Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

It’s been a while there wasn’t a bottomless speculative thread here, it’s fun, I’m in! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Okay, so ideally I want a machine that I don’t want so I won’t be tempted with :sparkling_heart:


And obviously “Syntakt LFO page firmware bug”

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I can’t find the updated manual for when @Elektron added the cup holder to the firmware.

Yeah, it’s all covered in the section on glass compliance.


I just want to add that so far I’ve been excited about half of the products Elektron has created when they were announced, yet, I own virtually every one (in one iteration or another, ie A4 mk1, not mk2).

Despite my initial feelings of this possible new product…I will own it within 1 year of release (avoiding the initial beta issues).

I’m fully in on this brand. I literally just got the cycles, which initially I was disappointed about after announcement but I FLIPPING LOVE IT!
I just can’t get enough.
If it’s a wavetable synth…sold, if it’s a drum synth, take my money. If it has the Elektron name on it, there’s a 85% chance I’ll buy it.

I’ve never been this way about anything but I fully admit and accept my fanboy status.



Are you aware of what you’ve done?!

Are you aware of the ramifications of your actions?!


I’ve been contakted by the FBI, on the suspicion of being in a conspiracy with the Russians !

If i stop posting for some reason, hope that it’s the witness protection program, rather than me having been abdukted.

Nice find Ryan, thanks for the laugh !


…that’s clearly deepfake…it will be silver with an orange oled display…of course…


The Roland marketing was brilliant…

The Ferengi rules of acquisition.


If this supposed Syntakt IS like a beefier and more in depth version of the model cycles, then that could introduce an interesting sales tactic for Elektron- trailing up. Introduce new concepts with their budget line, a sorta testing the waters on a new concept.

Slight waterfall tapered off with a bit of agile in developing instrument models. If successful take thr bare bones and implement improvements for the beefier models.

Room for substantial upgrades.

The model cycles was kinda a bizarre release compared to the samples in that it was a mostly unique instrument. It wasn’t a stripped down version of the DN like the MS to the DT was.

I doubt anyone will have any qualms upgrading from a model series to a digi series.

All speculation of course but an impressive concept if so.

The only problem would be if they came out with thr model product and people were like “I’ll just wait for improved version” but electronic musicians aren’t known for their patience


Ok, I will add my more or less baseless speculation to the thread.

Elektron seems to be doing heavy promotion of the model series with all the discounts and the modelcitizens promotions… so I’m thinking that the new thingy will be somehow poised to carve out a bit from this market segment. I also agree that rehashing things seems like it could be on the table given the recent departures. Add to that the translation stuff- rhythm synth. I’m thinking something that combines aspects of cycles, samples, and md. Knob per function -kinda machine drum uw lite with ui that relates to the model series - price would be one step up from model series: 500 USD?


Hopefully not not knop per function and please no model whatever. I know some people like those, but personally I think they are ugly as hell, not very deep and build quality isn‘t good. So please do make instruments again and leave the toys to TE :wink:


I’m sorry if this was said before as the thread is too long for me to read all posts, but according to Google Translate, “takt” means beat, time, measure, rate, stroke - and a whole other list of words that clearly relate to rhythm / drumming. So I think it is a very safe bet to assume the Syntakt will be a drum synth.

But yeah someone else must have said the exact same already above so my apologies in advance.

Haha, yes many times :slight_smile: including by me so I hope we’re right!

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When in doubt, there’s always the search function :wink:


I know what it is.

It is just a huge firmware update for Digitakt, enabling it to also synthesize drums. Actually you can choose between sample and synthesis machine for each channel.

Additionally they change branding a bit, and now there will be also Digitakt in silver casing, sporting the name Syntakt on it.


And those tracks will be called ‘single cycle waveform’!

Oh wait :thinking:


Or “single cynical waveform” if this was actually the case.


Hehe good take, but this was not point obviously. However, maybe even feasible marketingwise.