Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #14: The Wu-Tang Edition

too many gems, always dug this one - get ya nose swollen up like toucan

Great, thanks!
I sent you pm with Wetransfer link, but as it is first time I send a pm, not sure if things went right.

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I’ll check it when I’m on my computer!


@Sleepyhead Are there any limitations to the gear we can use, hardware/software for these hip-hop battles? So long as we use the specified sounds?

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No limitations on hardware/software you use, besides the fact that you can only use them to sequence/shape/mix/apply fx to the samples provided, you cannot use sounds you make yourself on hardware gear or in software.

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@Sleepyhead Cool, thanks for clearing that up.

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chrome audio capture so you can sample any sources of the computer

Currently trying to sequence the flute sample in which is stacks of fun. I need more flutes in my life

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made my track today. only have to add some kung fu


I use mediahumans YouTube to mp3 software on windows, it’s pretty awesome and free last time I checked… just as a caveat, I’m in no way advocating piracy here, just a convenient way to grab audio for sampling purposes, when I posted this in another thread it was flag central…:sweat_smile:

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Unfortunately, time has gotten away from me on this one and work has been really been picking up.

I’ve decided that the last three months of the year I’m going to try to work on getting a few tracks together for a little mini-EP (fingers crossed), so I think I’m going to be taking a break from the battles for a bit. Still looking forward to seeing what everyone cooks up! Good luck everybody!


It’s a shame you wont participate, but I’m looking forward to hearing your ep when you finish… will it be sp404mk2 hiphop stuff?

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I’m actually aiming for a few original instrumental tracks. A bit of a departure from my battle tracks so a bit of a challenge to be honest. :crossed_fingers:


I’m stoked to see the entries! Wu tang clan is very nostalgic for me. I might try to make something myself but I’ve never made hip hop before haha. I love hip hop but I make completely different music myself.

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I’m rusted in music making. I didn’t make music since 1 year.
I tryed to make a beat on the Digitakt, but I was bored quickly. Then I started again on computer with Studio One. Sound ok but I didn’t liked that much the clicky process in making the beat.
So, I removed the dust from the beast. Took some time to read again the manual. And yeah I liked this workflow so much.
I’m back with the Octatrack. :slight_smile:


I’ve been missing your beats in the hiphop thread, hope this unlocks your inspiration again!


I think I’ve got mine pretty much worked out. But I probably won’t submit until closer to the deadline in case I want to tweak some things.

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I assume that resampling or sample mangling is ok as long as the audio is from the sources above? Correct me if I’m wrong.

@Sleepyhead just a quick one… is it ok to use drums hits in the stax tracks or just the sample pack?

@Roman01 yes it is!

@Yabba you can take anything from, and do anything with the samples provided. If you manage to make a snare out of sword slashing sounds your good to go! Stax drums are of course within the rules.

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