Expressive E Osmose

They’ll soon be back, and in greater numbers.

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It is a bit of an engineering experience, at first. However, don’t worry, support for the EM is definitely great. The EM people are a wonderful community. With the EM, you will feel like Neo: overwhelmed and confronted with the choice between the blue and the red pill. Great power comes at a price. For myself, I’ve decided not to check how deep the EM goes :grin:

video is back again :slight_smile:

really nice walkthrough… its also first chance to see the finished (?) firmware.
… its quite interesting to see how they have gone a little beyond the Eagan Matrix.
(… or perhaps many of these things are now in continuum firmware too?)

Editor (and Max)
the editor software includes the max runtime, its an ‘implementation detail’ that it uses Max, the user doesn’t really see this (and certainly does not need a max license)

for iOS , you can also use Spring Sound

(Im assuming Christophe has/will update for Osmose since he’s part of the EM development, including for the Osmose)

all very exciting…


Sake! I have to go out for a Xmas lunch and want to watch this instea.

Quick note - it looks bigger than I expected!

In person it was smaller than I expected ….
Perhaps presenter has small hands :laughing:

Anyways , keyboard is standard size , so that gives you basic idea of size.

Now , question is … do I start rearranging things in preparation… or is that created space , going to stare at me till it arrives?

Such as?

The R peggiator functionality looks sick!

Everything I saw was already in the EaganMatrix controls, the problem is the interface makes all the macros and stuff quite opaque but these are pretty easy to setup control with an external controller with midi mappings.

There’s some sections in the Continuum Guide to set them up with an external controller like a BeatStep/BeatStep Pro.

yeah, Im familiar with the Continuum/Eagan Matrix.
indeed the macros/barrels have always been like this, thats not surprising.
(similarly the aspect of Osmose control are no surprise either they have no part in the EM)

however, the bit that is surprising to me, is the talk of the EQ/Compressor
(etc) - as far as I remembered, there’s no standard end chain EQ/Compressor in the EM !?
(the only bit ‘fixed’ bit on master, is recirculator and 2 convolution)
so the question is… how do these map? such that they exist in every patch?!

but as I said, Ive not downloaded the latest EM editor… and Ive not played with the EM that much,
so could be either is new… or that Ive just missed it in the past.

(Im sure these components must be being done some how in the EM… as it’ll be responsible for all audio… but they are kind of new to me, as being part of EM)

Just took a quick look, I see EQ with references to 9.1 and later and the Compressor with references to 9.55 and later in the Continuum Guide.


ah, yeah its not showing in EM editor for me…
but that said, with nothing connected seems like the EM editor is not fully ‘active’ a few things are working as it does when an instrument connected… so perhaps when Osmose is connected it’ll appear in editor :slight_smile:
what surprised me, was theres no mention of it in the EM manual. (at least that I saw)

as you say its in the continuum manual though… added 9.55, same time as Osmose support :wink:

anyway , no matter all will be clear once Osmose arrives…

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The manuals have a bit of an odd organization because the EaganMatrix MIDI implementation really should be on the EaganMatrix manual but it’s in the Continuum Guide.

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With Osmose, Haken Audio will have definitely managed to step up their game. There are now 4 different varieties of EM devices in circulation, enough to popularise the EM and to make the Continuum appear less exotic :slight_smile:

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Kenton Killamix Mini (I have two) is a natural here, but you have to keep the editor open while you use it.

One of the things I liked in the prototypes was how “naked” the keys looked, and how they took up a lot of the surface area. In the quick start video it looks as though the dimensions and proportions changed. The black part of the keys looks shorter, and/or perhaps the case is bigger. Interesting to compare with this video from three years ago.

Correct. I edited the post to make it more obvious.

Heres an 55mins of Jordan Rudess jamming on his Osmose

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I’m on the early bird list for this… it looks awesome but seriously…. What am I (a hack) going to do with something like this?

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get gud


Noodle around and have fun. If you find it enjoyable that’s all that matters.

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