Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #1

  1. You might want to extend the deadline so that you can still drop something.
  2. At least gather all the tracks in one album, that would be a killer one ^^
    Maybe the participants could send you the .wav and you put this on bandcamp for free.

Here’s my submission! The samples provided here were amazing, and because of that I ended up doing something a bit different from my normal boombap style beats.

I made the entire track on the AR (sampling, chopping, sequencing, mixing etc), and this video is a recording straight from the stereo outs of the machine, performed live. Only the Moog lead piece is added afterwards.

I built the beat around an organ chord and some vocal/horn pieces from @Kuro’s amazing sample, and also used bits of saz (?) from @the_PMO’s sample, guitar from @Affectionate-Bee-781, and some vocal stabs from @spazzickagent and @woops ( although it felt a bit like heresy to sample bernard purdie’s voice and not his drums haha).

The only outside samples used are the drums and the sub bass. Hope you guys like it!


@Sleepyhead Dope track! That organ sounds like it could be off an old Jamaican dub album! I had to go back and check where you got it. Very cool. As a whole the beat reminds me of something off of one of the Madlib Beat Konducta or Medicine Show/Mind Fusion albums, which of course I love. The video editing was a nice touch as well. Nice work!


Hi all. Had to finish this endless possibilities thing. Not fully satisfied, wrong choices at the beginning, but I couldn’t start again from the beginning.

Anyway thanks all, it was very interesting. Sorry I didn’t use all samples ! :content:
I’ll listen more carefully released songs and list samples I used later (provided ones only).
Smartphone > Octatrack > Smartphone


Really cool and creative :slightly_smiling_face:




Super chilled! Really like it

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You achieved quite some sound quality with such minimal setup.
I’m listening to it with my phone hp, to get the best rendering. Still sounds ace ^^


Here is my beat.
I have to say I’m damn impressed by all the contributions so far :slight_smile:
I was a bit lazy (or less creative) and only took one sample. The one by Gladys Knight & The Pips, that @Mat_Mat shared.
I flipped the sample on the ipad in koala and arranged it in garageband. I couldn’t resist to add a acapella as well, since I guess my beat is quite classic without too much going on. It concentrates one main loop. So there was enough space to embed Nasty Nas in the area.
Hope you dig it.

Huge congrats on every contribution so far!


Dope! You really got a lot of interesting pieces out of the one sample you used… and again: like most of the stuff posted here up until now, your beat pretty much sounds like a finished instrumental for a rap song. impressed with the quality!


I will listen to all beats after the deadline!,… curious but will wait!

Will try to make time tonight to get on with my own chopping. Damn, I lack energy to get into it fully atm, … work, fam, house rebuilding organisation, … I’ll try to get something out though.



Very good! It Goes well with Nas voice!


Really nice work, you used the same chord from Monica that I used as the main part of my beat. haha.
You got a really nice vibe in this.

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“generally around dark” amazing

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damn… the dopeness is high with this one as well. the slowed down beat and crunchiness of everything totally flows here. nice work!


holy moly. this is all done on an iPad? nas over the top brings it home for me. i’m not even a huge nas fan, but it fits so well here. awesome stuff, man.


seriously… wtf? this battle will not be easy to judge. all of you are crushing it.


thanks guys :slight_smile:

yes. I really like Koala for sampling, cause you can import video to audio. I just make a screen recording of the youtube clip and import it.
And garageband is totally underrated imo…

I used landr to master it though :wink: only low intensity. I usually do this when I upload something to SC or Bandcamp


Thanks guys! Really curious to hear your version @Yabba! And madlib’s beatkonducta in india was in the back of my mind while making it, so I get the association @DimensionsTomorrow


hey all, just wanted to say i’m going to have to drop out, i won’t be able to give this the attention it deserves. i’m excited to hear what everyone comes up with this week. everything sounds awesome so far.

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