Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

Aaaaand another one :wink:
Only sounds from the LXR this time.


Top :ok_hand:since the module is out, I try to see if you can do a mini techno system with it (replacing all drum and bass modules by it).

Such a cool pairing with the pressure point @Stazma

I never really understood it’s appeal, but this added level of hands-on is very nice

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Thanks ! the Pressure Point is one of my fav modules, it can come in handy in a lot of situations like this when you want some hands on control on multiple parameters.

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Yeah it really looks appealing as a method! (Sounds good too)

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Is the LXR fun on its own? I’ve sold almost everything but want a sequencer that can send MIDI out but also something I can play with on its own for minimal techno jams. Bitbox Micro handles sampling thought this would be fun with it.

I would say yes to that. It’s small, can be played with for hours with just a battery pack, has incredible sonic range, and those sliders are a sweet little hands-on performance tool.


If you just stay withing lxr alone, it really rocks.

I hit several times nasty bugs while pairing with other gear. In the end I just sounddesign and drop that into samplers.

Last update has several problems too as I read in this forum, so I didn’t update.
I keep it, because: it’s 1) small 2) sounds good 3) I hope future firmwares are more reliable.
But I do not put it on my table all the time, only if I want some hard drums that are not covered by my sample library.

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For sure it is. You can easily build full tracks with it. However there’s some peculiarities to keep in mind probably: Noise floor makes gain staging painful. Updates (as mentioned) are sometimes buggy in the past and most recently. Pattern switching might not be very fluent sometimes… (no reference for this at hand, better search for it!)

But still… Faders are so much fun and it can produce blasting noises!

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Full demo and review coming in a bit right here! Feel free to tune in and say hi :wink:


Hello everyone!
Today I noticed some crackling noises whenever I use the Morph function, even with the slightest movement. I don’t think it’s the knob itself as it only happens when morphing.
I’ve tried reloading the project, turning on/off the unit, changing patters/kits and the problem persists.

Anyone had this or know what might be happening?

Have you tried with different combinations of kits (LOAD + KIT, LOAD + MORPH) , does it still happen then?

[EDIT] seems like you did, I just reread your post properly :slight_smile:

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Yes, thanks. Also no external midi connected. Only thing left is to reinstall OS. But I’ll wait for Erica’s ticket reply before doing that.

Much deeper and better than I ever imagined!

LXR-02/ Digitone/ Big Sky/ Space Echo DubTechno Lost Place Improvisation:


this track is excellent. nice work

I’m trying to use the sync out from my Keystep to sync the LXR-02. It seems that I have to turn the LXR to EXT sync but also press the play button before pressing play on the Keystep for it to start at all. This poses a problem when I stop the Keystep sequencer, as I have to press Start on the LXR again. Is this how sync just works, or am I doing something wrong?

Anyone else experience a steep learning curve with the LXR-02? I was on the verge of returning it multiple times because I couldn’t seem to crack the work flow and make anything that sounded good. But after many hours of study and RTFM’ing, i’ve come to the conclusion that this may just be the best drum machine ever created. It’s almost like a bizarro-world Pērkons. Un-immediate brilliance. I’m at the point where I want to buy another to have a backup.


I love it’s sound but find it confusing and a bit annoying to use workflow wise.
I’d wish they had made a much more accessible and clear UI like Elektron machines. All buttons are in red light only and so it can be unclear which menu you’re currently in. Also no smart features like Control All so for me it’s not performance friendly. The Morph feature is a cool idea but usually the results are too extreme for performing and the range is huge so you have to turn the knob a number of times to get to the Morph kit fully (knobs are hard to turn fast). It has automation but it’s a strange way of doing it and editing several lanes of automation is tedious.

Again - I LOVE it’s sound but I think ES has put this one out too hastily without really thinking it’s design through. Only one serious update with new features since it came out.


I’m loving the sound and flexibility, but I agree the workflow is a bit difficult because of the samey looking buttons and array with all-red leds. But I’m getting used to it, I’m just a little spoiled by Elektron’s digi line workflow, which I love.

About the Morph function, I like it more when I design the kit I’m going to morph to, normally a variation of the original kit. Using it with random kits is usually bonkers, but is good for finding “in between” kits and saving those as new.


I feel the same way and struggle to get into the flow with it.

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