Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

You set MIDI channels on the LXR per instrument. This can be kind of annoying, as you have to do this for each new kit, but it allows you to set up certain tracks for chromatic playing on a different channel.

Thanks, I think that helps, I need to try a few things out.

I saw that, the chromatic playing for instruments does seem like a cool possibility.

Dude, these are awesome.
So just download, transfer to SD card, and they load up?

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Thank you!!

That should do the trick. Just make sure you don’t overwrite something on project 7, 8, or 9 if you saved there. I’m going to cosolidate them, but probably not until the weekend.

Dream features:

  1. Ability to use the faders to control decimation, filter, or distortion for each track, rather than volume
  2. MIDI control over the morph parameter!
  3. Let me set the headphone output to a level that doesn’t make me fear for my hearing the entire time I’m using it :confused:
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Can someone tell me how to edit micro-timing of steps? I can’t seem to find it in the manual or anywhere else.

You need to edit a step. So press voice twice so it flashes and shows VEL/nte/prb -> then press the step you want to microtime edit and it changes to FLM/shf.
shf is what you want, it goes from -7 to 0 to +7.

FWIW , I don’t see it in the manual either :slight_smile:


Ah…I saw that but thought it meant shuffle (which wouldn’t make sense) which shows as SHU elsewhere. Thanks

I agree the naming ‘shf’ (short for Shift? but v similiar to Shuffle) is a bit confusing, but ok once you know.

Does anyone know what ‘RST IN’ jack is on the back? the manual doesn’t say anything. I Guess it’s reset ____ , maybe clock or factory reset?

I’ve emailed erica synths about RST IN, I also request class compliant audio over USB in a future release.

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Struggling to get the LXR-02 working with Midi CC. I have it hooked up to my DAW via USB and everything is playing nicely, but when I send Midi CC nothing seems to happen.

EG: CC9 should change the Coarse Pitch of Voice 1 (something obvious to test against)

  • I’ve tried adding a CC9 lane on Midi Channel 1 (Drum 1 is receiving on Midi 1)
  • I’ve tried adding a CC9 lane on Midi Channel 16 (the Auto channel on LXR)

Both have no effect.

But Midi CC is being sent, if I send CC1 (Mod Wheel) to Midi Channel 16 I can hear the Mod Wheel changes to the audio.

Has anyone got and tips to help me get this working?


Are you using chromatic mode? I.e. the trigger note set to any, because I found using midi cc and chromatic mode are mutually exclusive (you can use only one or the other). Make sure the track you want to send midi CC is set to ch1, you’ll probably want all 7 tracks set to ch1, and the global midi receive set to 1 also.

Check my earlier post in this thread, see if it helps:

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Trying hard to decide between this and a Nord Drum 3P

LXR has LFO’s, morph features, etc. Sequencer not crucial, as I’ll sequence externally.

Nord has a smoother sound.

So basically, I guess I’m worried if the LXR is too rowdy and all about teh distorted techno stuffs. How does it seem in use, is it versatile enough? Optimally, it’d do melodic, fragile tiny percussion, as well as beefy drums (without resorting to a crapton of distortion to achieve it).


I would say if you like the Nord sound go with that… The LXR-02 is a great machine I am sure capable at making less distorted techno sounds(i have made a few), but it’s also kinda setup to make those noise too based off the signal path etc… It’s a tough call… never had a nord drum, but do still miss the congos from my nord lead 2…

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That must be it - I did have all channels playing chromatically. That’s a bit weird that CCs don’t work if playing chromatically - but good to know that’s the solve. Thank you! :heart_decoration:

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Yeah, it is a little restricted I agree, maybe fixed in future firmware updates, but at least choices can be made depending on our intentions . Choose your path :smiley:

At least you can cc the tuning :wink:
Better than nothing.

I’m less about distorted sounds myself. There are distortions in the effect slot, but you don’t have to use those (I haven’t yet). Also just make sure to keep the individual drive controls down to a minimum. It’s useful on a kick to give it more presence, but I don’t find it necessary to crank it. the LXR is certainly more than capable of clean, round, gentle, melodic percussion.


I agree with you about the master FX… and honestly I wish they would take it out and say bring back uploading your own samples in for the “click” like in the original LXR firmware. Seems a waste of power… aside from maybe the master compressor… though my complaints with the FX could possibly be addressed in a firmware update…

This thing can be squeaky clean. I think people looking at ANYTHING from Erica (and Sonic Potions in this case) need to realize that Girts and crew like the rough stuff. :smiley: So that’s the type of demos you get, and it attracts other artists that are into the same aesthetic. That does not mean that these types of sounds are all that can be made with the devices.

They get as dirty as you make them. (Or as clean.)

Just synthesis tools in a box. If you don’t want dirty distorted sounds, don’t push the drive features or use the distortion effects. Simple!