Electra one - programmable midi (CC, SysEx, NRPN) controller

By the way, here’s my starting point for the editor. It’s been a while since I didn’t touch the E1, or the Matriarch, so no idea if it’s interesting.
Also, the Matriarch software is a piece of crap, has some bugs. And some of the controls (with a mechanical switch) can’t be set remotely. Technically they can, but the mechanical position overwrites the software position (another stupid thing on this synth).


Thank you! Anything is helpful, because finding time for stuff like this has become rare for me as of late.

If I get around to adding more I’ll make sure you know.


Thank for the answers! I don’t mind taking a moment to load the snapshot at all. Spending several minutes twiddling every knob to the right value every time I turn the EC4 on feels like a bit much. Looks like there’s an Electra One in my future :0)

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I would love this.

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hmm… loading last used snapshot is not the same as loading last state before power down… I’d prefer if the E1 just starts where it stopped. This would make lots of Snapshots/button presses/headaches unnecessary. That’s one thing I love about Elektron devices: Power off saves everything … you can power on and go on (mostly).

that would need to be optional ! (and I would have it OFF by default)

the issue is, I don’t always have my E1 turned on… or necessarily controlling my Virus (synth).
so it could be Ive been working on a patch directly on my Virus.
later (day or two?) turn on my E1, and it suddenly sends a load of midi to my Virus, and obliterates the patch I was working on! (*)

I like the way snapshots work at the moment, basically they are pretty much like presets but with the huge advantage, that they can send state to multiple synths at the same time !
but I like to do this at my ‘command’ :slight_smile:

I can see that the use-case though for synths which do not have a UI, so you aren’t likely to be patching directly.

(*) oh, I should mention, I do not have bi-directional midi going on for the most part, due to having a few synths all going thru a midi router, which makes this pretty complex… and its just not something I really need… Im generally either working on E1 or the Synth, not both at same time.

err… so the problem here would be that the E1 sends its current values to the midi devices connected after boot but not what state / values the knobs have on the E1, or??

Completely different problem imho


this is the issue…

if the E1 restores its state on power up, this implies it should send out midi, so that the E1 UI match whatever it is connected to. (otherwise the ‘feature’ is pretty pointless)

but this means if you have a synth attached and powered on, then the synths state is suddenly going to change (without warning) to match the E1s power on state.
thats fine, if you just use the E1 everyday, and in a similar setup
… but if you have not used it, but instead being programming that synth directly - bam, you have lost the synths state.

bare in mind, when you power on the E1, you might not even remember which patch you had loaded currently - you’ll only find out when its too late.

thats why Im happy with it, not sending a state unless I explicitly load a snapshot. (even if its the same one as before) … it means I get to choose if/when things are changed, once I can see what preset the E1 has loaded.

You still misunderstand me … I think. I cannot relate to what you are writing.

I don’t want it to send a state after power up. Just remember if the last value was 0 or 127 (unrelated to the last saved snapshop). Then maybe a button to: Send or request patch? Obviously it would not be very good to turn every encoder to sync up the devices…

I haven’t figured out anyways how to request or send all values … it’s so complicated :see_no_evil: Stresses me more out than it’s actually helping me.

this is better discussed on the electra one forum, so that a wider audience can comment on their requirements too.

electra one supports the concept of ‘patch request’ (from device),
this obviously needs to be included in the preset… since how you ask for all values to be sent varies between synths.
originally this had to be a sysex message, but I asked a while back if this could be changed to any midi message… since some use other messages e.g. Octatrack :wink: … not sure if this is there yet or not… or perhaps can now be done easily in lua (which is probably the best solution !)

sending current UI values is possible from the Snaps screen.
this was discussed recently here


indeed … I am just not there yet – just a NooB … all I was reading in the forums was stuff like “to request patch over SYSEX you have to work with JSON and then parse the SYSEX …not too difficult for an experienced highly intellectual human being who studied computer science – just bitflipping here and there and HEX to DEC conversion” kinda … or “just do it in LUA”

Would be nice if there were some presets available on the device / webapp for hardware units and ofc software like Ableton, Bitwig (you name it) with ready control surfaces – because that’s the hard part …

I imagine how Neo reads the Matrix when I think about SYSEX messages :smiley: This MIDI controller is a real hobby on its own :smiley: But I haven’t read a lot in the manual … so yeah … there might be easy instructions how to achieve all that. Or might not. :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t know.

Aight, over to E1 forum :slight_smile:

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With the user base getting less geeky we are going to add more visual and easy to use tools to manage SysEx and patch dump parsing. The Lua script will stay quite geeky :slight_smile:


Hopefully also built out as an API first, so those of use who can code but are v. lazy can also benefit :slight_smile:

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there is a difference between “very lazy” and “not as gifted as the rest” and “I have no idea what I am doing!” :smiley:

Looking forward to the next updates. Until now it’s almost not really possible to make use of all the crazy functions that are implemented (without calling in sick at work to work 24/7 on a patch / coding skills :upside_down_face: )


Oh, of course — was just noting that there were implementation strategies that would lower the bar a tiny little bit :slight_smile:


what I am trying to do is to give access to the new features to the “developers” first (JSON and Lua). The feature gets validated, improved and often new presets are created (and made available to all users). So, kind of benefit for everybody already. When the feature proves to be stable, useful, and used, a user friendly interface is added.

A good sysex editor that would cover any type of sysex implementation is not an easy thing to make. I do believe, however, that our JSON syntax proved to be good enough to build an easy to use user interface for it. I also have quite clear idea on how to do that :slight_smile:

Next release, 2.1.5, will provide a full-blown Lua API for processing all types of incoming MIDI messages. I think it will make the Lua API quite powerful.


Just in time for me to have time to start poking at mine again!

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I have no idea how to code, but there are already some/many (100?) presets that you can install and use, really easy, check the homepage. I used the Medusa, AS-1 (modified it a bit). NTS-1, Peak, Typhon, TAL Bassline, TAL U_NO-LX, etc.

Making your own is easy without coding experience, drag/drop stuff in Editor via Chrome, fill in the cc numbers you wish, make some minor changes (+/-, ADSR, Lowest/highest value) and voila. Similar to Lemur and its Editor. I did mod the AS-1 a bit and two others…, Chromaphone3, XO and…?? :upside_down_face: :laughing:

I couldn’t find anything useful there. Not even as a starting point. Also most of the time I couldn’t upload them.

But in the end… not using it has increased my motivation to make music with my touchpad / laptop!

Needs Chrome, works nice here. Really nothing you could use…, nothing…? I do not know your gear though, make one yourself, it is easy, really :laughing: