Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

What if all it is is a vocoder?

Nicely done

so maybe Syntakt means - arrangement of patterns into coherent songs??? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


A Song Mode to rule them all, I love it.



AI-driven, that maybe … would be the next step


Like almost everyone here I’m really hoping for a MD in the digi form factor. After that Elektron can go crazy and build as many touch screens, subscription based plugins and duo-lingo fart vocoders as they want (if that is indeed what people are fearing after the internal shake ups), but please just give us a drum synth first.


what is with octatrack? :wink:


Analog heat.

The question is, will it sound good?

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And of course, will it blend?


Octatrack owners will be happy!


We´ll see. Superbooze or not. Usually December they announced machines. Didn´t they?

Again ? MD/AR/M:C… not even counting the synths tthat are pretty good at it (Digitone, Analog4…)

Meanwhile, the LXR-02 has an extensive midi CC list of its parameters… I could probably put the Digitakt midi CC capability to good use here while we’re all waiting for this “nu-machinedrum”.


Well the Machinedrum is long out of production and out of date. That’s a bit like saying Moog should stop making synths because you can still buy a Voyager on eBay.

AR doesn’t have half the synthesis capability of a Machinedrum, and the M:C only does FM. It also doesn’t have Overbridge or a lot of the other bells and whistles of the bigger boxes.

There really wouldn’t be any more overlap than with any of their other devices, and it’s obvious that people in the market really want one.


Someone wrote about “sync” and i think thats a good speculation route. Syntakt sounds to me like… a multitrack mixer but somehow really built specifically towards Elektron devices.
Some sort of device that “bridges” all the other Elektron boxes or “syncs” them somehow… might bring more people into the Elektron ecosystem. That’s my best guess


But (I think) almost all the Elektron products are some kind of drum machine/synth, I feel a huge overlap in their portfolio and a lack of pure melodic synths, currently just the A4 and the Digitone are proper melodic synths, and can make drums at the same time, so, another drum machine? I say neh.

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Fair enough, though if all those synths are drum machines then all of the drum machines are synths :wink:

That said I’d also be thrilled to have another proper synth from Elektron. We’ll see!

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8 stereo channel, dedicated outs and ins for all channels “performance mixer” with the Elektron sequencer, scenes, a cross fader and two FX slots for each channel that are plockackble. Oh and OB support so you can use is as a 8in interface. Oh and a robust midi side so you can use the sequencer to sequence the external gear you have running into it.


Honestly a mixer with some effects, midi capabilities, overbridge, and audio over USB would be a dream come true for me. Thats basically what I am patiently waiting on from Elektron

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Seems bonkers that no one has made a midi controller / audio mixer. It just seems so logical to sequence and eq/mix/effect the incoming signal from the same box.


ahem…not fully correct. It does FM, but also Wavetable synthesis, as Ess revealed in one or another thread.