Elektronauts.com not working on LTE/mobile networks?

The weirdest bit about this whole thing is that every other website ever (that I go to, at least) works just fine on 3G/4G/LTE. What’s different about how this site is setup that makes it fail for many different people on mobile networks?


Could be IPv6 isn’t set up properly for elektronauts.com resolution? I’ve had that cause problems only on AT&T networks before, but ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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So we’re the problem or Elektronauts is the problem? You lost me almost instantly haha!

During the last few months I would say Elektronauts failed to load something like 90% of the time through 4G (iPhone 6S, iOS 14.2, Firefox, Chrome or Safari).

I get the following error on Firefox after 20s+ on a session where I’m already identified:

An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made.

On a private session, I get the following after 30s+

The network connection was lost.

I have no such problem with WiFi (it loads in 3s approximately)

Every time I could still access other Discourse forums such as op-forums.com or Discourse meta (lighter load, afaik)

I had that issue as well last week. I thought the site was down but was able to access from my computer.

I can reproduce this at will. just turn off wifi and the site won’t load via LTE. turn it back on and it loads just fine. I’ve only noticed within the past month as I basically never looked at it from anywhere but home for a year and a half-ish. recently been out and about more and noticed it not working.

and just for shits and gigs I tested if I let my phone be a hotspot and connect my laptop to it (obviously turn off wifi on the phone, use LTE). same deal: site won’t load.


yea, same here, unless i use a VPN on my iPhone. Then it works fine over LTE.

Same issue here.
The forum is ofsen unresphonsive when I try to connect to it in 4G.

@David has such problem been investigated a bit?
I can’t see anything related on Discourse Meta :thinking:

This is all so odd, is there a listing of areas affected, mobile platforms and telco providers?

A survey might be most helpful.

No list as such, but from the comments above, it affects people in (at the very least) France, UK, and USA, so I doubt it has much to do with the providers. For me, the site loads the top part where it says News, Forum, Media etc but endlessly hangs trying to load anything beyond that. Having said that, it randomly works on 4G every once in a while :upside_down_face:

The fact that use of a VPN fixes it should narrow down the source of the issue.
Mind you, I’m not using a VPN routed through a country not mentioned above by @Craig , still a US IP address.

Glad I found this thread. Yea. Elektronauts only works for me when I’m connected to WiFi.

3, 4, and 5G no luck.

Having said that, GAS levels deplete when I’m not on WiFi. So these connectivity issues aren’t all bad :wink:


Canada, iOS 13.5.1, Fido network, no VPN.
Never any problems connecting.

Always problems connecting

Same as @alspacka

im pretty sure it has to do with security layers for mobile data networks interfacing with security layers for various websites

ive noticed strange behavior on a number of sites when connecting to networks in different ways on my android phone, whereas it does not exhibit the behavior when connecting in other ways on my phone (i.e., its repeatable)

Not only is this dite inaccessible from my iPhone in LTE but now I can’t upload pictures even with WiFi!

Interesting! Ive never had issues with it in the 206 (Tmobile), nor overseas.

Google DNS (, might help.

Just FYI, ALL browsers on iOS are fundamentally the same as Safari, Chrome, Brave, Edge, etc are just UI wrappers for the same engine. This is likely some sort of DNS issue.

I’ve had this issue for quite a while


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