Elektronauts.com not working on LTE/mobile networks?

Same here, been like this for around a week on Three network. WiFi works but not 4G.

CC @David. It seems that the issue is back. For me, it’s on iPhone SE, iOS 14.6, on the Three network in the UK, where 3G and 4G just endlessly loads pages. Only WiFi works properly.

Are you seeing it on any other pages? I only see the issue when trying to load this forum.

Just this forum (which is my only ‘social media’) :frowning:

Works on LTE for me, but only with VPN turned on.

Zero issues accessing this on LTE/Safari, Washington State, T-Mobile.

I can confirm it is possibly back for me too. Had some weird outages the past few days on LTE (my only internet).

Working again today

Still a no-go for me on 4G

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Same here since 3-4 days. iPhone SE2, iOS 14.5 and 14.6


No go here, AT&T. Unfortunately found out at the in-laws. Had to engage in conversation, gross.

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It’s working for me again :pray:

Edit: it failed again 2 days later 🥲

Was back for me and now it’s gone again.

It only seems to do this when I’m at work. However I do just have my phone connected to my wifi at home. Up until about a week ago it was working at my job, but not recently. I use an iphone but I am on a cheap network, so I get that lower priority connection.

Not for me working today and for the past week or so. iPhone on AT&T in the states. Wifi is fine.

Identical situation for me

Been borkd again for the last week or so here too

Seems to be better again. We’ll see if this lasts.

Doesn’t work for me outside of wifi.