Eurorack Cases

Hey all,

Eurorack virgin, but starting to get the bug. Would love to put together a small setup over a couple years…

So obviously the first place you have to start is a case…

Wondering if anyone can offer any advice? I’m in Australia so not sure where to buy, or is it better to build your own case? Most I’ve looked at seem quite expensive…

Do people recommend starting with a smaller case and then buying a bigger case once you’ve got more modules, or start with a bigger case and fill as you go…

If anyone is aware of any particularly rad or informative guides about this online I’d love some input.

I’m interested in some of the mutable instruments stuff, i’m also interested in a no-coast potentially as a starter also which I could possibly get before worrying about a case…

Appreciate any advice for someone starting out in eurorack… I don’t see myself having a room full of stuff but potentially a nice portable travel case I can take with me easily

Also if there’s another thread this post is better suited in feel free to merge

what about this one ?

Synthracks is a good company but as far as I know they’re UK based so you’ll end up saddled with shipping and customs charges. You might be better starting off with something like a 2nd hand A100 Doepfer flightcase, Pittsburgh Modular case, Monorocket etc. and source it locally if possible at first as it should save you some cash until you commit, (or not) no euro. A cheaper alternative is to use a mixer case or similar and power it with some Tiptop happy ending kits, of course you could always build your own. With ER it’s always worth getting a larger case than you’d expect as you WILL fill it, it can be addictive.

If you can get it I’d suggest starting at 84 / 104hp 6u which should be enough to produce a decent travelling rig.

As for advice I’d say sign up to Muff Wigglers forum plus there’s now plenty of YouTube vids from CabCurio, Noir et Blanc, DivKid, Mylar Melodies…


Thanks mate. I just remembered Modular Rig, might have a plan around on there

Also this might be a dumb question, but is there any order in which modules should be placed?

I know there answer is likely no - it’s not like an effects chain or sequence of things because everything happens on the module through patching right? there’s actually nothing that happens under the hood apart from power?

A better question might be, are there certain nodes that are a must in a modular rig? obviously you need a final output stage, i guess and amp, an eq? is there a general practice of barebones functional basics one needs aside from the more esoteric modules in the sound generating /sequencing stage?

Again might be a dumb question, i’ve only played around with modulars a couple times.

also on the Output front, are there any sick / unique outputs modules on the market to be aware of? i know there some are some digital audio interface type things but wouldnt know where to look… and yeah, i should sign up to wigglers :slight_smile:

There are makers of great eurorack case in Australia

Amalgamod Eurorack case

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It’s a person opinion, but I’d say no to a particular order. It’s all about your own workflow. I personally like types of modules together such as VCOs, modulators etc. but not everything has only one function, (i.e. MN Maths) so this rule then becomes flexible plus sometimes you find yourself using the same module so often you end up moving it in the case. If you’re looking at subtractive synthesis then you might want VCO - filter - VCA all together but you could be limiting yourself to a very tradional flow, plus you’ll be missing some of the open benefits of modular. It might be worth you planning out a rack using the Modular Grid website, which also has a good forum for hints and tips.

As a start you’ll need something like an oscillator, VCAs, envelope, sequencer, modulation sources (super important) and output stage. As you’re probably aware it’s not cheap, but there are some options that combine quite a few modules like Make Noise DPO, Pittsburgh Modular Synth Block, Intellijel Atlantis (Atlantis + Metropolis are two modules that will cover a lot of ground on their own). You can get multiple VCAs in single modules too (Mutable Veils) and envelopes (Intellijel Quadra). With only a small set up you’ll get along with some small mixers like those from Bastl or Malekko. Some of the multiple VCA modules can act as mixers too.

I’d go simple on the output for now, Pittsburgh Modular Outs, Make Noise Rosie. Something that will let you get the signal out of the box and also run it to headphones.

Don’t worry about any stupid questions, if you come from a fixed architecture synth background (which we all mostly do) modular can be mind boggling. Most folk on forums are helpful.

If you want to look at digital IO have a look at the Expert Sleepers modules.

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Thanks for that, really appreciate it.

Yeah I’ve had some contact with modulars before, really enjoyed that doco about it all too (i dream of wires i think its called). But yeah it’s often a lot to grasp.

Honestly sitting here with the Digitone and very happy, I think this will keep me occupied for a while till i get something going.

Appreciate the information about the outputs

Thanks man

No worries. Enjoy what you’ve got for now, Euro’s a slippery slope…

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I live in Aus and buy from perfect circuit. I haven’t built a case yet, so far I just bought Tip top z rails and z ears. I would suggest 104 HP because you will want to buy more modules than you initially think :wink:

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I found this dudes video series, very cool, straight to the point and no waffling, nicely produced, helped me a lot, especially finding out about the free Rack software for download, very cool :slight_smile:

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If you don’t want to spend tons of money on a case you can get this:
The design is up to you and it’s a fairly simple build. (no electronics experience required)

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i discovered these rather nice cases via an artist called lightbath, mdr from russia

again massive noob question, is there any thing one needs to be aware of with regard to power? or would i just buy the correct power supply in Aus. mdr appear to fit there cases with Motovilo power setups

i quite like the 3U box and the stands are ace. 6U probably is my future however

I wouldn’t recommend anything smaller than 84hp on 6U. A doepfer LC6 is the minimum imo.

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It really depends on what you want to do with the system. Classic synth voice? FX Mangling Box? Self-running Drone machine? Modular Drumsynth? Music Concrete machine?
I recommend to look at Doepfer sample systems and at Make Noise sample systems to get a feel for what you want. It´s best to set yourself some goal. If not, a system will grow infinitely.
And 3U 104HP can also be enough…

Thanks for the advice :slight_smile:

I guess I have a lot of research to do but I don’t mind the idea of a small case being the ‘goal’ that limits what I buy, and through trial and error and buy sell swap I arrive at a nice small system that serves my purposes / interests

On another note - I notice cases often refer to depth - 5cm, 6cm, 7cm 8cm etc

Is there anything to be aware of here and any benefit to deeper cases or is this something that can catch me out for some reason?

I can highly recommend a case from Lamond Design. Cost a bit extra but the woodwork is stunning. I got my case today and im super Happy with it.

Here is how mine looks

And here is a link to Lamond Design


You just need to be aware that some modules are quite deep, whereas some are quite shallow. A ‘skiff’ is a shallow type of case, so if a module is described as ‘skiff friendly’ it suggests that it’s a quite shallow unit. A very rough rule of thumb is that digital modules tend to be shallower than analog, but most websites will list the size specs anyway. You probably want to aim for a relatively deepish case to cover all possibilities, around 8cm.

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I have an Intellijel 7u 84hp and I love it. It has audio in and outs included in the case, same with midi + a protective lid and additional bag (which is great if you move around with it). This and a Digitakt is all I have and is quite sufficient to make full tracks with. There’s also a 104hp version. Also the power is very reliable, I’ve never have even one module not working properly; which to me is extremely important; you really don’t wanna be stuck with bad power.

I would recommend highly as a first case and the 7u space constraint is actually a good thing.


So I was reading about 1u modules and apparently there’s some disrecpencies between intellijel and the rest of the 1u world?