Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

Analog heat is “Digi sized”. So the name is indeed not really bound to the type of casing. :slight_smile:


Damn…I need more coffee^^

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Well, here the name conventions are pretty clear. Elektron always puts the word “analog” in the name when it is analog. So that seems to be unlikely.


Lol, because you cant and its all just speculation?


I’ve owned the MD Mk1 and MD UW Mk2 in the past.
I really hope they come back with a solid Drum Synth,
preferably in the Digitakt format and layout - 8 track drum synth
With machines from the MD, but hopefully some new ones and maybe some of the MM

Of course the A4 can do drums, as wel as the Digitone, but I would like to have
A synth which is at first a drum machine with synthesis, then a synth which can be a drum machine. As it will be faster to program drum sounds. Of course you would be able to make al kinds of sounds with it, as you can with the MD, Rytm etc. But at it’s core it’s a drum machine, which I want it to be, so I can focus on making drum sounds/beats etc. in stead of being distracted. If I want it to sound like something else, then I can do that as well.

I own the Octratrack mk1, Rytm, Digitone, Model Cycles and Digitakt. What I really like about all of ‘m is that you can combine them together, use them as a source, as effect processor, or whatever, but you can also take just one of them and escape, getting yourselves completely into another zone… It’s not just for completing songs, writing music or whatever… It is also a real pleasure to play with these and forget everything around you, unload all negative stuff or just getting relaxed after a busy working day or completely letting you go bonkers with it.

So, again yes, I really would like it if they come up with 8 track Drum Synthesizer – so not a 100% copy of the MD – but more a mix of the Digitakt and MD and no samples, just let the creativity flow and let us sink deep into the machines…


“Syn” from the Spanish, meaning “without”

“Takt” from the English, meaning “manners”

It’s a new hardware device to help men post on music tech forums


I wish it is a rompler in digi box format that can load soundfonts and has plenty of modulation options with LFOs and plocks.

I would also love a raspberry pi inside a digi box. That would enable my first wish (for example running fluidsynth inside) and many others.

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lovely post

Oh god, I just realized they could make a box and sell the “machines” as a service. Just like the H9 Algorithms | Eventide


Assignable macro knobs would be lovely


You need to do less music and pass more time on this forum. :innocent:


Isn’t it Digitone?


…inventing, devoloping, creating, producing…costs money…
for every single product u come up with…
each has it’s very own firmware u need to take care of…
and each needs it’s own bugfixes…

u need to come up with a next new thing to stay hot…
and if u got only one product u need to check on and for, but have the option to keep that one fresh and hot forever…
u got THE product everbody wants to SELL, cause EVERYBODY wants to BUY it…
a dream of neverending GAS all over the global sonic village…

so u can have an individual certain amount of consumers for each and every product u got in ur catalog…
or u can have that one thing in ur catalog, that everybody WANTS…not only when it’s brand new out of ur head and in the box…
but even in years to come…

while hey, let’s not forget…u still got a few other good, already doing well products still to sell anyways…
but for now…u can focus on prducing just that same thing again and again and again…
all u gotto do to raise next new sales is a little developer team that comes up with next new little gimmicks for it…
always based on the everlasting good call of ur own history that made u grow in first place, were the 2nd hand market is biting it’s teeth to grab one still ud to day, for stellar pricetags…
that u don’t produce anymore and therefor can’t sell these days…

guess three times what U, if u’d have the choice between many different next new products, where u always have to organize new supply chains and assembling techniquues and stuff…
or that ONE everlasting same but always fresh anyways UBERCLASSIC product…
to produce…


and as a little fun side fact…the ot is selling over a decade now…same old thing…all what’s changing is the colour… :wink:

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what you’re saying makes sense, also considering size limitations of the digi format, hard to fit analogue stuff

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Especially like, 8 voices and two oscillators each or w/e people in this thread are hoping for.

i would love to see this. huge fan of the models intuitive tactile interface. very performance oriented and just feels so nice to program with. this would be very smart

this would also rule if it was 6-8 voices

what about digital oscillators and an analog filter? i guess you’d still need 8 of them but im not sure how much space that takes up

hopefully it’s a new format that combines analog & digital engines, takt & model interfaces


Can we not make stuff up?


How do you dim the leds?

They don’t, it’s from someone with no actual data at hand.

I get how people want flagships and less Model/Digis but there’s no need to pretend to have insider knowledge.

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Play nice, please. I don’t feel like scrubbing this thread over silly spats.