Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

As mentioned earlier:

I sync my lxr to external clock.
That means in perf mode the most left encoder set to zero.
If I wiggle the other encoders while performing (how comes!) I often accidentally turn this a bit, so it’s not zero anymore. Thats where my lxr makes a full stop.
It’s annoying.

Perhaps it’s the same issue for you?

Otherwise I haven’t encountered any issues.

Mine isn’t totally stable, mainly it hangs on bootup sometimes. Nothing gamebreaking yet though.

I don’t have that problem at all.

Are you on the latest firmware, it is 1.20:

I’ve had some instances where it becomes unresponsive or doesn’t do what I expected, but it is usually because I am in a ‘mode’ that I’m not aware of (saving or last step etc)
I also have issue of ext sync going to EXT -> 1bpm if the encoder jumps or I touch it slightly.

I just discovered that DRUM 2 doesn’t respond to changes in FM AMT and FRQ on my unit if the Mode is FM. I hear the change if it’s in MIX but not in regular FM mode. I don’t have this issue for DRUM 1 or DRUM 3.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Yeah, depending on your other settings on that voice there is little or no effect, usually if the voice Osc is sine or the FM osc is sine then you generally won’t hear any difference. Try switching to saw on the fm page…

if you haven’t watched this already, you might find it useful, I know I did :slight_smile:


It’s because FM on voice 1-3 is amplified by the modulation envelope:



On the other voices it’s not:


Got me scratching my head a few times in the beginning as well. So open up the mod envelope and you will hear the FM :slight_smile:


Ah, how did I miss that? Thanks! I just chalked it up to the machine being buggy. My studio room is getting colder now and today the display of the LXR was occasionally showing garbled characters. A twist of the knob did solve it.

My next request - anyone manage a decent 909 snare?

I haven’t tried yet, but it should actually be very easy.

909 Snare;
Fixed pitch digital noise. (CD4006 based shift register.) This type of noise is available on the LXR, you just have to figure out a good pitch.

Plucked sine wave from a bridged-T filter. This is also easy. Sine and envelope are available on all drum channels I think.

The trick is picking the right envelope shape, pitches, and mixture.

The envelopes were simple exponential shapes, in some cases kind of built into that bridged-T circuit.

So simple decay only exponential shapes are best.

More noise in the mix is part of the snappy effect, but I think there could also be some accent related to it that tweaks the envelope slightly. (Kind of like env mod on a 303 maybe, though I’d need to check on that.) It’s been a little bit since I last looked at the circuits. The transient samples could help with this, or setting up an accent somehow. I still need to dig into this guy a lot more. Was just out of town for a bit though. Haven’t had a chance.

Today is a bit packed for me, but I’ll try to build one up over the long weekend and post back.


While we’re talking sound design, has anybody dialed in any 909 style hats?

Edit: before anyone mentions 909 hats were samples, I know that. I just want to get in the ball park.

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I would love to replace the stock hat samples with 909 ones.

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If I could get 909 hats in there I don’t think I’d ever look at another drum machine…

That was possible with the OG LXR. I don’t know why it’s not with this version.

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Please send this suggestion to Erica!

You can’t load your own samples :scream: ?

They are baked into the firmware and are not the main thing that makes the sound. Its a synth and not a sampler :wink:
And it’s not open source like the classic one, so you cant compile your own firmware.
I’m pretty sure if you want a sample player you should get one.
Digitakt perhaps. Or an tr-6s or something.

I have an MPC and a Rytm so sample based drums are covered but adding samples to a drum machine is always a plus for more sound shaping IMO :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think the OG LXR firmware is open source.

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I contacted Erica:

Unfortunately we won’t be implementing any sample upload functionality - the idea of the LXR-02 is to emphasize the process of sound synthesis - the few samples it has are incredibly short and they are only there to blend into the drum sounds for a bit more depth.