Elektron x Loop Cloud

To feed the debate, I had ton of fun with Loop Cloud and Digitakt yesterday. Very nice integration. However, it is not like playing back the loops in a clean way in a daw. The Digitakt makes sure to quickly destroy the loops/samples and quickly they become totally different from original

Also, you have to think which sounds are good together, which can be very complex taking into account the infinite choice in Loop Cloud vs the very limited 8 monophonic tracks of the Digitakt (forcing to merge loops by resampling then slicing)


Exactly, and even if you are using a proper analog 909 itā€™s not like you are striking an actual drum, every sound is pre programmed and the drum kit is perfectly tuned and mixed, you just press play and then it sounds fantastic. Itā€™s almost impossible to make it sound bad

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ā€¦errrr, talking to me?..ur point is pretty much my pointā€¦

ā€¦of course, nobody needs to reinvent a 909 kikā€¦and itā€™s not about/against using loops or samples in first place at allā€¦so far, so goodā€¦misunderstandings, unsucessful communicationā€¦the root of all evilā€¦business as usualā€¦endlessā€¦senselessā€¦letā€™s get onā€¦more creating, less consumingā€¦
nobody needs endless options of prefab loops to get creative if u use a dtakt for real and as intentedā€¦letā€™s knock on woodā€¦


I think a lot of this was covered in the customer survey Elektron sent out last month.

I have to be honest, I didnā€™t see this coming but it makes sense now I think back to the questions.

Can someone with loop cloud tell me if itā€™s possible to take a collection of sample, and turn them into a larger sample chain?

With the DT 1.5 I am looking for a real simple and easy way to create sample chains and wondering if that is something that is possible within loopcloud

It is possible. With the editor you can have several tracks with samples, which you can then move and place anywhere on the grid. Then you can export the ā€œmixdownā€ to a single file.


Thank you!

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This is a very cynical post filled with strawman arguments


I think itā€™s cool people enjoy this!

Reminds me of an old saying. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.


Sure, if that make you happy.

Iā€™m not even sure what the debate is about?

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Maybe Elektron can pick up the know-how from this collaboration to improve on their companion software for Elektron boxes, i.e. turn Transfer app into something more.

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Thatā€™s not true at all. I canā€™t speak for leeroy but it seems he is saying heā€™s against people using some sample app than making their own. There is a clear distinction between those two things.


is it possible to use Loop cloud/ Digitakt integration with your own sample library?

In the hopes of moving onā€¦ Just quoting something, I think we can all probably agree with. I definitely do.

No need to rehash things. :vulcan_salute:


sorry, couldnā€™t resist :joy:


Yeah, works great

ā€¦not that old, eyā€¦and by far not that angryā€¦but yup,ā€¦made me smileā€¦

while low effort music has prooven itself for sureā€¦