Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

Just doing my bit to get the thread to 1k


Could be a play on Syntax. Like it might be an audio translator/resynthesiser of some sort.

It’d be dope if it was a box that read/saved incoming audio and repurposed it, but less like a sampler and more like a vocoder or the polyphonic audio transposition on the Deluge.

Maybe it’ll specialize in user created Wavetables and Convolution reverbs. Who knows!

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Think we’re gonna have to wait for Winter NAMM for an announcement?

Or Digifart :crazy_face:


So is sy. It’s a verb meaning to sew.

Gotta be a p-lockable sewing machine then.


synth drum computer, of course

That’s a good translation. :thup:


Everybody assume “Syn” stands for “Synth”, but it could stand for “Sync”.
My bet on that mixer/elektron setup brain.


Syntakt is very close to the Swedish word “syntax”, which means kind of the same thing in Swedish as it does in English - a translator template for a language, often machine oriented.

Knowing Elektron, it doesn’t help knowing this at all :slight_smile: their clues, intentional or not, make the Da Vinci code stuff seem like kindergarten puzzles :slight_smile:


Well OK. Now that we’ve exhausted our one good lead “Syntakt”, what clues are left ?

July 12th the day they got the trademark was a Monday in the summertime. :thinking:

If people look at it like synth + rythm it could be a bigger box that is more focused one being a groovebox. Similar to model cycles being the first device elektron officially called a groovebox I think.

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Currently the elektron lineup misses a digital drum synth.
Digitakt, despite it is called “drum computer" (a bit misleading as term, a drum computer can be a drum sampler, a drum synth, both…) in reality it is a sampler/sample player, not a drum synth.
Considered the hype around the MD, the unofficial firmware gaining so much attention, would make sense, for both the prtfolio missing product and market demand (?), the release of an affordable digital drum synthesizer.
If we think about Elektron drum synth (not only sampler/sample player), we can see only the RYTM, which has a premium market target.

Just my idea…


Maybe he also likes Berlin so much that he decided to stay there when Elektron made the decision to close the Berlin office :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Dammit. Just when I’m days away from my midlife crisis birthday (40) and considering an OT instead of a motorbike / sports car and a young girlfriend they go and leak something like this. shakes fist


My speculationz … ( and i have a 100% fail rate on this stuff, so if this sounds good - tough luck :zonked: )

  • It’s one part spiritual successor of MNM and one part MD, no sampling
  • It’s a digitakt sized box
  • It’s digital
  • It’s got 8 tracks of assorted/assignable synth or drum machines (or 16 and no dedicated MIDI)
  • It’s not grey
  • It’s sans song mode
  • It’s gonna ratchet

DigiTakt - digital drum sampler
DigiTone - digital “regular” synth

According to this the new SynTakt would be non-digital drum machine in the tone/takt format.

Throw Analog Heat into the mix and analog’s out. Maybe it’s a hybrid? Digital AND analog engines? Drum and melody type synths?

Must be super fun for Elektron watching speculations running wild tho


This would be pretty neat. A Machinedrum successor in the Digi form and modern goodies.

Not to be a wet-blanket here, but I seem to recall Elektron once trademarking a slew of different product names and nothing ever materializing. It’s not much to put a name “on hold”, as it were, is it?


v true.

one can hope, and make a thread that takes off like wildfire tho :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Good point.

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