Elektron x Loop Cloud

I am nowhere near a loopcloud user (I own from Mars samples, everything else I sample myself), but in times where sampling and using parts of songs gets harder and harder and there are services that help with licensing it’s an awesome move to integrate those.

Sure, you could als, why their app is cooler than transfer, but maybe there are just no resources left at Elektron to work that much on the Transfer.app.

awesome man. Thanks for the tip. Got it all happening now :slight_smile:

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So is this taking the place of Transfer or is it simply another option? I don’t have a DT anymore, mostly just curious.

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I just checked out loopcloud just to see what the fuss is about.

The sample browser alone is pretty damn sweet. I really like that I can search my own sample library via not only tags but by tone and duration of attack and decay. I literally have gathered 1000’s of samples over the last 20 years but they’re next to useless because it’s not practical to browse through them. Using the audio filter parameters in loopcloud I can easily find exactly what I need. Then I can audition them in context via MIDI clip in ableton and WHAM! I got it.

I’m just on a free trial at the moment. I guess if I stop paying I’ll lose access to the file browser/DAW integration funtions?


I’m far from an expert, but I think I only saw pc and mac versions of the app!

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I was looking for sample management, looked at XO’s, Atlas’ and whatever prices and then found Loopcloud: IMO I’ve got a useful sample browser and ‘some’ samples as a nice add-on.

Hmmm… I’ve Loopcloud 7.1.1 on my PC but did not notice any link to Digitakt.

My steps:

Install loopcloud (mac, no previous install)
-> no Elektron tab in Loopcloud app
-> change Digitakt system setting for USB to ’midi+audio’
-> ’Elektron’ tab appears in Loopcloud app


You’ll need 7.1.3

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The level of integration is good. I’ve only ever purchased a few of the sound packs from the Elektron site before and this is a massive upgrade.

To get the Digitakt to show in Loopcloud (Mac)
Load the Loopcloud app
Preferences > Options > View > Always Show Elektron Sidebar


Dude. 1.5 update is sick!


Love this

I won’t be using it but this is a pretty thoughtful, non-invasive way of integrating Digitakt to a seemingly one-stop sample resource. I bet a lot of working professionals will get serious use from this, while not putting people who make their own at a disadvantage. A very Elektron way of doing cloud integration.


Did he just say “It’s OUR compact…” is he now working for elektron??


wow that’s a good addition for elektron :smiley: he was with novation before no?

Dude, you missed the whole arc :sweat_smile:


hahaha - I’ve literally been living under a rock in the last year!!!


I don’t mind updates like this at all, but the second my digitakt goes YOUR RAM LOOKS A BIT EMPTY, MAYBE TRY DOWNLOADING SOME LOOPS FROM LOOPCLOUD I’m throwing it out the window. As long as Elektron stays on this path of silent integration with other services without bloating the OS or annoying users who choose to ignore that functionality? No praablem. Stuff like this is cool if it just works when you want it, and is invisible when you don’t.


…stuff like loopcloud and splice were that final call…

who needs to be a creator, if it can be soooo eeeasy and convinient to be a consumer…

u can create UR very own original music or u can play with ur purchased collection of sonic puzzle pieces…simple/sample as that…

i mean come on, goys and birls, sure pretty much everybody wants to be an artist these days…
but hey, if u can’t come up with ur own little ideas and are not willing to put some original effort into “ur game”, why o why don’t try another hobby…

this move, a hotline to loopcloud via some new ob version is nothing but a business move for that majority which got no clue and likes to cheat…

listen how pro my shit sounds within just a few clicks…wow…geeeenious…don’t need any skills, just choosen the right prefab samples…yeah…still lost in a loop, though, but so far, it sounds like all the rest out there…

no wonder most of modern music drowns in conformity…