Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

So here’s what I would like to see:

• 4 part digital drum synth
• global effects in the style of Digitakt AND Digitone (master compressor)
• 2 lfos and envelopes per track
• lfos and envelopes can modulate other tracks including global effects (like a4)
• 4 velocity sensitive pads for finger drumming and track selection (right where the track selection buttons are on the Digitone)
• 4 cv in for cv/trigger/gate for eurorack integration, freely assignable like the lfos and envelopes.
•sync in and out
• midi I/o/t
•overbridge and class compliant usb audio
•performance mode (scenes on each sequencer step button, press and change parameter to add a performance scene, no cap on amount, looking at you Rytm)
•stereo input and output
•4 seperate outs if it would fit (probably not, this is extra sauce that I could live without

I would purchase this. Cause personally I don’t think the amount of voices are that important, it’s rather what you can do with them…

Edit: looking at the back of Digitone it looks really packed already so maybe if it was possible to put tge 4 cv in on the front panel…

I would like to make it clear that, my departure from Elektron is not related to those reasons.
I already made my statement when leaving and tried to be as clear as I can be to the Elektronauts community, and thats where it ends. :slight_smile:


Thanks for clarifying Mr. Dataline!

I will stop adding to the rumor mill!


model cycles?


I do hope whatever it is they increase the modulation features compared to their more recent releases.
maybe an easily accessible mod matrix. more lfo’s, more destinations. modernise the sequencer - random note input, note shuffle, scales, euclidean, p-lockable arp, p-lockable fx, performance mode etc.


P-lockable mod matrix^^ Also accessible via modulation/midi cc.


now yer talkn :sunglasses::partying_face:

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There we have it… that the key to fully making it nuts!

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In would add: entry level target and very limited features compared to takt or the old MD.

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would be cool of they could decouple p-locks from trigs, so you could make plock pattern a different length than the pattern, making em affect different trigs each cycle. sort of free running p-lock vibe.


Would just like to remind everyone that it could be centuries until it comes to fruition… :joy:


wonder if the saas model stuff will see a drop here. subscription plan for more machines leik, sound packs etc

Yeah I think this. The naming conventions means it shouldn’t be an all new device convention, it should be an alternate take on the Digitakt- for example if it were a digital vocoder or similar it should be calle DigiSyn or DigiVox.

So yeah, I call analogue small form factor drum machine, to be followed by SynTone, small analogue Synth.


How fun (and frightening !) this thread must be when you’re an elektron insider.


Since synth in Swedish is synt we are clearly dealing with something synthesizer here!

How cool would it be with another Digi format box!

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What are the chances of it being Silver

100%. With a little help.


I say one more thing about this…

One of my absolute favorite things to do is to modulate BPM with an envelope… this is one of the reasons I love using pulsar 23 with eurorack modules…

Send the envelope of the BD to the clock modulation and then send the clock to a eurorack sequencer… longer releases makes for wonkier swing on the track and it adds this really nice organic vibe to a jam…

Polyend tracker is close to doing this since BPM is one of the effects, but it’s not as organic since it is not reacting to an envelope…

This is something I would love to see being implemented more on sequencers.


yes please.
the once forward thinking elektron sequencer is not so forward thinking anymore


But still ahead in many aspects. What Elektron needs is more competition.