Elektron ECC-6 Backpack

Cool. I value your opinion two years later.


This is too big for music gear, but has been my sailing gear bag for about two years now. Iā€™m not sure how waterproof it is, but Iā€™ve had blobs of seaweed and wet lines (rope) draped over it, and everything inside stayed dry. Thankfully, it hasnā€™t gone swimming yet. Big, sturdy zippers, and it has backpack straps in addition to grab handles everywhere. (the grab handles are key since bags tend to get stuffed into the least accessible places to optimize boat trim)

TL;DR: if you need a big bag for sporty/sweaty activities, and donā€™t want a fancy label to mark you out as an easy mark, this thing is pretty good.

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1 Machinedrum (wrapped in a towel)
1 Digitone + Decksaver (wrapped in a thin scarf)
1 Faderfox MX12 wrapped in a scarf
1 pedal
all audio cabels, midi cabels & power supplies



Glad it all fit! I worry about the MD going without a decksaver, though :thinking:


its actually double wrapped, one thick scarf and one towel. but yes i desperately need a decksaver for it and the faderfox too but theyre so expensiveeee
plus i dont have to go that far luckily

put a WTB in the marketplace here. Sometimes folks have them that are going unused and you can get a good deal on a used one.

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a friend of mine makes them himself for way cheaper, he made some for the Digis, I am just waiting for hin to make some OT / MD sized ones.


is the ecc-6 available anywhere in the UK ?

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I havenā€™t found any when looking, which is a real shame. I think itā€™ll have to be through Elektron.se. It will be under the limit for import tax so shouldnā€™t be too much of a problem. Postage is steep tho!

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just had a quick attempt at accessing this section of the elektron.se shop and it wasnā€™t working/accessible - at least for me, right now, this laptop and browser etc etc. But yeah, agree that this bag looks like a sweet spot that a few of us are in to! I wonder what the closest comparable Magma or UDG offerings are if the ECC isnā€™t obtainable.

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just tried the elektron shop, they advise that they currently do not ship to this country (UK) :frowning:

Goddamn it. That sucks. I wanted to get one before travelling. Thanks for the info tho!

At what stage did you see the message? I just tried with my UK address and nothing popped up. But I didnā€™t complete the transaction (I.e., enter card details), so maybe the message appears then?

I use one of these, itā€™s about the same size as the ECC6, but a lot cheaper. Hasnā€™t let me down yet.


looks perfect and way better than my old gym bag that Iā€™m currently rocking!
what brand/model is this, Fin?

Carrying elektron gear? Storming the Capitol? MIL-TEC got your back(pack)!


Thereā€™s loads of them about on eBay, my one is a Mil-Tec brand, but just type in Molle assault bag on Google and youā€™ll be inundated with options.

Mine is 36L and thatā€™s plenty of space for 3 or 4 bits of gear and all their cables. It has a laptop sleeve in the back as well, which was perfect for my Models.

The only thing I donā€™t like about it is the lack of padding on the bottom of it, so a couple of tea towels live down there to soften the landing when I put it down.

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Perfect, ta!

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Thomannā€™s producer bag is a good one as well, adapted for the Elektron boxes (eg OT+2 Digi, or 2 analog mk2)


To be fair, I wanted the Elektron one because minimal logo that no one would bat an eyelid at, reasonable expandability with the roll straps and it being somewhat waterproof. Itā€™d be a real shame if they donā€™t deliver to the UK.