Eowave Quandrantid Swarm

You could try the type of plastic film used for screen protectors cut to size, or even just scotch tape or similar to see if it improves the sensitivity.

Response from Eowave:

Just for the test, could you try with the swarm plugg in a different place ( best would be in another house) to see if it is an interference with the electrical installation ?

Not sure i can go round anyones house currently with more and more crazy rules coming in. I noticed it does get even less responsive when played in cooler place in my house.

Hey swarm users :honeybee:
I found that playing drone chords with vca cv signal in, gives very pleasing results for atmoshpere/pads sounds. Butā€¦ It would be more fun to play it endlessly, without keeping swarmā€™s pads manually pushed all the time. Anyone have a solutions for that? Is there any way to control poly mode bypassing this quirky advancing pad steps style?

@darenager thx :pray: will definitely try that.

@Bcharlie great that youā€™ve gotten a response! it has happened to me in both settings that I used it in, non of which were optimal, but I still doubt that it is the electrical context. I can confirm the temperature thing, the one time it had gone completely haywire, was right after turning it on while it had been sitting in a close to freezing-point environment for 2 to 3 hours.

@lkvs Iā€™m not sure I fully understand what you are trying to achieve. Do you want to drone it in poly mode?

hey all

just picked up an eowave swarm after much deliberation. love it but iā€™m having issues with the audio out signal. I have a standard 8th inch to quarter inch cable going from either once of the two outputs into my mixer with no issue. However, when plugging into H9 or the ext input of the A4, im not getting any signal.


Is it TS or TRS?

Itā€™s TRS ā€œbalanced lineā€ā€¦ thats the issue isnā€™t it?

Likely, try it with a TS cable instead.


Hello fellow elektronauts,
I own a Quadrantid Swarm which I recently relocated from its original case into a nifty case (together with a Dreadbox Dysphonia). Now Iā€™m left with a 41HP case which I would like to fill with a couple of drummodules. Iā€™m rather new to Eurorack so could anyone of you guys tell me if this would even work? Can I just add a flying busboard to the Swarms original case and fill up the available 41hp? I reckon I would have to make sure that the power requirements are sufficient but besides that I should be ok, right?
Thanks for your replies!

Any advice on how to set this up to receive MIDI clock? Have tried pressing shift on start up and playing MIDI notes from a prophet 6 set up on MIDI out. But nothing happens. I Have followed the instructions to set up MIDI sync by pressing 8th pad after holding shift on start up but get nothing sending MIDI sync using TD3 and MC101 using included MIDI to jack cable included.


Hey all! back again with another question.

Is seems my swarm unit likes to fall out of pitch between steps 5-8 when running via the internal sequencer. Is there a calibration method available? Is the pitch generally more stable when being externally sequenced? The issue makes me a bit reluctant about using Swarm on recordings/live and would love to troubleshoot this. Thanks!

My swarm is never in tune. Itā€™s fine when I use it as the only melodic source but I find it unusable even I want to use other musical elements alongside it. If anyone has any tips Iā€™m all ears.

Sequencing externally, with the freq knob @ 7 oā€™clock it was in tune and stable for me

Trying to decide if this does anything my Typhon canā€™t more or less do :thinking:

Itā€™s a beautiful little synth, regardless. Sounds like martians banging on trash cans.

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This! Absolutely terrific description of this wee beastie. Sometimes I find great sounds come effortlessly, other times it sounds like itā€™s broken, and not in a good way. When I do find a sweet spot it achieves really unique and exciting sounds. Just donā€™t wibble those knobs even a femtometer because youā€™ll never manage to get it sounding that way ever again. I like the transitory nature of the sounds, makes me appreciate a good one.

Also your username rocks. I saw Slowdive about 10 years ago, was a lovely show. :slight_smile:

Just bought Swarm new, sounds amazingly unique, the build quality is bad. Feels like it wonā€™t last. Are anyone elseā€™s 2 main knobs miss-aligned, like off axis? I really wish it was made by Erica Synths, would be better built and at the same price point!


I received mine (bought used) last week. I do not have a pb with the overall build quality, but I found the manual totally lacking in depth and detail. Regarding the filters, my knobs are also ā€˜decenteredā€™. I took off the knob and had the impression that this was not a pb of the axis on the board, but of the discentered knob they used. My biggest gripe, though, is the behavior of the first filter in high-pass mode: when I turn it to the left, it opens (as expected), but then on the last 10-15 degrees closes again. I sent a message to Eowave three days ago but did not yet receive a response.

Apart from this, I really like the sounds. This is my first semi-modular, and as I am mainly interested in fairly minimal live techno, I even considered selling my A4. Btw, I sync the sequencer via midi from AR, and I love using one of the AR tracks with an impulse machine to reset the QS sequencer. Using random trigs creates very intriguing rythmical patternsā€¦

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The sounds are lovely, itā€™s incredibly inspiring to find a sweet spot and play with it. I highly (highly highly) recommend hitting Record on your DAW/MPC/Portastudio/whatever when you turn on the Swarm so you capture those magic moments, 'cos you ainā€™t getting them back.

I also recommend running the internal sequencer in tandem with an external MIDI or CV sequencer - the latter being very fun as you can clock the pattern length for those off-kilter techno polyrhythms the kids are all over. Can achieve the same thing in reverse with MIDI - send a non-standard pattern to it externally and use the internal sequencer to throw notes on top.


can the internal sequencer sync (reset & play) to an external clock via the midi in?

cant find much info on it n sorta gather it canā€™t. trynna sync it to my DT but no joy.

I managed to sync it from the AR via midi (transport and BPM). Moreover the sequencer can be reset with a pulse signal (for example from an AR pulse machine) to the dedicated reset CV in.

To activate midi sync, there was a button combination to be pressed during powering on. I found this on a forum somewhere. (I find the official manual way too superficialā€¦)

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