Expressive E Osmose

The $1799 is inclusive of VAT. If you ordered from them directly from the US, that VAT would be deducted. There’d be no US sales tax collected, but there would be import fees, as it’s over the $800 threshold, and likely shipping fees.

I ordered my Iridium from Thomann, can’t remember what the import tax was, but it was quite low, so you should still be well below the $1799 all in.

The blip in price on the website was when it was showing the price without VAT (20%).

Unless of course they publish a new price when the site comes back online…

I’ve checked my spam and junk folders, as well as on my expressive e account, and they haven’t even collected payment from me yet. I think I was on the last day of the first round of preorders, but I could be wrong. Also in the US, so IDK if I might be getting delayed because those are shipping out of a different warehouse from within the US.

Mine went from on backorder (paid), to payment accepted, to processing order (and its on that since yesteday



congrats! I’m curious about your experiences with osmose. I’m still waiting for the delivery.


Still too soon. Installing the firmware.
The instrument looks and feels awesome.
One minor gripe, though, the power connector is so loose that it disconnects extremely easily. That will probably be fixed really soon.
EDIT : My bad, it’s a lockable power chord. It’s amazing and I’m a fool.


isn’t there a lockable power supply connector? mentioned in the QuickStart guide


Damn ! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Oh man. I can’t tell you how excited I am about this synthesizer!


Nice! For the impatient of us, could you share what happened to your order on the Expressive E website before you got it? Was “Processing in progress” the last status you saw, and in that case, how long did it take between the status changed and you got confirmation of the device shipping?

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I can’t really tell sorry, I deleted the e-mails and the website updates the status without creating a new line in the history. I don’t want to spread wrong informations.

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Can’t tell you how excited I am to have the incredible arovane on Elektronauts!!



I am happy to be here with you all, on Elektronauts!


It’s way too soon, but overall my first impressions are very good.
A few random things I noticed :

  • it’s cool that you have this empty space in front of the keys : you can rest your wrest on it and use it as a lever. This way you’re more precise in bends.

  • I expected this, but black keys call more bends than white keys. White keys are less safe to bend. (maybe if they had been slightly excavated ?)

  • Globally, the presets sound awesome.

  • The pitch bend stick is a nice surprise. I like it very much.

  • Don’t know if it’s dependent to the way the sounds are programmed, but the PB (via the ‘cursor’ on the left) value is ‘sample and held’ for each note, so with a long release, you can play the pitch bend ‘polyphonically’, and it’s awesome.

  • Sometimes, things seem to happen a bit out of control, like loud spikes (usually because of release velocity of super light touch on adjacent notes ?). But I think it’s a matter of carefully crafting the presets, and of course, learn how to play them properly.

  • I didn’t try yet, but I really hope making your own presets is not too much complicated (I personally dislike using presets that I didn’t create)

  • It feels like a good preset can keep you busy for years. It’s gonna be a matter of discipline to keep focus.


great! thank you very much for sharing your first impressions with us.

Yeah. That email can’t come soon enough. I think I must have just missed the first wave of call ups.

This sounds very promising and really what I was hoping for. I was imagining going back to capturing lots of live takes again, which will be a nice shift in the way I make music.

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Trying to connect Osmose to Haken Editor. No success for now. Tried with the two Osmose Ports, none seem to make the connection.
I’m on Mac OS 12.5.1.
I’m still on Max 8.5.0, will upgrade to 8.5.2 and see if there is a difference.
Not sure it’s relevant, but my MIDI ports are labeled “Osmose Port 1” and “…Port 2”, not “Osmose Play” and “Osmose Taken” as stated in the QuickStart guide.

EDIT : still no luck. I wrote to the support. Taking a swim (literally) and get back to it.

Double-check this: MIDI & Global settings (under the gear icon) should have Osmose selected for input and output.

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That is a challenging stance to take with the eaganmatrix! In Haken instruments, there are templates you can start from. That helps a bit. The haken instruments com with about 1000 presets I think, so i am not sure wether the Osmose presets also contain the templates.
There is an 11 session introduction course programming the EM here (oldest videos).
I imagine the Osmose presets are very well thought out and have awesome macros that might transform them into entirely new sounds. It will be quite a feat to build new ones.


Congratulations on being the first elektronaut to receive the osmose ;-)!

but install firmware? was that necessary? you’d think the synth, new as it is, would already ship with the newest firmware on it (for standalone use)?

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