Elektronauts dnb/jungle tunes/tips

It’s been 13 years since my dnb release, I’ve done few things here and there, this thread reminded me what and why I’ve started making music, so I probably need to stretch my dnb making skills and make something new lol :smiley:


this has been brought up before, but the time stretch hack on the Takt is fun as heck for junglin’

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my tip is get your levels right, which i didn’t in this hastily/hazily made track :slight_smile:


been a while since i posted anything here various battles and family life had me a bit burned out, anyhow heres a W.I.P dnb thing im working on…


I love all of the stuff you’ve posted in this thread.

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Thanks man, appreciate it :+1:

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Really sick tracks form some of ya’ll :heart:
I’m extra late to the genera. 49 yers old and it’s finally something I enjoy.
@Symian You’re tracks are incredible, sounds goooood

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Never too late to get rollin with the dnb fella and thanks for the kind words…

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Very nice. How did you make that bass?

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Both the bass parts are serum, from the stranjah wubs and wobbles preset pack, basically an 808 layered up with a foghorn with the foghorn filtered to remove most of the sub frequency :+1: and thanks btw :blush:


Fun festival mix on the jump up & grimey tip. Happy Easter folks.


Another one from the work in progress pile, feeling a bit more productive since I freed myself from deadlines and pressure to perform…


That sounds spot on, is it all done in Ableton?

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Thanks fella yeah it’s all about the Abe’s these days, it’s just so much quicker to get stuff done imho, been playing around with some new plugins and trying some new techniques out too which seem to be paying off for the most part :+1:

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I upgraded to Live 11 last Autumn but still haven’t got round to using it properly, I’ll have to make time soon. Looking forward to grabbing the Opal M4L device by Ess, when I have the readies spare too.

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You’ve got everything you need to get cracking whithout spending another penny to be fair, it can be a bit intimidating at first but once it clicks and you find your flow you’ll love it, I think people very much over estimate the option paralysis that supposedly comes with working ITB but if you concentrate on learning the parts of the software that get the job done for you the rest disappears into the background…


The thing that frustrates me with Ableton is that I’ve got really bad eyes and most of the interesting stuff is all squashed into the strip at the bottom of the screen, so I end up using 3rd party plugins rather than the built in ones.

I’ll get round to it soon though :slightly_smiling_face:


Dunno if you’re aware but in the look/feel tab of the preferences window there’s gui scaling option that will probably help massively with your eyesight problem, I wear glasses myself and have it scaled up about 15% which really helped along with using the dark theme…:+1:


I find working in arrangement mode vs clip mode way easier for Ableton.


and why I want a massive dual screen setup dedicated just for a DAW. The dual Slate system and mixing desk is on my wish list for such a task. As soon as I free up studio space and funds next few years.