Elektron Pattern Clips! Now with Arrangement Mode!

I’m making a grid for 128 scenes, all the patterns of each Elektron project. I have to figure out how to keep it doable.

Yes. The way I do it now is with a midi processor that translates program change messages into CC’s which Ableton is able to work with. I don’t use different scenes for my elektron patterns, but have 1 scene with racks that change in the chain with elektron patterns.
If you map the chain selector to macro 1, you can midi map the CC (with is the translated PGM) to macro 1. Now to your question, you can also map the device Off (of the group) to macro 1, and then change the range. if you are on chain position 2, you set the range from 2 to 2 in stead of 0 to 127. Same thing for all other chain positions. A bit of work, but very worth it :slight_smile:

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Thanks @peterklank, for now I´ll try to have a scene for a pattern but I´m overwhelmed about the amount of work I´ll need to do. Each track has to have the chain on/off automated, I don´t know how Ableton did not improve this.

Airyck a massive thanks to you for this game-changer, thankfully no more faffing around! I’m a little late to the party but wanted to let you know Overbridge Mode is working a treat in Live 11 on my Rytm MKII, I would happily pay for v1.0 whenever that happens.


I’d like to salute Airyck as well for this really useful tool - Thank you :slight_smile:

I did some testing in Live 11 on Windows 10 as well today and yes in session mode it does work when you use it “manually”. Also when you arm scenes manually. However if you use follow action to control your scenes/composition I unfortunately can’t make Pattern Clips work.
I guess it’s sort of a similar problem as to, why Pattern Clips exist in the first place, but I really do hope, that Airyck are able to and can find the time to make Pattern Clips work when using scenes and follow actions as well! :slight_smile:



The patterns are changing before the end of the bar, as this is how you programmed it I know - but its chopping the end of the pattern off and starting the next one early. Im in direct jump mode.

If I use sequential, I can’t cut a pattern off early - so would have to save a new shorter version of a pattern, and use sequential, to add some silence for a bar for example. Is that right?

It’s built around using it in sequential mode (Digi’s and Modals have no other options).

If you need silence in a “pre-programmed” arrangement sense, then your best bet is to create a special pattern to fit your needs.
If it’s for performing then you could leave it in sequential mode most of the time and manual switch to direct jump as needed.

Otherwise a standard silent pattern on H16 (or any other pattern) is how I get it to have silent sections.

Once I get back to working on this thing I’ll try to think out more various use cases. The problem is that there are so many possible cases and it’s hard to cover all of them.

This was initially just a way to get patterns to stay in sync during clip and scene changes from Ableton Live.

Im dragging my feet a little because of outside life factors. Though, it’s also because I have to re-make the Arrangement part from scratch. It was a huge undertaking (for me) the first time around. Regardless, I’m determined to find time once the dust settles here.


This worked in the past, so I’m not sure what would have changed to make it not work now.

When you select a scene to play, it arms all
of the clips to play. Pattern Clips sends the program change when the clip is armed.

Same with follow actions. The clip is armed before it starts playing.

This sounds like an outside factor (though I could be wrong). Usually people have this issue when they try to get the pattern to change before the end of the pattern on their device.

An example would be where a clip in Ableton is only 1 bar long but your Elektron box pattern is 4 bars long. You try to change the pattern after 1 bar but the Elektron box still has 3 more bars until it will change.

The way around this to make sure your clips/scenes are quantized to the same length of the patterns on your Elektron device. So if your Elektron pattern is 4 bars then the corresponding scene or follow action can only happen at 4 bars.

Hope that makes sense. I’m a little cloudy, trying to get over a bad cold I got from my toddler son.


Very cool little tool and very good idea
Added to our series of “definitive list”

Cheers @Airyck

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Thanks @William_WiLD and thanks for the add(s) on the lists.

I’ll inform you if links change in the future so you can update the lists.


Sure for now i set this thread on the link.
it should be anything else just PM me with updated links if modification


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so dope, thx for sharing this work!

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Hi Airyck,

Thank you for your answer (and I’m very sorry for not getting back to you before now! But hopefully better late than never :slight_smile: ).

I just had a look at this problem again, and I am indeed having the problem as described. Pattern Clips works when using scenes manually, but not when I use follow action!?

Unfortunately I can’t make it work in arrangement mode either - It’s very strange.

I’ve made sure that the patterns are quantized to the same length on both Live and my RYTM.

Can anyone confirm this?

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firstly, thanks so much for taking this on. it’s sorely needed functionality for these boxes.

however, I’m having some real trouble getting it work consistently.
I’ve followed all the steps and sometimes the clips just don’t change at all. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

I’m using ableton 10, inc the bundled version of max and i’m running the plugin in program change mode in arrangement view.

this is a walkthrough of what i’m doin’ so as you can tell me if i’m doing something horribly wrong:

-create patterns on digitakt with correct labeling, making sure the ch lengths are set to 2
-create clips in arrangement view with consistent labelling with digitakt patterns
-highlight duration of clips as instructed and wait for the confirmation text in the status bar
-hit stop on digitakt to make sure the sync with ableton is good (sometimes the sync starts inconsistently because i’ve been editing a pattern or had selected a different pattern than the one I want to hear first)
-hit play in ableton

some of the clips cause program changes in the digitakt at the ideal moment, while others just don’t work at all. help!! i would love to integrate this into my workflow for shows but I’m a bit scared to rely on it atm.

thanks in advance

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Hello! This is a great tool, exactly what I was looking for! I had a problem with the stuttering when changing to a previous pattern, but I fixed it by changing it to sequential mode and setting the max amount of steps to 16. If you use direct jump mode, it starts the other pattern earlier than intended. I am using the Analog Rytm Mk1.

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I’m having the same issues with it as well the plugin not working in follow action mode :confused:

Sorry for the delayed response. I haven’t worked on this in a long time.

Can you show me a screenshot of your clip names so I can verify they are correct? It’s pretty specific on how it has to be formatted to work (unfortunately).

Arrangement mode is definitely finicky because it’s a hugely complex part of the patch that I had to be really creative to make work.

Session mode should be solid because it’s quite simple compared to the arrangement mode.

There have been some nice changes to Max that I think would allow arrangement functionality to be more consistent. It requires basically starting from scratch on the patch again though.

My workflow has changed quite a bit since I made this so I’m having a hard time finding the time to make the new version.

What version of Live are you on?

I’ll test follow actions when I get a chance on the latest version of Live, but I don’t believe anything has changed there. It should work AFAIK.

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It’s meant for sequential mode since most Elektron boxes have no other modes available.

Reminder for arrangement mode


It should look like the image below.

Look at the clip name format and spacing…

Also if it doesn’t seem to change click your start cursor around in the clips to get them to update.

using live 11. i got follow actions to work but follow scene does not work.