Elektron Qtrack confirmed in a dream

I’m a really vivid dreamer and my dreams tend to be pretty detailed. Last night I had very life-like dream about a new Elektron device called Qtrack. Immediately after waking up I made a drawing and wrote down all details.

Qtrack is a four stereo-in creative sound mangler, performance mixer and master effects box, in Digi-format. The layout is very close to Digitone. In the dream I had just received it and I was just getting to know it. It felt kinda the Elektron version of Cableguys Shaperbox but with an emphasis on being a mastering unit for your live or studio jams.

Here are the details (that I can remember):

4 stereo tracks (2 out + Overbridge)
5 freely assignable effect slots per track
1 master track

Track FX:
Analog Drive
Splicer (this really was the name; it was kind of real-time slicer, not far from Time module of Shaperbox)

Master FX:
Master EQ (some kind of multiband EQ)
Multiband compressor
Analog Drive

I don’t remember it having a looper function, but the more I think about it, it probably should have a looper. Maybe they add it in a firmware update. And I’m sorry to disappoint, but there was no crossfader, sorry Octatrack lovers.

This is not the first time I have a premonition dream, so I take this as a confirmation it’s actually gonna happen. :grin:


I’ve had dreams like this before. I also had like a neural connection to the groovebox in my dream and could create the exact music I wanted right as I thought it, and in my brain, I actually was making the music, because I could hear it in great detail within the dream.

I have dreamed music many times, only managed to transcribe/record it a few times thought.

Many great scientists/artists/inventors throughout history has dream epiphanies.


I have musical ideas in my dreams all the time, but never came up with an Elektron product! Sometimes I find myself writing code in my dreams… I write a lot of code while I’m awake, so it probably makes sense, however, in my dreams I code in languages that don’t exist (as far as I know).

That’s a pretty cool concept. I like the name… Reminds me of this sequencer I used to run on Linux: https://qtractor.org/

But one thing you’re missing is the recording buffers! The fact that the OT can concurrently sample multiple sources at multiple points of the sequencer is why I love it so much. Go dream about taking the recording buffers to the next level, please! :wink:


Last night I had a dream that Elektron contacted the FBI to take out @Wuola for inftrating their vault using some mystic psychic powers known as “dreams”

What are the odds?!


Haha yeah! I think there must be recording buffers and loopers hiding in the box, it just wasn’t ready for the first firmware! :smiley:

I have this pretty often too! Couple of years ago I was somehow conducting a symphony orchestra with my mind and could make them play the most complicated polyrythmic and polytempic things with perfect ease. The experience was so strong that soon after this dream I started experimenting with polytempic composition — and this saturday I played my first polytempic piece for 500 people in a concert!


I just re-read the original post and now see this wasn’t specifically an OT successor. The crossfader comment made me think that… Anyhow, I still want recording buffers on my Qtrack dammit!


I believe this was part their of their marketing dream inception plan all along! The information must have been somehow downloaded in the recent Digitakt update…

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I think it’ll actually be called the DigiTrak


4 stereo ins…it would be called the Octamix surely!
I would buy it, a you dream SD card storage for a stereo recording of jams!

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Exactly! It was not Octatrack successor but a sort of hybrid multi fx machine, performance mixer and a mastering unit. This is literally my DREAM MUSIC MACHINE! :smiley:


Octamix and DigiTrak are both cool names! I think Qtrack could be short for Quadratrack. Maybe also reference to Cue so it has to have a cue track too…

In your dream did any of the FBI agents look like Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy or Joseph Gordon-Levitt?

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One of the people in my dream DID look like Leo, but I think he was only pretending to be an agent.

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I realize that DigiTrak is too close to Digitakt and we wouldn’t know what 2-character name to call it (can’t be DT). So maybe it’s the DigiQuad and we refer to it as the DQ.

I had a dream about R Kelly the other day.


But it did have an Analog Drive circuit… maybe not Digi- after all?

I also really like the idea of it having a Tape effect. And just realized the Splicer effect must use some kind of sound buffer that is constantly recording. So there also must be a looper hiding in it!


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I was just talking to R Kelly and he told me he’s been dreaming about you


I’m not his type.


Q is Japanese for 9.
Just saying.

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