Expressive E Osmose

I enjoyed that. Favourite demo I’ve heard from it so far.

Just woke up, got an SMS and BAM massive Box is sitting in front of the door. It is here :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::raised_hands::heart_eyes:


You gonna spend a great day !
I’m a bit frustrated (holidays with two kids), as I will have to wait a few days to properly spend time with it.


Mine arrived this morning. Can’t wait for the evening so I can dive in!

So happy for you all! What a ride :slight_smile:

I’ve been following this thing a bit and I’m glad it is finally landing on people’s doorsteps.

Going to start saving for this :slight_smile:


I understand you.
At times it feels like keys are like barriers on a field where you could run free with the Continuum.

I have not checked what the Continuum is lacking compared to the Osmose, though. Way to pricey for me to even envision.

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mine has shipped too! estimated delivery january 4th

On contrary, it has the Y dimension that’s “lacking” in Osmose.

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I think the 1 inch depth of play for adding very quiet sounds or bowed sounds etc more than makes of for paying on a squishy surface, you can get very deep but subtle expression very easily with Osmose…I couldn’t do that with my Linnstrument or my EARE Touch…that inch or so of travel makes a real difference to me for how I play, I just cant do that on a ‘flat’ surface.


Why not connect your LS to the Osmose for a complimentary and continuous Xperience ? :wink:

The best part is that some EM presets have been adapted to each form factor. For example, LS’s Y axis is quite similar to the mini’s Y -> get your favorite EM preset from the Editor’s mini presets subfolder, copy it into your Osmose’s user memory and play it with the LS. Or you can check how the bigger brother’s variety plays on the Osmose …

Even though I’ve not played any of these types of instruments/controllers I’ve always been particularly interested in the ‘Slide’ function on the Roli Seaboard and I was hopeful the Osmose would include it.

But of course it’s a huge leap forward regardless and I’ll be saving for one.

You can set the range of the individual pitch, but there is no physical slide.

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The pressure sensitive portamento slide is just a different way of doing slide, I like it- especially as you can set the interval.


It is harder to play chords in tune on the Continuum.

OTOH, Continuum senses Y positioning.

OTOH again, Y position sensing is impractical on a traditional style keyboard like the Osmose’s. The tops of the black keys being higher than the tops of the white keys, as well the black key surface area being smaller makes individual finger control of Y position quite difficult.

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I didn’t think I’d ever be able to express what I am feeling with a keyboard. This damn thing is amazing.


Analog Echo has the best sounding noise I ever heard. Soooo goood. :heart_eyes:Wonder what algo is that. Effects in general are beautiful.

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Does the Osmose have external audio inputs?

No touch screen? Does it song mode?

I haven’t seen an I2C port in anything posted unless it’s the combined pedal version like they use on the ContinuumMini. Or one of the mysterious threaded slots is an I2C.

Not only that, I assume that, in the conventional way, the resistance along an Osmose key’s Y-axis increases as you lose leverage (right?). That would make controlling your Y-position and depth uncomfortable and annoying, I would think, even if it could be done. The Continuum being one big slab of neoprene has the same squishiness over practically its entire surface, making striking the keys at different Y-positions as well as varying your Y-positions as you hold a chord easy and natural, constrained only by your variable finger lengths.

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