Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

it’s an awesome drum machine, has a real character to it and the morph feature makes it almost impossible for me to ever sell. that said it’s very buggy and doesn’t seem like erica synths cares to fix any of the bugs. probably would record the sequences into my octatrack for any live performance rather than risk playing it live.


Are you running the latest firmware (1.4 i think)? I haven’t run into any bugs, but I have heard in the past it’s buggy.


It sounds so nice, but I found it quite buggy too, even on the latest firmware (1.4). i.E. if you drone a voice with long decays and change a pattern or kit the same voice starts to drone again (sometimes). At least on my unit, that was the case.


I hate to say it but 1.4 is buggy too… the device is fine for making music but if you are driving a midi clock to it and then trying to do live editing of sounds I always get hiccups coming from the lxr-02… maybe it’s just me…


yeah i’m running 1.4 but still buggy unfortunately. the encoders don’t seamlessly advance (there is a “dead zone” at some parts when turning the knobs, confirmed by other units), sometimes turning one encoder causing the parameter next to it to increase by 1, switching patterns sometimes the next pattern button doesn’t light up, and still finding issues with the display not showing values after waking from standby mode.

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I had a terrible time with an OT and didn’t much care for the M:S, so I rather like the old school barebones display of the LXR-02. The one thing I do dislike about it is that the ‘shift’ and ‘pattern’ buttons are set so far apart you have to use 2 hands to do that.

One thing about morphing is that if it changes the ‘transient sample’ weirdness can happen. Just had this irritating intermittent aliasing blip on a morphed kick drum that turned out to be coming from there.

I use ‘load+pattern’ instead of ‘shift+pattern’. It’s a bit closer.

I had a crackling noise in one kick when morphing. Contacted support and they said it was a random error and that hopefully it won’t happen again. Maybe it was the transient sample after all.

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Cheers that rather obvious fix had totally not occurred to me.

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I find the LXR-02 to be a great sounding drum machine but find the UI to be UnIntuitive :wink: I do like the sliders but that’s about it.

Every time I use it, I feel lost, as I’m so used to the Elektron workflow. Clearly, I need to spend more time with it, but if I don’t gel with new kit after a few weeks of use I tend to want to get rid of it. Saying that, I bought an OT back in 2016 and it nearly killed me learning it for a year and then I ended up selling it, only to buy an OT mk2 again earlier this year, which I find much more intuitive to use now that I have become more fluent in Elektron workflow over the last 5 years.

Similarly, I bought an MD UW mk2 in 2017 and couldn’t figure that out properly - I sold it and now regret that massively!

If I don’t get into the LXR-02 and do sell it, I’d still want to get another pure digital machine, possibly something like a Volca Drum, as I liked that a lot when I had one last year - it was just too limited. If Korg made a version of Drumlogue that was similar in form factor but based upon the engines from the Volca Drum, kind of like Volca Drum is to Volca Beats, then I’d probably snap that up in a second.

Ultimately, if Elektron made a new MD, using the latest workflow techniques from newer machines, that would be tremendous. It’s not like asking them to make a new OT where that team is no longer part of Elektron. The skills for making a killer MD replacement must be part of their existing skill set.

Anyway, dream on, James :slight_smile:

I’ve started sequencing the LXR-02 with Digitakt again, set up a template and you can then also play each channel with the new scale(s) keyboard, nice :slight_smile:


That’s a good idea - I just like to master a machine on its own first to get a feel for it before I control it with other gear. I’ve got a Hapax, so will skip the direct UI issues and go straight to controlling it. Just need to figure out the instrument midi definitions for the LXR-02 to see if that helps my love grow for it.

Anybody got a Hapax instrument definition file for LXR before I start from scratch? :slight_smile:

was hoping it’s called the syntakt…time will tell;)

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I would say the LXR-02 is pretty classic or linear in the menu’s for sound creation… I never really use a machine per say to seq.(I use ableton for that) but the LXR-02 was a bed friend for a while and found it to be as easy as any drum machine with the classic 16 step(never did anything crazy with the seq. though).

I feel it’s honestly not that much of a menu dive machine, though I could understand maybe the FM page being before the Envelope and mod. pages as I feel that would be a little more linear for sound design(maybe move the LFO page forward as well). It’s a great machine… but it also does exactly what I want it to do easily… make hard industrial drums… so maybe it’s just me…

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the midi implementation is great and if the Hapax can send NPRN as well as CC then you will be a very happy camper.

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I’m just being impatient - I’m sure it’s easy once given a few solid hours to get fluid with its operation.

Yes, Hapax can do all of that, so reckon this will be the making or breaking of the machine for me.

Not really had much of a desire for ST as have AR, A4 and DT, so feel there would be too much duplication…….or maybe I could sell them and just have a ST! Haha.
Couldn’t part with the A4 though as that’s a gnarly piece of kit :boom:

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I have all four… and I have to say the syntakt just sits in it’s case. That being said I wouldn’t part with it… or any of them quite frankly!

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I just pushed the button on a Modor DR-2, so will test it back to back with the LXR-02 and see which one I want to keep :+1:


Please keep us posted on comparisons, pros and cons how they match up