Expressive E Osmose

Although that’s probably one aspect for some, it’s more likely that the coincidence of Christmas means some people don’t have the cashflow to do it right this second and need a pay period or two to pull the money together.

Mine arrived today in UK, I had nothing from FEDEx, it just turned up. Only had an hour on it but it’s every bit as good as I hoped, smile on the face synth, so playable and expressive…it is the game changer they said it would be…


Just spotted the email saying I can jump the queue. Payment sent and hopefully it’ll ship out tomorrow per the email.

@SLiC - any fees paid in the end?

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Nope- unless a bill comes later it was just delivered with no fuss! I know where I have had VAT to pay before with DPD etc they don’t deliver until you pay on line, so maybe it is all included!

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You were dodging VAT through a business account weren’t you? Wonder if that would have something to do with it - not sure of the process!. Looking forward to finally getting my hands on an Osmose though. 3 years! What a wait!

VAT is included in the price we paid I think (so technically I can claim it back as I am VAT registered)

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Ah that was it, you’d be claiming it back. I’ve got this flu thing going around and my head is mush :joy:

I’m thinking about putting a stop to my alcoholism and using the savings for this thing. It seems perfect.


Were you on a waitlist? Or just the normal Expressive E mailing list?

I think it was a generic mail I got. Just said some folk decided not to take their order so I could take their place.

Should note that there’sa chance I still miss the available ones though. Guess I’ll find out tomorrow

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Blade Runner


I love the low synth notes produced by the EM, which make the room vibrate as much as a true analog synth.

The thing I had much fun with so far are the “octave 12st” patches such as “basuri” or “yokobue”. While you hold a note, the neighbours are not the next semitones but quarter tones (an so do the neightbour 12 notes): it feels great playing some non-Western scales like this.


So like while one key is down it becomes microtonal for the others but is normal until the first one is pressed?

Exactly. Brilliant implementation IMO.
It seems you can choose the spread of such behavior: some patches are displaying this on -12/+12 while others are on -2/+2 so that you can play close notes simultaneously and add a microtonal trill on the third.
Really good work.

Some patches sound a bit to digital to my taste, but I’ll try external FX later.
So much fun right now discovering this, feeling every finger doing it’s own thing ^^

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That’s pretty neat having finer discrete pitch resolution as you zero in on a target note.

Edit: This reminds me I had an idea for a 1/4 tone bending increment control setup for the Roland Aerophone around a particular tone.

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Am I the only person in the world to own 2 Osmose ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You didn’t?!?!

Did you…….?

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That is unfair! Perhaps the second box is the Osmose bag/case :rofl:
My Osmose has reached the Netherlands … FedEx is looking after it about 20km from here. There might be a (very) small chance they deliver the packages today … I can hope :innocent:

Hahaha, I didn’t. They did. Delivery mistake.
I made a very small order (a splitter USB cable) just before, and the address was wrong, so the parcel went back to them. I contacted them to fix the issue, and they sent the wrong item !
No need to say that I already contacted them, so this wonderful instrument can end in the right hands !