Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #1

Here’s my sample thing, hard to find good stuff that hasn’t been posted already. This has some bassline material at least.


Love that guy, ran into his work on Youtube while searching for Octatrack stuff and have followed him ever since. He’s a great example of proficiently using Elektron machines in Hiphop for sure.


In my old regular battle on StonesThrow the winner picked the samples and the rules for the next battle.

That’s kind of a fun way to do it, as if everyone works with the same samples you get to really see how creative people were.

So we can post up our track starting Monday?


Good idea! And yes, you can post your finished track on monday!

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A simple suggestion about @DimensionsTomorrow 's proposition of making the winner pick the samples :
I really like the rule : A sample = a battle participation

So Maybe :
Every participant must bring a sample to pick…or not, but every one must include last winner’s sample.


My probably over ambitious idea for my submission is that it’s going to be a YouTube video that goes like this:

  1. The actual beat
  2. The samples used, maybe with different versions of the flip that wound up changing.
  3. A disregarded idea or two.

The whole idea for this kind of started with us talking about seeing how we all thought about samples so I think we should lean into the peaking over your shoulder aspect of it.

We’ll all hear the tags and know it’s already over.


@Sleepyhead Regarding the next battle, what I suggested earlier was: the three top scores each provide a sample. We can maybe add that the winner also defines the theme of these samples / the rule of the next battle…?

@Doug that would be dope! Also works with audio only: the OG sample, the chops, then the beat!


@Sleepyhead thanks for starting this thread and thanks @Kuro @Doug for suggesting it. Really looking forward to hearing the beats!

There are a lot of great samples already suggested, I found it hard to come up with something. Decided on this, it is piano and a 10 string fiddle:


I posted my final track a bit early over in the Polyend Tracker thread, as it was made entirely in that wonderful little polish box.

I’ll post here officially tomorrow, but if anyone wants a peek at the competition (or lack there of😂)…

It was a sprint to the finish…. My vacation is over today so I had to finish everything for the battle last night, but I had plenty of time to air it all out and I’m pretty happy with how everything ended up.

No excuses here.

I sampled echo_opera’s contribution of ‘niyaz’ by Fereydoon Foroughi.

This whole practice was super refreshing and I look forward to listening to everyones submissions, shouts out to everyone who put this battle together.


Made a YT Playlist from the songs available on YT.

Have em all on disk, can start fiddling.



OK, I am game for this.

Here is my song to sample from.

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I guess I’m in.


sorry for the delay. here’s my sample submission! Thx for the reminder senor sleepy @Sleepyhead


Nicely done.

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Here’s my entry. Had to knock it out over the weekend as I don’t know what work holds this week. Limited time to finish tracks is both a blessing and a curse.

I sampled that dope Carrie Lucas track and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop track. No outside sounds/samples other than drums and the Doom vocals.

Available here:


here’s my entry. the samples in this thread are so good, i whipped up at least three different tracks.

the first time through the carrie lucas track, i focused on the intro vocals only. then last night, i realized the bass line totally meshed with the break. there’s not much else in here — just a kickass break, the lucas sample, and some effects/eq. this was all done in ableton. the loops are all pretty short, so i might try replicating it on the digitakt at some point.


The deadline for joining has passed! We’re up to 36 participants!


@DimensionsTomorrow this is very dope, I really like the overall sound, and the drum sequencing is awesome. This track sounds like a finished song, and the doom vocal fits perfectly.

@rockpapergoat Cool buildup, the different loops fit perfectly with the drumbreak, and I like the kind of atmospheric sound you gave the sample.

It’s dope how 2 different people come up with completely different songs using the same sample. I was very happy with my beat so far but I might have to step my game up haha…


love this!

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@Sleepyhead and @Unifono

Thanks for the kind words! It’s been a while since I’ve finished a track, so it felt good to post something up. Looking forward to hearing everyone’s stuff!

Thanks for organizing this and I’m glad there are no hardware restrictions. Good to keep things diverse. It’s all about having fun and making tunes, right?

PS: I’m happy to provide productions details if anyone is interested.