Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #17: The Legend of Zelda Edition

No, sorry.

Well, you can vote if you want, but I’ll only count the votes of those who participated :sunglasses:

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I figured we do it the same as always:

First place gets 3 points
Second place gets 2 points
Third place gets 1 point



Just checking.

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Great playlist! Good job to all who participated.


Sure mate, no worries!

I didn’t submit so I can’t vote, but i just wanted to say great job to everyone who put an entry in.

If I had some feedback on this challenge it was that it was maybe a bit too restrictive which meant I didn’t manage to complete an entry however it probably says more about my musical ability than the challenge :rofl:

I’ve only skipped through them but they deserve a bit of a few thorough listens before i vote, well done everyone as usual :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi everyone. Normally, there is a separate voting thread. I was so caught up in my new job that I didn’t really think about that (thanks @Yabba!) . And now that the first contributor has voted (thanks @BLKrbbt) , I figured we could as easily do it in this thread.



Playlist can be found in the starting post, and here is another Link to it:

Here we go!

Voting deadline is Sunday 22, 1900 CET


This brings up a good point… is it better to just vote in the same thread in the future?

I am legit asking for the other battles as well. Whats the pros and cons?

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In my opinion:
Pro-New Thread:
–Clear demarcation of phases (no accidental submissions after deadline, little dopamine hit from entering voting phase, more focused discussion)
–Easy to ping the participants if you don’t want non-participants to vote

–Splits discussion history
–Separates competition rules from voting (or requiring copy-paste of rules)
–requires manually pinging participants to make sure they don’t miss the new thread

Probably more things I’m not thinking of. At a high level, I think keeping it all in one thread feels more casual, and splitting threads feels more structured


You know… those are good points, and maybe its good not to commit to either one… I guess let the host do what feels right at the time.

Plus, its not that big of a deal either way.


Let me repost this after the page break then…

Love the entries! Nice work! Wish I could have gotten one in on time. I may still do the track that I wanted to do, just because. :wink:


Please share if you do!

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The Master Sword goes to track 4
Really weird but it took me on a strange trip… Loved the depth of the kick and bass.

The Kokiri Sword goes to Track 7
The water sample got in the way of the nice jazzy background at first but really liked it, smooth.

The Deku Stick goes to Track 2
A bouncy and fun adventure.

I didn’t hear many tempo changes or boss sections in these tracks… Get your headz out of the kush and follow dem rules people! :smiley:



I literally scribbled notes, so that it would be possible to remember which tracks were which. You all came with such heat that it’s making me really reconsider my submission, and it was very difficult to pick. It was a lot of fun to join you all on an “official” mission brief!


-={Track 9 - Master Sword}=- I really enjoyed their drum play and it felt like they were the drummer. It was a real treat to listen to, especially when the Mario theme comes out of nowhere! :exploding_head: Really was left in awe when the preceding section brews and allows for Mario to come in, and big props in their abilities to make that happen amongst the numerous other tasteful transitions in the track. :beers:

-={Track 4 - Kokiri Sword}=- This was originally my number one, as well, and I really am conflicted on this decision because I really enjoyed the introduction section so much. It’s so hot that it speaks to the soul. :fire: Every element from the bass to the sparkly sounds are placed so well, and it literally sounds like an EP/LP demo with the transitions involved. This would be an awesome project to stretch out into an album, if the creator has the time to do so :beers:

-={Track 5 - Deku Stick}=- I enjoyed their vocal selection and its use, even if the song broke any rules (heard vocals elsewhere in other submissions, and they were all yummy as well, so maybe that can be overlooked by the judges). They were very much relevant and nostalgic. It felt like watching old commercials in the 90’s/00’s :beers:

Honorable mentions:

Track 2 - This is a beautiful hard rap song for the likes of og’s. I also hope I’m not overstepping in recommending this, but since your beat is so lively, I recommend ending the song on a “BANG” note vs. the fadeout technique. It would add to the rest of your already lovely track like a cherry on top for the final presentation :beers:

Track 8 - That intro is so fresh. The boss level feels entirely as such, and gives off endless staircase vibes! :beers:

Again, it was a real pleasure to play amongst you all, and thanks @Jedilicious for an unexpected, inspirational theme!



Also the name of this amazing record
And a krs-one track
I was hoping to hear a few more obvious boss battles as well, such a killer idea


Hah didn’t even know of that first one!
Will look it up and give it a listen😎

found it available for a listen on his bandcamp, thanks!