Elektron Pattern Clips! Now with Arrangement Mode!

I’ll take a look at it when I get a chance. It’s possible that follow scene doesn’t arm the clips.

It works by sending the program change when the clip is armed (rather than when it starts playing).

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Same here for the not available message on Live 11

Same here :wink:

Hi @Airyck First of all i really want to thank you for sharing such an effort . I think this community is just A+.

I want to check: with such a busy post, I don’t see much of my issue, that I can’t open the amxd file in Live 11. Is this a thing you’re aware of or is it just me?

I tried searching the post for “live 11” and just got one other user having the same issue, and I see many more form people using Live 11 with no issue, so smth is up I think.

I’ll keep hacking, hopefully you see this :wink:

Thanks again, really!


Edit: I’m on Version 11.0.11 Standard…
MacBook Pro 2016 with touch bar.

Oh wait, because i need the full version as this is Max right? :roll_eyes:

Might upgrade rtf now lol
Leaving this here for the next newb to find and click quicker then me… :wink:

Edit 2: Yup, This works on Suite only. Obvs.

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This won’t work until I manage to get around to updating it. Follow Scenes doesn’t arm the individual clips in the scene unfortunately. Triggering scenes manually should work but the follow scenes came out after my last version and threw a wrench into the works. I really don’t know when I’ll get back around to this. I hope soon than later but I have a lot of other priorities currently.

The plus side is that a lot of new Max for Live functionality has been added which means I can make a better version of this when I do.

Yep, You got it right :wink: You need a Max License or Suite to use this.

Hi @Airyck, I’ve been using it without problems with AR, A4, DT and DN in Overbridge mode and OT in MIDI mode, but now I’ve changed it to MIDI mode for all machines and I’m having a problem: AR seems to repeat the first step so it becomes unsynced. Any ideas?

Maybe a silly question but is there a simple way in ableton to make the digitakt start to play at one given moment in the arrangement?

It will only work with the AR in sequential mode. It sends the program change early so any other mode will throw it off.

Have it play an empty pattern and then play the pattern you want when you want it to start.

I’ll check it, thanks!

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Is there a way to just make the clip the length of the repeats say 8 bars? or do you have to use a new clip/scene.

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I’m trying to play a clip that is 15/16 (0.3.3 bars), but pattern clips seem to not like the timing? It is randomly jumping to Bank D1, C1, E1, then back to B2 (where pattern is). I am in sequential mode.

It sends a program change when the clip is about to start playing. Your safest bet to to make the clip lengths the same length as your patterns on your Elektron device.

It’s been a while since I programmed some of the more complex things so my memory may be foggy.

There is definitely a limitation on how fine of a resolution you can have a clip start on. It had to do with some running calculations that keep a counter ahead of the actual timeline so that it could predict upcoming clips in arrangement mode.

I can’t remember the exact resolution but it may only allow changes on a beat or possibly even a bar. I’d have to look inside to know for sure. That could be a limitation you’re running into.

I initially intended this for just getting basic patterns to play on time with Ableton for myself. I decided to share it because I found it very useful.

I would see if it’s working with a bit more “standard” bar length. If it works there but not on a 0.3.3 bar length you’ve hit the limitation.

It’s something I can keep in mind and try to improve on the next iteration (whenever that is).

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it’s an eager plugin! I am asking a lot of it…I appreciate what you’ve done. It’s a shame the machine/ableton can’t just get along…a friend of mine said they had no issues changing patterns in logic w/ a digitakt. why/what exactly does not allow it to work properly?!

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It’s really a limit of MIDI. Normally the program change messages are sent exactly when a clip starts playing. By the time the Elektron receives the request, it has already started playing its pattern. The Elektron then waits until the end of the pattern to change. This puts everything behind by 1 pattern loop.

In its simplest form, Pattern clips sends the change when you “arm” another clip to start playing. This gives the Elektron time to receive the program change and so they switch together.

This is really something that Ableton or other DAW creators would need to implement. Since nobody did it, I did it myself.

You’ll find you have the same issue on things like the Cirklon or other hardware sequencers. They can’t predict when you’re going to send the message. Things like Direct Start on the AR can help, but you can still miss the first note/trig/beat.

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Really appreciate the work done here. I was bummed about some of the other workarounds and I wasn’t looking forward to arranging via the AR’s song mode while everything else was in the DAW, but this plugin works really well so far and was easy to get going with.

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Thanks for the nice comment! Happy it’s helpful to you. I hope to find the time to do an update someday and make some improvements to simplify the arrangement mode.

If you get used to the quirks it’s actually pretty solid. Took many hours of pondering and trial and error to come up with the arrangement mode.

Opening the max project can do crazy things (which actually makes it hard to work on). But try looking inside on an empty project sometime. It’ll give you an idea of how much I had to beat my head against a wall to get it where it is currently :joy:

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I’m not familiar with M4L dev, can the code be easily open sourced? I’d be interested in poking around (if you’re so inclined, otherwise no big deal). :smiley:

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Yeah, just click the little wrench icon in the header.

Make sure to save your project or do it on an empty one. Obviously don’t save any edits you make or you might have to re-download the device.

Max was meant to be an open thing since the beginning. A few people do things to make make it harder to look (I’m not one of those).

Feel free to use anything from inside Pattern Clips for your own projects (maybe with a little credit note or something :wink: )

Discovered this. Very cool. Have yet to try, but still… very cool. Having a hard time with different length loops and switching patterns in time lol.

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Hey, impressive work, indeed! I wonder, is it possible to make it work in Bitwig? I can´t use ableton since bitwig is where my mojo is, so i hope it would be able to work there someday!