Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #17: The Legend of Zelda Edition

I will submit something this week.

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Iā€™ve been out of town for a bit, and never really saw this post. I donā€™t have time to work on a new track, but I actually have a Zelda themed semi-hip-hop track with minor variations.

It in no way needs to be part of the battle here, but I thought Iā€™d post it anyway for fun since I have it handy. :slight_smile:

Made just with the AR.

Hope itā€™s not an intrusion, just love everything this thread/battle is about. :wink:

Actually, I have a four hour train ride in a bit. Assuming my wife just wants to chill, maybe Iā€™ll put something together specifically for this.

Iā€™ve always liked the Bolero of Fire. Maybe Iā€™ll do something with it.


I still havenā€™t started yet

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You are kind of guy that prepare for his exam 1 day before the day and get the best grade


Great to read that so many of you will make it! I am sure itā€™s going to be awesome as always :slight_smile:


Not sure if my post is going to follow all the rules but somethings been afoot and is rangebound :muscle:

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My track is submitted. I PM you a google drive link. Let me know if you got any problems with the download


Looking forward to hearing these. Havenā€™t had the time or the brain for it but Ocarina of time brings back memories of being 17 and my mum losing her shit with me because I was playing it at 4am on Christmas Eve that year!


Got some tracks in my mailbox already :blush:

I am planning to upload tomorrow (jan 16th) at around 21.00 CET.

Our youngest has a fever however, so no 100% promises :wink:


Didnā€™t have time to put anything together for this one. Maybe the next one.




Iā€™ve got the first half sketches out. Iā€™m kind of blanking on the second part. But itā€™s still morning so, fingers crossed.



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Maybe next time


Hoping Iā€™ve made it just under the wire! Regardless, I know weā€™ll have great listening to look forward to


@sleepside You inspired my track submission and itā€™s loosely depicted on your recent home encounter with the water deities. The boss level towards the end is more of a resolve than a boss level though imo. Glad you were able to join! :beers:

Still working on mine though and hope the times not up yet! Itā€™s almost 11:00pm here and just adding finishing touches :innocent:

Thatā€™s really cool! I am going to bookmark to read the rest later so I donā€™t spoil myself on your beat in the competition


Thanks everyone for submitting! Playlist is up :slight_smile: See starting post.

Just a small note, the creator of track 5 misread the ā€œno vocalsā€ part. As it is just from Zelda commercials, I included it anyway and leave it up to the voters to decide if they want to include it in their voting or not.

Hope that is alright with everyone.

I am going to give all the tracks a proper listen later, but a quick and dirty listen quickly rein(tri)forced the idea that we have an amazingly talented bunch of creators here.

Thank you all for putting your energy into this!


Im voting!

I figure is best of three?

I go for 2 is first.

It almost got second, because I thought it was BARELY gonna verge on repetitious, but the switch up is nice. Got a Morricone vibe to it.

Then 9 is second.
I like the mixtape feel of all the vignettes.

And 8 is third.

Pure Zelda. Really tells a story.

HMā€¦ 3.


Can non submitters vote?

[I wish I got in on this one. Zelda is the best]

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