Expressive E Osmose

Ah missed they used the alternate 5 pin method for i2c in the Continuum Guide.

There’s been only one modular video I’ve seen but it seems to be using normal midi.


Yeah it’s an odd choice but it’s also one of the few showing external control in any fashion.

Still it looks like there’ll be a flood of sound demo and interop demos for the next few weeks.

There’s been very few sound demo videos for the EaganMatrix for the past decade which should end up exceeding the pre osmose levels in a couple weeks at this rate.

Another long preset demo:

I will sell a mountain of stuff to raise funds the moment this becomes available for general sale. Do we know when that will happen?

No. But there have been a few hints/premature mentions via loose tongues on videos that something is going to happen on January 5th. It isnt clear if this is just something like the lifting of an embargo on videos from people who had advanced access to the Osmose, or something more such as a new round of orders being available, new page on the website for the Osmose etc. I’d certainly pay attention on that date anyway.

I don’t think this synth will get me more “productive” at creating tracks: I get the same satisfaction as with the OB-6 to just wander endlessly in different soundscapes ^^

What a nice piece of gear!


Have you tried the Osmose with the OB-6 yet? Its a nice combination, you just need to learn how to setup MPE mode on the OB-6, and then reduce the highest midi channel in Osmoses settings for external MPE output to take account of the fact the OB-6 only listens to channels 2-7 for notes in its MPE mode.

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Isn’t it what ‘multi-channel’ is for ?
By the way, (off topic) I’m super annoyed using the OB-6 in MPE, because it keeps static PAN positions for a given note, when using Pan Spread. Is anyone also annoyed by this behavior ?

thanks for the suggestion, gonna try this with my prophet 6 as soon as my osmose arrives

The multi-channel mode on the Osmose is for certain older synths from before the MPE era, synths that do allow midi channel per voice but arent familiar with concepts like the ‘master/global channel’ that comes with MPE. Its still very similar to MPE mode in many respects though.

The MPE mode on the Osmose does let you set the ‘end channel’, so you can use this MPE mode with the OB-6 just fine by reducing that number.

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Ah yes, the other Sequential synth that supports MPE. I dont own that one but as far as I know its MPE implementation is pretty much the same as the OB-6 which I am fortunate to own.

The manual addendum for the Prophet 6 that came with the firmware update covers all the detail of how to use its MPE mode:

And here is the same but for the OB-6:

Overlooked this, thanks !

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Other things to note about the external midi output on this firmware version of the Osmose:

The arpeggiator and pressure-weighted portamento dont work with this midi output yet. There is a page in the settings screen where they will be, but this only says ‘coming soon’ in this version.

For softsynths you can temporarily work around this by making use of the MPE+ Haken 2nd midi interface that shows up via the usb connection. MPE+ is backwards compatible with MPE. Can probably make this work with hardware MPE synths too if you then route that midi back out of the computer. But you dont have control of much of its config via Osmose screens, might be possible to limit channels etc if the EaganMatrix patches allow control over that stuff, I dont know much about this side of things yet.

Other thing to be aware of is that at the moment the octave range buttons only affect the external midi output (non-haken usb 1 and din) if you happen to have the ‘ext midi’ screens visible on the Osmose, and when in that mode the octave buttons no longer affect the internal synth engine (or haken usb 2). I’ve raised a ticket asking about this. Also if you use the octave buttons while holding notes, you’ll end up with stuck notes as upon release as the note off messages are for the new octave range, not the range used when you started holding the key. This stuck note issue doesnt happen with the Haken version of midi that comes out of the usb 2nd midi port.

I had the same thought about the mini initially. These days, I use the mini to spice up songs which seem too linear and it will excel at doing so if you don’t overdo the expressive part.

The expression you get with the EM is overwhelming at first. After this initial hurdle gone will be the days where you absolutely needed an instrument like a guitar to complement your synth tracks.

Thank you very much, I didn’t know the OB-6 was supporting MPE!!
Such a great thing to learn :kissing_heart:


Mine arrived yesterday! installed the new firmware and tried some presets and scrolling through menus and editing some settings. Curious to hear if you agree on my first impressions and what your initial experiences are:

First impressions:

  1. its a beautiful, welllbuilt instrument, bigger than I expected (especially wider and higher).

  2. the keybed is very sturdy, and a bit more resistance/heavy when pressing the keys than i expected

  3. I don’t know if its just me: but the output volume seems relatively low compared to my other synths

  4. The menu when scrolliing through it is sometimes a bit laggy, and I don’t really like the feel of the 4 continuous rotary knobs below the screen, sometimes I select something and due to the lag it move 2 steps instead of one. Do you guys recognize this? (the 2 stepped rotary knobs on the left side of the screen feel better).

  5. I’m going to need more time to get used to the instrument. At first glance it seems that there are almost too many presets, only a minority gave the ‘blow me away’ feel, most of them were meh. But this might be the first impression and should spend more time with it first.

  6. Its a bit higher (the keybed) than I expected, I planned to put it on my desk (which I did yesterday), but the ergonomics of this are not ideal, probably better if I put it on a (lower) keyboard stand. Do you have any recommendations for a good stand? where did you place your osmose?


There is definitely some filtering+customization to do.
I am doing a list of the patches to tweak and save as user’s presets.

good idea, because that way the list will be shorter and easier to navigate through. curious to hear how you edit the patches, do you mean the sensitivity settings? eq?

There are macros in the synth tab. And EQ, FX, etc.
That’s what I meant by “editing the patches” :slight_smile:


From some chat I’ve been involved with elsewhere on the internet its become clear to me that some people dont know the order reference code is clickable on the expressive e website. And so some people whose Osmose has shipped are unaware that the shipping tracking number can be found there. So I’m going to post this info in case it helps someone not to have their Osmose arrive suddenly without warning: You have to go to ‘order history and details’ and then click on the order reference code, which will then show you a page which includes a ‘carrier’ section which will include the tracking number. The tracking number is also clickable.

Also FedEx can be a bit conservative with their estimated delivery dates, so best to keep a regular eye on the tracking to make sure yours doesnt go out for delivery earlier than originally stated.