Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

nice save…welcome

…businesswise…the models were a great idea…that did not pay out in numbers as expected…
the low price segment is no good terrain for a small/mid size company…
and that lesson is learned in sweden…
while in naked profits, the takt was/is a huuuuuge and surprising success…
and that lesson is also learned/noted in sweden…

and since we all love conspiracy guessing meets whishful thinking… :wink:
well…there’s no need for claiming a synthtone…
why come up with two different products if u can cover it ALL with one…
no need for double features here…
syntakt…also leans heavily into syntax…a common term in all kind of language grammar…
music is an universal language…with it’s very own syntax…it’s very own set of rules…
and the syntakt will do exactly THIS…
beeing a groovebox that can speak music…
sid/md/mnm were a good start…and founded aaaaaalll the swedish cult of TODAY…
and today, it’s easy to harvest that and go beyond…
cycles gave us a glance…meet the machines…and we did…
the mid price segment is, where the big bux are…
if u can create ONE PRODUCT that takes all the cult from yesterday, combined with all u learned along the way, include the option of a futureproofed open backend via firmware updates and next new little “meet the machines” promo boosts from time to time…
u’ll get THE product, another cultclassic right from the start, u can sell for years to come…
and if THAT is not the actual swedish masterplan, well, then future board meetings really gonna be messy…


Didn’t know the models weren’t selling as expected. I think the wisdom of the model series is don’t make it do too much… That makes it quicker and cheaper to develop. So I think they should try again. If they can nail a low price box that appeals broadly then they could succeed in both the low and mid price markets.

How do you know?

If you do two, three or more products, you can sell more. Isn’t that a thing? Breaking your technology down into smaller pieces and selling them? If we’re talking about mass market appeal…


Not yet being an instagram person myself i saw it on facebook first, and their post there was a lot clearer from the start that it was an artist/device focus type of thing heheh

yeah, I’d like to know too…

…sorry…but ur missing out on the naked business side of things here…
sure it’s a good thing to sell many different products…but if u can sell only the one and only and same product as much as all the many, u gain a lot in profits. end of all days…

and sure the models were a success…in sales…but not in profits…
and please stop asking me, how do i could possibly know this…

so, to be clear about productdesign…
most reasonable product soon to come, will feature…

16 individual sequencer lanes…each individually can be adressed to be a midi track or a soundengine algo track or a neighbourtrack ot like fx engine algo…
and the collection of next new algos will grow with the years…meet the next new machine within ur machine u already got…and let everybody know HOW AMAZING and always fresh again and again THIS MACHINE actually really is…and always will be…
take the exact basic electronic parts of the digitone, with it’s two chip board design and take it all from there…enough cpu power to do all the tricks…

THAT’S smart working with what u got for real…and since elektron got some truu smart cookies and also some venture capital thinkers up their sleeves, that’s the way back and into the future of their further success story in sonic business…

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Side note but I always read your posts with such a relaxed voice in my head due to all the …'s. funny how brains do that.


why ?


Sorry don’t understand this sentence…

It’s fair to ask where you know this from otherwise it’s just unsubstantiated opinion.

Based on what logic?


…thanx for da flowers…and puh…just let it go…
might wanna think for urself and trust ur trust…if not…keep on guessing otherwise…
we’re all still free to make up our own minds…don’t we…

well, ok then… from now on I’ll take your claims about Elektron sales and profit with a pinch of salt.


I’m good with all that, was just trying to understand you. It’s completely ok to have an opinion, but framing it as fact without context can be misleading.
All good :slight_smile:


…logic was always based on logic…and the right amount of salt was always what made all the difference…
also moses was never misleading on this fact and shared his opinon about it throughout all his life…history can always tell…
even if all we learn from history, is, that we don’t learn from history…
for a better tomorrow…all to gather…

syntakt can be a entry level to analog rytm

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This thread is starting to really challenge OT Sound Quality for the best thread ever crown.


This doesn’t make a whole lot of sense tbh. With a ‘can do all’ in one box customers will buy it once and that’s it. Maybe some will buy two.
With a consistent and variety of products people will buy more than one. Which means more profit.

Anyway, different topic :stuck_out_tongue:


Depends on the Box. If you can buy single „machines“ as updates from elektron, one single Box would make sense for Saas. To be honest. Boxes need to grow featurewise. Analog rytm was able to synthesize drums and also sample, even elastic drums on ipad has lots and lots of „machines“ plus it can sample. Shure its no Hardware Box itself but if you want to charge the big money today I think you really have to deliver because there is just so much out there. And Elektron crushed their ultra high class reputation a little so they cant just charge a high price just for the brand, the sequencer and a metal enclosure anymore.

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Chill dude, I wasn’t attacking you at all, just curious whether I missed any numbers somewhere…

But you’ll sell it only once while other’s maintain steady cashflow. Maybe a truly modular device - in the sense of being user configurable/customizable with epic UI/UX would sell more than once…but hey…head in the clouds!
But yes, I’m no buisiness major…just looking at the current market situation, what drives the market, succesful sales models etc. All those little bits and pieces everywhere and the “Gotta get 'em all!” mentality.
I also think Elektron did well with their boxes - a tiny bit of overlap everwhere, but not much.
A combo of OT and A4 gives you significantly more and if you add the Rytm you gain much more again - more freedom in doing sounds, more functionality, performance etc. While adding boxes, you add value to your setup (if that makes sense…).

Anyways…thinking about the Models. I’d love to see Elektron combining the knobby Model-like interface with their page-driven encoder tweaking UI. Paging and tweaking generic encoders for sound design, building patches, setup etc. + knob-per-function layout for performance vital parameters.
The A4/AKs performance macros are great, but knobs for performance oriented parameters + pages and encoder system would offer additional freedom.
Add joysticks, touch strips (the roller/looper strip on the Drumbrute/Beatstep Pro comes to mind) - additional realtime control for the sequencer…but whatever you do -> pls keep the kit/part system! :grin:

The name Syntakt could indeed mean a new format, but why not a Digi-sized box that doesn’t have “Digi” in it? They can name their boxes how they like it^^


I bet it’s gonna be an analogue device like an a4 in digi format