Elektron Pattern Clips! Now with Arrangement Mode!

It looks really as if ableton rolls the dice (and arms) the follow action as soon as the clip starts playing. I feared the dice would be rolled at the latest possible moment instead, leaving no time to send the correct pattern change. Thanks for the quick answer!

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You’re welcome :wink:

Is not. Working for me :cry: can you help me ?

You don’t have it set up right.


Did you follow the instructions in the first post?
Can you give me any other information?

Thanks for this patch, working awesome with Ableton 11 beta and model samples on Big Sur :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

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Great to hear it’s working on both :smiley: . I won’t be able to test on Big Sur for a while.

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Thanks for the patch it’s really useful. I’m just trying out with the new scene follow functionality in Live 11 Beta, and can’t seem to get it to trigger… am I doing something wrong please?

I’ll have to take a look at how the new scene follow function in the Live 11 beta works and get back to you on this.


Should this work with the latest 10?

I get this device is not available on this version" message

Does this work on Win 20 Ableton? Or is it Mac OS only?

This works with Windows as long as you have Max for Live.

I don’t think Windows 20 is out yet though, isn’t it still Windows 10? :stuck_out_tongue:


That message was from the future :joy:


Overbridge should have pattern chaining integrated within it.


Thanks @Airyck, it works great!!

I noticed that you can´t change patterns from the machine anymore ´cause it comes back to the pattern selected in the clip, this has to be like that?

And does it keep sending MIDI even muted? If I want to assign something to a controller it picks other messages, I think it was .32 and .36 in my case. How can you stop or bypass it?

A bit off-topic but: can you make an Ableton scene change a device? For example I´d like to have a different reverb for each pattern.

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I think I´ll have to create two tracks with the delay and reverb and use them as sends, to be able to use dummy clips.

I hadn´t see this… I have to try it, now I´doing it with automations for the returns, but this is better.

Anyway, is it possible to automate the Device Off of the group of devices from the chain that are not used? I suppose if they are On they should eat resources, I´m trying to do it but I can´t. Will the solo work to save CPU?

EDIT: I finally got this dummy clip automation thing, it´s great but it´s a lot of work, you have to change it one by one…

@Airyck I don´t know why but it works for me if I change each Program message in each clip. It doesn´t work only with the name, if I want to go to B1 I have to select Pgrm 17.

Sorry for the delayed response, my home life is even more crazy than normal right now (good stuff, but even less time than usual right now).

The pattern change message only gets sent when the clip is armed (play button flashing). After that it won’t send until a clip is armed again.

If you disable the device it will stop. I’m not sure about the channel mute.

The easiest thing right now would be to automate or assign a controller to the device on/off button.

It sounds like you have Pattern Clips in Overbridge mode vs Program Change mode. If you’re not using Overbridge then make sure to be in program change mode.

Otherwise double check your routing setup compared to the instructions in the first post.

Thanks, I’ll check tomorrow but I’m almost sure it’s not in Overbridge mode.

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