martin can test with all the different hardware revisions, and also ensures there are some safety features in place. (e.g. one of the reboot options should ignore/reset brightness)

anyway, I think support etc, should be on

no point in making support more difficult for Martin by spreading issues over multiple forums :wink:
its a small company, mainly Martin handling things like this, so lets keep it easy for him.



thanx. Definitively different than V2.3 which won’t go to darkness. @thetechnobear is right, E1 forum is the best place to discuss all this.


Thanks guys for all the input! I ran a few tests on my 2.3 and it does not allow the screen to go completely black. I will check that on 2.4. I cannot do that now as I am not in the workshop. The LCD panels are the same as in previous batches but obviously not “exactly the same”. I will review it and will adjust the firmware accordingly.


As I’ll be getting one of these shortly, I’m curious if Patch Storage is a thing folks are using for sharing yet. I’m not sure how big the community is at this point, but it seems like a logical direction to go in if it doesn’t already exist.

Electra One has designed its own website for presets sharing , which is integrated with the editor.


Thank you! I’ll look at that and figure out how things work. Sorry for the newb traffic:)

Yeah, the preset editor / sharing part of the website is great.

I just received mine early this week. It’ll be a while until I’m able to work on much.

I did start some of the learning process of getting from Sysex to the JSON format used. Slightly confusing but I’ll get there.

I’m starting a globals editor for the Matriarch.


I saw a “snapshot” function mentioned by @thetechnobear in regards to saving CC values. I just want to make sure, using this function I can save my values per group/setup and will not have to deal with them all reverting to zero on power down? I ask because I have a Faderfox EC4 which is absolutely perfect for my needs except for that one annoying flaw. I’m currently running four groups of 14 parameters each for a live set that I’m doing in January and having to dial in the values for 56 parameters whilst reading them off my hand written chart every time I turn the thing back on is a bit of a bringdown. I’d have paid the extra $220 for an E1 no problem had I known this was how the EC4 was going to behave.

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I just tried this out for you… I do not fully understand it – it might be possible – I only managed to save a snapshot but it doesn’t auto load after power up though with my lack of knowledge – if not in future for sure. I can load that snapshot. If that helps. Imho it would be way more intuitive if the last state was preserved … but that’s just me.

The manual might help. Sorry for that RTFM :smiley: I would have to do so as well :stuck_out_tongue:

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snapshots are simply saved sets of all values of a preset (I guess you call it group/set). You can save up to 432 of them per preset and you can recall them later by using Electra’s user interface. They are saved to the internal storage and they will remain there after power down.

The only bit that electra does not do is loading the last used snapshot automatically when it is powered up. When I think about it, it sounds like a good feature.