Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

Nice, that’s news to me but cool :slight_smile:

Unfortunately we won’t be implementing any sample upload functionality

With LXR-01 source + LXR-02 firmware, maybe it’s possible to replace sample data. Another idea on my neverending todo list :roll_eyes:

Man , check this out. Pretty incredible and shows what this machine can do:

I need to study it!


This is fine with me… the reason I keep the Model:Samples around!

I noticed that the pwm parameter can actually affect the sound of other waveforms other than PWM, but only when using FM and only when the FM waveform is PWM. Can someone explain this behaviour? I’m assuming that the pwm parameter is linked to the PWM waveform in both the OSC section and the FM section.

Sounds good! Didn’t notice this. I guess it is linked then.

Ok, this is REALLY quick and dirty, and needs several improvements. I have some ideas on how to achieve some of that, but am out of time for the moment. This is a rough approximation of 909 kick, snare, rim shot, and VERY rough hats. I’m getting closer on the tone of the hats, but I can’t get enough decay on them, and they probably need some additional filtering. It’s hard to get that sound without the samples, but I’m using the hat transient for most of the tone. If this was run through some effects, tweaked a bit more, and maybe mix the hats in from another source, I think it could almost be convincing.

I think the LXR-02 is better suited to building new styles of drums, but it can get 909-ISH. 808 stuff is a lot easier.

The snare could probably use a very low-set high pass filter I think. Maybe mix in an additional channel of digital noise.

I’ll give this a try when I get a bit more time.

Edit: Added a comparison track. I think I can get a lot closer on everything, though the hats will still be a bit off.


ADM (909 Emulation):


Really impressive, I agree that it’s better for weirder drums but it’s nice to hear something so simple and solid as well.

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Any chance you can share the settings and/or kit?

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I’ll see what it takes to export the kit. I have it saved, so it should be very easy. (Just haven’t tried yet.) Probably just a straight copy I would guess.

I should have some time this evening.

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Argh! Somehow the kit didn’t save. However, as a byproduct of that, I made a better one :smiley:

Now I just have to make sure it saves properly, and will copy it in a bit.

I’m not exactly sure what’s needed to make this work, so I saved a project with the kit inside, and zipped up that file set. It should be project 8 kit 8. (I guess 9 would have been more appropriate :smiley: )

Anyway, let me know if this doesn’t work, and I’ll figure it out.

This one has a better rim shot, lower “thuddier” kick, decent snare (though it could use some tweaking depending on the settings you like) and mediocre hats. :smiley: I can get the hats sounding a bit better, but ran out of time for today.

Oh, I made that on firmware 1.1. Just upgraded to 1.2. Not sure if that will make a difference. (725 Bytes)

Here’s a silly little clip I made with the new kit. Just a rough jam. Still getting used to tweaking parameters in different pages, while also adjusting things for the sequence. All LXR-02. The baseline kinda cut into some of the other sounds due to some bad compression settings. It kind of gives some context though…

I think the open hat could be better still. The closed one is pretty close due to the transient sample. Unfortunately, that’s too short to impact the open hat much, so I had to improvise there. I think additional fm tweaking could get it just a touch closer though.

Edit: Couldn’t help but build an 808 kit :smiley:

It’s still a bit rough, but I’ve been refining the rimshot. The cymbal definitely needs work. The hats are ok, but the open hat needs to be smoothed out a bit.

Edit Edit: (can’t post another post until someone else does :smiley: ) I’ll try to work on these a bit more today, and see if I can get things just a bit tighter. I had the 808 rim shot sounds just about right last night, then accidentally tweaked it while sequencing (again…) so I’ll need to start from where it was before that.

I think I have an idea for the cymbal to smooth it out a bit.

I also think that the tom (which is a single drum, just pitched around per step) could also do the clave if it was pitched up enough. Hopefully all of that can stay on one channel.

I may be able to do a few more things that use one channel for multiple items with a single parameter change.

I’ll post new versions as soon as I think there’s some improvement.

I have some other ideas as well, for things that sound more like ROM based drums using the transient samples augmented by light synthesis. (maybe something LinnDrum-ish or something like that…)

I may have to make some more comparison tracks, so that I can tweak these sounds based on what I’m hearing. So far, I’ve just been going from memory laying in bed at night. :rofl:


They sound great, looking forward to trying them out!

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Wow @J3RK, these are great. I agree that the LXR is better at its own weird thing, but it’s fun doing these experiments. I’ve also stumbled upon good approximations of a sound, only to continue tweaking and losing it!

