Elektron x Loop Cloud

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itā€™s cool to see :3lektron: collaborating with another company to integrate the Digitakt into a non-:3lektron: platform ā€¦

I think some companies try to ā€œdo it all themselvesā€ when a partnership might actually be a better directionā€¦


Sorry if this has been asked

Would adding the loopcloud feature to Octatrack be an impossibility?

Super stoked about this collaboration! Iā€™m really digging the Loop Cloud app and DAW integration.
Itā€™s really nice to have access to a super large quality sample library without needing to manage a bunch of harddrives.

I think itā€™s really cool of them that you get to keep any bought samples if you stop subscribing. Splice on the other hand will delete your entire accountā€¦


any idea how to fix this, canā€™t seem to integrate the service into the deviceā€¦

I feel like this integration would be great to have (though I also make my own samples)

Is the integration feature for model:samples too ? Or just Digitakt ?

EDIT: Just hoping as I read itā€™s driven via sysex and not by any special integration.

Hi I donā€™t have a DT, but I do use Loopcloud here and there. When you setup Loopcloud on the desktop app, it creates a folder on your machine for downloads. As long as yoiu download your samples to your machine, then you will be able to keep a local copy. The way I did this with both Splice and Loopcloud was to literally duplicate the files it downloaded into my own HDD. So effectively yes, you can extract them and just put them somewhere you want, and Iā€™d probably recommend doing this anyway.

I had an offer made on a MPC One for exactly the same reason (Splice integration), but I cancelled. Loopcloud will be the way. :slight_smile: (I have an paid account for more than a year, but never used it. That is changing now. :slight_smile:

ā€¦again! :slight_smile:

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Loopcloud doesnĀ“t contain only loops. A lot of high quality one shot samples available, too!

Righto. I donā€™t use it, just watched the promo vid above which showed multi loops being added.

You might be right about a mk2 inbound, but speculation is a killer.

Itā€™s a great point though, considering the difference in size when using loops compared to one shots and the memory limitation.

Iā€™m excited about the changes in ease of use (since the features were already there, just previously more difficult), but when I think of how I want to use itā€¦ Iā€™m thinking like maybe 1 or 2 loops in a project at most (if at all)

Thatā€™s when the subscription cost outweighs the benefit, unless I can make use of Loopcloud outside of using DT.

And it brings me back to them hopefully adding the same functionality to Transfer without needing Loopcloud. Iā€™m hesitant in believing the would, but I would very happy if they did.


This is the most awful thing I have ever seen in relation to the Digitakt.

I hate it so much, I can barely express it.



Itā€™s specifically targeting the Digitakt at the moment, likely due to the focus on loops, which the model:samples canā€™t slice.

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Yeah, must admit I was thinking of lazy browsing of one-shots, plus sample (and folder) management, not loops or loop-slicing.

The 1GB thing has always killed me with the Digitakt. But youā€™re right, Loopcloud does throw a weird, ahem, cloud over that amount of storage space - given they throw in 1GB of content also. Who knows, maybe something is incoming? 16gb, Stereo sampling, Iā€™m sure a Mkii could have more but storage and stereo are immediate obvious features.


I would like to see a digitakt with 4/6 outputs ā€¦


I got the Elektron tab in Loopcloud, but how do I transfer samples over? I canā€™t drag and drop it. Are there any guides or instructions? I canā€™t seem to find it, nor does Rickyā€™s video show how itā€™s done.

They are giving a discount on digitakt for Loopcloud subscribers now. Every month you get something, usually a free vst. This time i get no use for the monthly perk.

Now, last night i had finally a chance to install the new firmware and tried the Loopcloud integration. Sounds great, only wish is the DT should also have transport control over Loopcloud so the loops pay in sync :thinking: otherwise, this is a great and efficient way to load one shot and loop sounds on the DT. In a matter of minutes I had a solid idea going while testing the new machines. :+1: