Erica Synths SYNTRX

Nice! I would too if I could. This synth is a piece of art. It’s not an exact copy of an AKS which IMO is great! I love synths that are inspired by a great piece, but take it in another direction, modernize, etc. I understand the love of the classics as well. Honestly one could have this and an AKS and be quite happy :smiley:

Anyway, I think you made a good choice. Enjoy!!!

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I’ve been over here the past few days thinking about selling a bunch of gear to fund one of these. It seems so interesting and flexible. The most likely scenario is that this is a pipe dream, but maybe I can snag a swcond-hand unit down the road a bit.

Three Wave Music is one of the finest synth shops I’ve ever been too. It’s such an synth oasis and the guys running the shop are super nice.


Yeah, them saying it is limited to 600 units made me feel the chance of getting a good deal used might take some serious waiting but you never know. I suppose they also haven’t said they wouldn’t do a second run. I also have to imagine they will consider doing an mk2 down the road, seems too cool to limit to 600 to me, or maybe they will release some of the key parts as eurorack modules for cheaper, potentially an improved mixer matrix module from what they used to make?

thanks for the note on that. I was trying to look into how trustworthy they were to order a $3k item through and reviews were either 4 star or 1. seems they’re less regarded for synth repair but people love shopping there…?

by the way, just went and did the same because I had to check whether you could change patches via midi CC. you can’t…but how friggin’ cool would that have been!?!

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You’ll have nothing to worry about buying a synth from them. I bought several synths from them with no problems. I have only one experience with them with repairs and they did a fine job but with repairs you are always going to get a mix bag.

Yeah that would have been really cool, I am not totally sure it can’t but there is no mention of it or of backing up the matrix presets you make, but program change is often not in the same section as midi so there’s a chance they left it out of the current manual… I sent them an email, to clarify if either would be possible. Hopefully there is a way to back up, and if you can back up it would seem like program change messages would be possible.

One sort of neat thing of buying direct from erica synths is once you spend enough you get up to a permanent 10% discount on all purchases from them


Interesting! Could you expand ? Would love to know the story :slight_smile:

plus you can throw in one of those t-shirts, which are pretty rad looking :rofl:

that’s awesome you asked about the patch/program change message. definitely post what they reply with. the manual starts the midi section by saying it’s quite basic, so I wasn’t surprised to see no CC messages after that. and I can see them saying “it can only handle a program change message every so many microseconds” or whatever, based on how long it takes to recall patches. (not that one would need a program change on the order of milliseconds, of course!)

They got back to me and currently there is no backup procedure or program change over midi, but they did say it would be possible for these features would be added in an update. So hopefully some day but obviously no guarantee that it will get them.


thanks for the update on that! hopefully they add that in the future, because it would be pretty incredible. leverage the most unique part of this synth.

FYI: I saw over on MW that Erica said the first 50 units - originally supposed to ship yesterday - are delayed until June now.

I’m still on the fence about it. I have enough synths that I need to spend more time with. but it is quite unique and I’d love to spend some time with one. we’ll see…


Yeah when I ordered it was saying end of June online, but I’m probably not with in the first 50.


Good review by Loopop, he really looks at the Syntrx from all angles.

And as per usual i pay close attention to the Pros and Cons section at the end, as well as all the “it would have been nice if they” and the “maybe they’ll fix it in the firmware later”. Some surprises for me there.

Interesting to see the actual signals – this isn’t the standard square, triangle, saw, sine sort of deal.


Yeah, although I do feel like he stuck to more standard synth patches with it more than I would have liked to see, only really his outro was hitting some deeper sonic examples. Like I wanna see an oscillators going to the reverb fully wet and then having the reverb ringmod the oscilators but no actual reverb on the output, or maybe just the reverb with some feedback being used for modulations so taping the machine would cause the sound to be effected more so. I suppose I am already sold on the syntrx though and mostly want to see someone doing deep experimentation on it, as well as more processing of full drummachines and things like that.

He did have a good example of how the filter acts and is effected by the level being sent to it… kind of uncharacteristic of what I am used to but seems wild if you need it to be but also it sort of balances its levels out and becomes more tame with more volume so you don’t blow up people ears with a crazy accidental resonant spike.

I think I am still at least a month out before my unit arrives. Must not think about it too much, just busy myself with my current set up.


agreed. that’s what these videos are missing. I’ve not heard anything yet that makes me go “NEED!”

I’ve now allotted this money to something else anyway, but I’m hoping if I do have that “NEED!” moment once these get into more people’s hands, that I’ll be able to find one. we’ll see…

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first little try at a song with it and the digitakt, syntrx is doing a sort of drone along with audio processing on the digitakt and some squeaky bits from the filter. Still need to try out so much more with it.


here we go!

A little snippet of fussing about with it as a audio processor, this time on samples mostly created in the syntrx played back on a digital. I probably am over doing it a bit on the reverb but I kinda like the distant vibe it gives.

As far as a light impressions go, it’s really very nice… the shape sine wave, noise/sample&hold, and filter all stand out as the special sauce to me so far, haven’t owned anything that acts quite like them. Obviously the matrix is the most important part and it’s done impressively, the 3 level stages per pin seems like enough to me I’m definitely not missing the ability for full control over the individual peg levels. Also as far as the patch memory but no knob memory goes I think one will become in sync with it more or less, I’ve found it easy to pull up a memory and get back to a musical spot within that patch, those knobs in the oscillator tuning makes it really fast to dial in precise settings.

I’ve never used a synthi or a pin portabella, but I feel like it captures that synthi spirit but with its own flavor and nice modern touches. Lots of big sweet spots between the madness.


urge to buy: rising…