Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

…oh…and not to forget…knob per function model like…remains hot…of course…
so, let’s see if there’s ever a next new approch hitting the low price segment…

elektron controlers might be a thing to consider… :wink:

a solid knoblayout…all presetted for the individual product line out there already with an additional and unviversal “naked” all midi “only” sequencer engine…might do the trick in that product segment…model:control…

cause once u can forget about headphone outs, stereoouts, converters, cpu headroom…
u actually can indeed, even as a smaller company, sell a product with solid sense for cheap AND STILL make a profit…

Syntakt is what the Opus Dei do to you for penance. Sin Tacked. Not fun.

Yeah, hardkore masculine brutal beast! : )

If they could get better pads though… heck, I wouldn’t mind standard tact switches. they’re not velocity sensitive but they’re fast and reliable (and cheap !).


I’m thinking about Sequentix Cirklon.

Again, you forget the fact that with multiple machines a lot of users will buy multiple. So creating one thing that does all, which would of course mean high end price segment as well, will 1. Overshadow all other products . And 2. Will be too expensive for the really big sales.

The price segment of digitakt is really the perfect balance between features , instrument feel, and price.

You’re also forgetting that for a company to bet on one “horse” is the worst thing one can do. If that horse fails, you go bankrupt. It’s an awful way of running a business really. Unless you are a startup.

And the OT example: they created a massive hit that still sells. Also because it is still unique. Those things only happen because a company creates multiple devices and then one of them becomes a hit. Same goes for Digitakt.

The supply chain argument is also not very relevant. If you look at the designs for digitone and digitakt: same case, same encoders, same buttons, same GUI, large pieces of code are exactly the same even. So it really isn’t that costly to develop a new device that is the next installment.

So… It’s all speculation, but I think the chances of something happening like you describe are incredibly slim. But hey, who knows :man_shrugging:t3::slight_smile:


DN feels different enough, but you could make that argument. It’s just a little theory of mine.

oh my… I wish something like this appeared in so-called real world

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I don’t know what the Syntakt is going to be but I know I want to sell all my synths to buy it. “Elektron fanboy”! :tongue:

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…all correct…but we’re talking about elektron here…
there are already lot’s of products…covering pretty all sonic whishes…
still doing all fine…
ur damned right about takt and it’s place in the market…
and of course, there will never be that one product that covers ALL…no chance…

so i guess we can agree on the fact…sid, md and mnm are missing hardly…
they need a rebirth…and one mchine that covers them, placed in mid price segment would sell nuts…
and since there IS a swedish learning curve, the lesson is learned from the “meet the machines” cycles promo upfront hype…
this further and further on endless playground for a developer team option for the syntakt won’t be missed out on… :wink: …no way…

and as mentioned before…THEN, they can afford to think about a new top notch price tag machine to go beyond ot terrain…then covering wavetable and physical and grain synthesis all at once, too…

all the obvious advantages from selling a single everybody wants and needs it product, does not exclude the fact that syntakt will be, of course not their last product they’ll ever gonna produce…but for now…THAT is the ONE nobrainer product…

and naked digitone hardware will be their basecamp from where to start it…
next to come after syntakt…another keyboard version of it…ha ha…
history remains repeating…


From what I gather, nobody is going to be happy with whatever this may or may not be


…anyways… :wink: …of course not…

why can’t a model:samples also make a good coffee…damn…where’s my upgrade i’ve been waiting for so long…

what do I do with these when the new Syntakt is released!!! Jk never!!!


Aside from Octatrack users, of course.


2019 and still counting …

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Dave Smith went Bankrupt quite a few times. Its not the end of the world.

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I’m regularly accused of moral bankruptcy and I’m great.


It’s usually the end of the company, though.


Think Tom Oberheim went bust at some point too.

“Thanks to Uli and the team at Music Tribe and Behringer, I own the worldwide rights to my name for the first time since 1985.”

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