There’s actually a half-decent 808 style kit called Boom ! that is a good starting point for tweaking towards a better one.

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I have some ideas to get them closer, and also dug up all my X0X schematics. The functions aren’t exactly 1:1 with those circuits, but most of the function blocks are available on the LXR. (Plus the other tricks like the transients).

I think this will only hold my interest for so long :smiley: but I’d like to post a pretty usable 909 and 808 kit.


Ok, I think these are about as far as I’m going to take them for the time being.

I think I solved most of the problems that I had with them. The 909 crash is not great, but I was emulating a sample with FM synthesis, so I guess that’s to be expected. :smiley: Maybe I should have tried to make the ride instead, since that’s typically used more. That might have been even harder though.

I smoothed out the 808 cymbal and open hat. The 808 rimshot is close now, but still has a tiny bit of chirp to it, but much closer.

I think assigning the velocity mod to normally a tweakable parameter (on the real machines) is a good idea. Then it can be tweaked per step very easily. I did that with the 909 snare.

I’m attaching the kits and new examples here.

Note, I’m not much of an administrative type, so I left the project/kit numbers in their goofy state.

The 808 is Project 07 Kit 07
The 909 is Project 08 Kit 08

(Sorry… they should have been shifted one, but… I couldn’t make myself do it.) (48.2 KB) (48.1 KB)

I notice the attached audio seems to have quite a bit of compression artifacts. They were encoded at 320, so not sure why. The waves sound a bit better, but are too big. :smiley:


Now I think I’m going to try to make a kit that sounds like an old EPROM machine. Who knows if it will work, but I have some ideas.

And, since I decided not to sleep yet :smiley:

ROMPunch Kit. :wink:

I tried to get these to sound EPROMy. I used transient samples on all of them, and then used synthesis to fill in gaps, add tails, etc. I think the rimshot could use a little bit of work, but for the most part I think it turned out ok. It has the compressor on by default, with all channels routed to it. You may want to adjust that if mixing this with other material. :smiley:

Just needs a buzzy synth and a power chord, and it would be… electric. :stuck_out_tongue:

This one is Project 09 Kit 09 (48.1 KB)


Thanks for taking the time to share @J3RK. I’ve downloaded and will install later on :slight_smile:

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Any time! It was fun, and a nice break from building things, normal life stuff, etc. Now I just need to find a tiny bit more time, so I can write a few tracks with these. :smiley:


I’m having trouble linking my LXR-02 drum machine in a MIDI chain along with Keystep Pro, DB-01 and Prophet 10. How do you send the MIDI signal through LXR on a different channel to avoid doubling of the signal?

My desired chain is as follows:
Keystep Pro Out Ch 1 >

In DB Ch 1 Out DB Ch 2>
In LXR Ch 3 Out Ch 4>
In Prophet 10

Step 3 is where I run into problems. I can’t seem to find the Global Config settings for MIDI channels for In and Out in LXR. Maybe there isn’t one? There seems to only be one parameter to set the MIDI channel, I’m assuming that applies to both IN/OUT? That sucks, if the case.

There is a weird option to turn on and off Midi Send/Receive for parameters like Prgm Change, Note, etc, but that doesn’t get the job done, it seems.

Still relatively new to MIDI routing. Would this be a case where a MIDI box is needed?


Hey @fantasyland,

MIDI devices generally only need to be set up for one MIDI channel number, which is the one you want it to respond to. So for example if you play a bassline on the Keystep Pro and want it to play on the DB-01, you set the MIDI Channel of the Keystep part that you want to send OUT (let’s say MIDI channel 1) and have it match the MIDI channel on the DB-01 (Channel 1).

Then if you want another part to be played/sequenced on the Prophet, you use another MIDI channel (let’s say 2) and set the Prophet to receive MIDI channel 2. The DB will only play the MIDI send on channel 1 and the Prophet will only play the parts on channel 2. As long as the DB can pass MIDI through, it will ignore the data on channel 2 and send it along the path.

What you do want to ensure is that the LXR is not receiving on ALL channels, and also that it can pass MIDI data THRU onto the next device. If a device cannot send MIDI data through (for example, some drum machines don’t have anything but a MIDI or sync input) then you would need the MIDI to be sent through another device, such as a MIDI splitter/hub.

There are cases where you might want a device to both receive MIDI data, but also send MIDI data. For example a synth to receive MIDI notes from a sequence, but you also want to record knob/slider movements back into the sequence. However in this case it’s still just the one MIDI channel for the device. It received the sequence on that channel and sends it back to the sequence on the same channel.

I hope this clears things up.

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