Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

Hey @imre did you get the lxr-02 to respond to Digitakts (or Octatraks) CC’s? I’m able to sequence ok from Digitakt, but nothing happens when I try and send CC51 (Attack time) for example.

[EDIT] I was able to get CC’s working. SHIFT + CONFIG on lxr-02, set the midi channel to 1, it seems all CC’s need to be transmitted on midi Channel 1, which conflicts with how I had the voices set up, i had each voice on its own channel 1 thru 7 (set on the mix page) so I could play each voice chromaticaly.

Conclusion is, have all voice on channel 1 on the mix page, but with a unique note to trigger each voice. i.e. C1-> Voice 1, D1 -. Voice 2. Have config page set to channel 1 also.

From the manual for MIDI CH with [SHIFT] + [CONFIG]:
The global MIDI channel is used for MIDI control that effects all tracks.

  • Listen for program change messages
  • Listen for CC messages.
  • MIDI note messages received on the global channel, are routed to the current selected voice.

Hope someone finds this useful.


Anybody got any tips for getting interesting synth sounds out of this thing?

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Did you try experimenting? It should be pretty straight forward with many of the usual parts of synth sound design. FM can add a lot of harmonics. The many filter types can overdrive. I just tried making some - you come across so many timbres and textures while experimenting.
This machine is so frigin awesome :smiley:


I have the opportunity to grab one of these (plus cash) in a trade for my Virus C (which I’m def. getting rid of). Reading all the comments on here and watching videos makes it even harder to decide. Haha. On one hand, it sounds pretty cool and seems like it would scratch enough of a MD sound itch for me. On the other hand, I’m really into the Elektron sequencing and UI, and I kind of want to hold out for whatever the Syntakt may be. Definitely not in a rush to do anything, but man, it’s hard to make these decisions.

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I encountered a problem today. When sending MIDI clock from the lxr to the db01 I found it was screwed up if I had any shuffle on the lxr. Is this a bug or normal behaviour?

Hi guys, sorry if this has been covered but I can’t sync the midi to accept start/stop from an external sequencer. I made sure my mrx is set to all and have tried midi channels 10 then 1 and 2 and nothing. It’s receiving midi as I can trigger sounds externally just not transport. Any ideas?

Ok found it, set bpm to zero and it accepts incoming clock


This is such a solid little unit. Gets crazy but i’m finding that its more tamed tones with modulation is the sweet spot for me, giving movement to othewise static drums. This is my first basic track mucking around with he LXR rolling behind some other drums with a bit of Iridium thrown in for bass and lead


Couple of decent examples of harder stuff I found on YouTube:


Great for this distorted sound. I wonder how it is for less distorted vibe, still hard techno. So far I haven’t found a convincing demo.

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It’s great for anything. It’s the sound design that matters.

How deep are the sound design possibilities?

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I would say it’s not Mariana deep but probably Diamantina levels.


Does the kick drum has FM possibilities? And how are other engines? Cool snares? The hats didn’t turn me on from the videos I’ve seen

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Nice Perkons demo ! :smiling_imp:

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A touch of audio from mine. (repetitive… :smiley: ) Just getting used to the sequencer. Everything is LXR except the little delayed modular FM bleeps.


Very nice morning head + brain massage with the bone-conduction headphones! :exploding_head:


Thanks! It was recorded quite quickly this morning while I was working on a network problem for work :slight_smile:

I rolled of the sub-60Hz a touch, but maybe should have rolled it a bit more steeply :wink:

I think I should have refined it a bit, and added some distorted NIN type sections. No time though.

I wasn’t complaining


Had a session with LXR-02 paired with the TR-8S today, so filthy and raw that I needed a shower afterwards :joy: